Restarting, but need some encouragement

Hi all. I hate asking for help but I have a feeling I won't be able to do this alone.

I'm trying to get back into my healthier lifestyle and need a boost. After losing a peak 53 pounds I've basically taken the last 4 months off to try and focus on mental health issues. (I've dealt off and on with depression and while I'm still struggling a lot, I'm slowly getting there in terms of conquering inner demons.) I kept up with tracking calories but upped my daily max to try and make myself feel better while getting really lax with working out (only doing so once or twice a week), and my stress--driven diet has included a lot more take-out "comfort food" from the local pizza places. Before I slacked off I had regained 5 pounds from my lowest weight - which was hopefully muscle, since my clothes still fit - and have gained 5 more since. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, especially since I can still get into last year's jeans, but I know I'm headed in the wrong direction.

Does anyone have any encouraging words so I don't feel like as much of a failure?

Please and thanks.


  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 106 Member
    First of all...great job with the loss!!! And dealing with all that stuff and managing to keep it to 10 pds!! Wow! Awesome! And to still be in your clothes! You are doing wonderful!! Make sure you tell yourself that! And just keep going!🤗
  • september192023
    september192023 Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes you need to give yourself grace and space before you take on the next big adventure. You sound like you are cognizant of your choices up to here, and are willing to change your habits - that's important! Don't try to take on the world in one fell swoop - that's how you set yourself up for failure. Get your pizza, but compromise and have two slices instead of four (or one instead of two). Take 10 minutes to yourself each day, lock the bathroom door if you have to, to focus on YOU and think about ALL OF THE GOOD THINGS you are working toward, that aren't just physical! You're doing great, keep moving forward!