Hi There!

I've been using MFP religiously for over 4 months now, so I thought it was high time I introduced myself! :wink:

My name is Rachel! I'm 29 & living in NH w/my amazing husband, 20-month-old son & 4-month-old daughter. I'm a SAHM as of right now, but I'm hoping to apply to school for either Medical Assisting or Nursing soon!

I was a healthy weight & in good shape my entire life, until a few years after I graduated High School in 2000. It happened gradually, but before I knew it, I'd hit 242 lbs. I never in my wildest dreams would've EVER thought I'd weight that much in my lifetime. My self-esteem plummeted, as did my energy. I was a fat bride in 2008, and it still pains me to look at our wedding pictures. I can't believe I couldn't even be motivated enough to lose the weight for the biggest day of my life. BUT, that's the past; this is the present & I'm MORE than ready to stick to a healthy living plan & lose this weight once & for all! My husband is also overweight & we're doing this together. I started out at 242 when I got pregnant with my daughter, and was 240 the day I gave birth. 4 months later, I'm down to 202. My first goal is 199...it's going to feel SO amazing to FINALLY see that number be under 200 again! Unfortunately, I seem to kind of be "stuck" at the 202 mark, even though I've kept up with exercising daily & eating right, so I'm hoping that I may be able to meet some others who've had this problem & might have some advice for me!

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell; I look forward to "meeting" you all soon! :happy:


  • sheila0321
    sheila0321 Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome, Officially. I have been on here for about 3 weeks now. I love it. The support has been amazing. You can add me if you would like to. I have about 45 lbs to go. :)
  • PattiDu
    PattiDu Posts: 17 Member
    Hello and welcome. I remember being stuck at 202, seemed like forever before I hit the 100's. Now I'm 187, keep going, it'll happen for you too!
  • bs_price
    bs_price Posts: 12 Member
    maybe you should try switching up your calories for a couple weeks confuse your body if you are exercising every day take a couple days off if you are only eating 1200 calories a day try doing 1500 a couple days a week mix it up also switch up your workouts don't do the same things all the time switch it up your body gets used to the same things and it goes into a holding pattern good luck and you can add me if you would like and if you have any questions i will do my best to answer them or find you an answer again good luck you seem to be doing good so far
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Hi Mrs.Mattlin! I'm brand new myself and it sounds like we are the same age. I graduated in 2000 as well and I'm actually getting ready to get married in April. I started on the weightloss journey in January and things have been chugging along slowly but surely. Feel free to add me if you'd like some encouragement. I just got started here but I am definitely looking for a little extra motivation and tools to get me past the 30lb mark.
  • MrsMattin
    Thank you guys SO much for the support! It's SO helpful to have e-friends that are on the same journey with the same goal. We can ALL do this! :heart: