
Hey Fitnesspal fam!

My name is Georgia. I am almost 6 months postpartum and my goal is to loose around 20kg to my pre pregnancy weight.
Anyone else in the same boat that want to be accountability buddies? 💪🙋


  • galove87
    galove87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Georgia! My name is also Georgia and I'm almost 7 weeks postpartum and am wanting to lose around 30 pounds to my pre pregnancy weight as well. I'm currently at 182.4 but want to go back to 150. But am doing baby steps (no pun intended haha) as in I'm trying to lose around at least 2 to 3 pounds a week. I would love to be accountability buddies!
  • mscrys1201
    mscrys1201 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Georgia and welcome to MFP! Looking for the same. 1 yr postpartum here. Feel free to add me 😊
  • gracetipikin
    gracetipikin Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Im Grace. 2 months post partum and have 43lb to go to get back to my pre baby weight from my first child. I've had back-to-back pregnancies so I'm looking forward to giving myself some time to get back in shape
  • sweetsiepop
    sweetsiepop Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Georgia! I cannot say I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm in the same lake 😅. I am trying to get back to my pre-injury weight and I would love to have an accountability buddy. Getting your body back after childbirth is no joke! I'll be here to support you if you need it.
  • jordinbooher
    jordinbooher Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Georgia! I am 6 weeks postpartum trying to go from 165 to 135. Would love to be accountability buddies!
  • aleigh74rummel
    aleigh74rummel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Georgia! I’m Allie! I’m 5 months postpartum and breastfeeding. I’m looking to lose at least 60 pounds. I’m currently 240 and want to get back to 180. I would love to be accountability buddies!
  • yl639129
    yl639129 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m 2.5 months post partim with my first, and hanging on to about 25 new lbs. I’ve always thrived on exercise, but after a very difficult delivery I’ve been unable to do much until quite recently. Hoping to get back to my pre pregnancy weight in the next few months (158 lbs - 133 lbs) 🏋🏼‍♀️. Feel free to add me and keep each other accountable 🙃
  • twio2015
    twio2015 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi guys. I am Antoinette five months post partum and breastfeeding. Losing weight slowly just 1kg or so a week. I am eating at maintenance right now and will adjust as is necessary without losing my milk.
  • SOIJ20
    SOIJ20 Posts: 30 Member
    Same here! I'm 22months PP, (not sure when you can actually stop saying you're PP!) Looking to find same minded people to keep motivated, I'm a few kgs off my goal but it's been such a rollercoaster! :)
  • brittneyquintana
    Hi guys!
    I am 3 months postpartum unable to breast feed due to supply now. I was in the hospital a month with pprom prior to delivery then son in nicu for a few weeks. I had gained from covid to 160lbs now 196lbs from the baby but I use to be 135-145 so trying to get back there. 5 days a week work outs 1 hour and currently on 1200 calories. Feel free to add me 😊