Stress Binge Eating

I have a problem with binge eating when I get stressed or upset. I never had this problem until pregnancy and it continued after. With my dieting the past week and a half I have been able to curb it and not binge, but I still get these wants. I feel like eventually I will give in, so I stopped keeping anything unhealthy snack wise in my house. But sometimes I feel like taking that drive to go get something :frown: (end of ramble lol)

I am just wondering how some of you stress binge eaters got passed this? I think besides my thyroid this is the biggest obstacle in my way to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.


  • EliDC
    EliDC Posts: 18 Member
    I have this problem too. I basically deal with it in three ways:
    1. Keep the foods that I'm most likely to reach for when stressed out of the house. It sends like you're already doing this.
    2. Distract myself. Watch a tv show, go for a walk, play with the cats...anything that engages my attention and keeps me out of the kitchen.
    3. Negotiate with myself. I'll try to trade the food for something that I would rather have. For a while I would deposit $5 in my ING savings account with my cell phone in exchange for not giving in to the craving - the savings account is specifically for buying new clothes when I reach my goal weight. I can't wait to spend that :)
  • I have this problem too. I basically deal with it in three ways:
    1. Keep the foods that I'm most likely to reach for when stressed out of the house. It sends like you're already doing this.
    2. Distract myself. Watch a tv show, go for a walk, play with the cats...anything that engages my attention and keeps me out of the kitchen.
    3. Negotiate with myself. I'll try to trade the food for something that I would rather have. For a while I would deposit $5 in my ING savings account with my cell phone in exchange for not giving in to the craving - the savings account is specifically for buying new clothes when I reach my goal weight. I can't wait to spend that :)

    I love the last idea!!!!
  • I get online and add in the binge food to my log. Then I look at the numbers and realize that the food isn't worth it. I'd much rather eat healthy and feel better about myself in the long run, then shove my emotions down my throat (which is essentially what binging does). Besides, I just feel even worse when I'm done overeating.

    If that doesn't work, I pick up a book or start texting friends. Or i'll pop in a movie and cuddle up with my husband.
  • Oh! Also, journaling helps me. It's something my therapist taught me to do. Getting all the emotions out on paper seems to be just the release necessary to ease the stress.