Losing 25 pounds!

This is my 3rd mfp account... I don't seem to have much staying power, but maybe if I get more involved it'll help? So, hey guys :)
I'm Imogene and I would absolutely love to get down 25lbs. Not sure what else to say?

Ideally, I'd like to do this by christmas (about 13 weeks away!) Possible? Maybe. Hopefully.


  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    welcome back...this is my first attempt at MFP so hopefully with MFP and weight watcher I will be able to do.....if I lose 15 lbs by christmas I will be happy, since I quit smoking 3 years ago Im really having difficulty losing the 20 lbs I put on...
  • Good luck! You can do it!!!! I'm trying to lose 57 and its hard to keep focus. I've been on MFP for one week and am already thrilled with the results. The motivation and tracking tools have been great for me. GOOD LUCK, you'll do it!!!!
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    2lbs a week? yeah its a possibility :) good luck and welcome back!! :)
  • U can be down 25lbs by Christmas. Stay positive, and active and stay with using my fitness pal. I have been using and it's helping me a lot. Good Luck:):):) Mendy
  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    25lbs by Christmas is very realistic. It will take time, hardwork, and regular periodic effort. Set your priorities and stick to them and you will be there in no time. Well, really, 13 weeks or sooner if you work it hard. Best of luck!
  • Aww thanks everyone :) and wow, @rcbanham, you've lost so much already! :D
  • You can do it...I'm working the same goal to lose 25 pds by Dec 17th...I've lost two pds so far. It's been really hard to stay on track with exercising and eating on the weekends. But my husband and 3yr old daughter have been a great encouragment! I recommend doing cardio with short bursts (i.e. if ur running then for 20 secs run as fast as you can then go back to the original speed then repeat again) and dont forget you still need to strenght train
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    You can do it, welcome back. Please feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Added :)

    good luck Michelle!

    I'm hopeless at intensive workouts... i tend to just crosstrainer for up to 2 hours at a medium intensity, rather than work hard for a shorter time!
  • Good luck! You can totally do this. I need to lose about twenty pounds as well (by Christmas at the latest).