hi all,

I WAS doing soooo great!!! then I decided to get up today and weigh in!! It is monday :) I was soooo excited cause I have been doing amazing and stopping eating at the 1200 cals and eating my excercise cals and staying away from sugars and carbs for the most part. Anyways I was up 2 lbs this week !!!! Now at 208!!! was 206 last week!!!

So I decided since I did great and gained soooooooooooooooooooooo I might as well ENJOY gaining and I downed a whole large bag of peanut M&M's (canada cinema sized) for breakfast! Man were they YUMMY!!! Then came the old thoughts - I will NEVER be able to do this. Not me. Others can but I will fail!!!

I know its a terrible attitude and I know I need to change it but I am just ticked that this happened when I was doing so good!! Ok I am done venting now!! Back on track tomorrow!! :)

thanks for letting me VENT!!!!


  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Don't wait for tomorrow. Start again right now (actually, I think you have started again just by posting.) Not only will you feel better immediately, you will avoid all the crap food that you might otherwise eat between now and tomorrow.

    And don't beat yourself up over a slight hiccup. If the journey was easy, we'd never realise how much we are achieving.
  • mznelle
    mznelle Posts: 12 Member
    So you had a little set'll be fine!!! You're doing great and that's all that matters!!!! Changing your diet isn't about don't beat yourself up...good luck...
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    It happens. I really wouldn't be super concerned about a 2 pound gain. There are so many reasons why body weight fluctuates from day to day. If you are sticking to your plan, rest assured that this is just that, a fluctuation and you haven't gained 2 pounds of fat. One bag of M&Ms isn't the end of the world unless you let it spiral out of control. Good luck!
  • Misha_Lee
    Hi there M&M lover!

    We all have those days!! Just keep thinking positive...we can all do this! Maybe the extra two pounds in there was extra water you were carrying! Are you watching your sodium levels?

    I just started with, and lost ONE whole pound my first week :) It felt so good!

    Sending you some positive thoughts!!!!


    A fellow M&M peanut butter lover
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    must be water weight you'll be fine
  • elfie9863
    OK...I feel better now. My daughter and I went to have a Margarita (ONE) last night...ended up have TWO Mexican Desserts along with those HUGE FREAKIN MARGIES...a Mexican Cheesecake and a Fried Ice Cream...ARGHHHH....Needless to say, I was visited by the Poop-a-Saurus during the night and hated myself all day today.

    Stuff Happens. :laugh:
  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    tomorrows a new day, just pick yourself back up and start over..your entitled to a bad day once in awhile..dont beat yourself up..keep pushing..:)
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I used to do that all the time and kept bouncing between a couple pounds until I finally got real with myself and said that having a bad week does not mean I need to make it worse! Changing mindset towards the scale is key. This week was hard for me to because I worked out six days this week (doing P90X) and stayed the same...but it is all a part of the journey. Hang in there and start fresh now! Don't listen to that little voice of doubt...stand up and fight it can do it!
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Oh man, I can't tell you how many of these kinds of days that I've had. I get so frustrated. Like this weekend, ... I was over about 530calories, and I gained 4lbs somehow from Friday until today. Not sure why... but I just know that it pissed me off something MAJOR. So, I'm just going to make sure I get my water intake in, pee myself to death, and stay under my calorie goal, but over 1200. I'm going to reweigh Wednesday, and I'm going to get back on track, and lose my pound a week. It's my mind set, and I know it's yours, too! We all can do this, no matter how many setbacks we've had!

    Good luck, hon!!!
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    We all have those days. I choose to weigh in on Friday BEFORE the weekend, because then I have 5 days to undo my weekend if needed. You're probably just retaining water. Don't stress. I've had days where it showed I gained 3 lbs and 3 days later it shoved I lost 4.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Venting is one of the many reaons we are here. Now that you have vented get back to it. :)
  • andavis1966
    andavis1966 Posts: 4 Member
    We all have our days when we make decisions that are not so healthy. Just know that you can do something wonderful for yourself tonight - forgive your short comings! Then tomorrow...DO YOUR THANG Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've got this!
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Last night it was over half of a tube of Girl Scout Thin Mints. They were delicious. Today was better!
  • andavis1966
    andavis1966 Posts: 4 Member
    @elfie9863-Poop-a-Saurus!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! I am a Special Ed Teacher and we are working on a dinosaur unit this week. Oh, please don't let me have a slip of the tongue and say Poop-a-Saurus to my kids. Ha! Ha!
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    Are you close to your period? Did you have a lot of sodium over the weekend? Don't trust the scale. I also changed my weigh in day because I found I weighed less on Tuesday than Monday. But it's really only the trend that matters... not the weekly number.
  • daisy0482
    daisy0482 Posts: 52 Member
    Venting is one of the many reaons we are here. Now that you have vented get back to it. :)

    love it straight to the point!! :)
  • daisy0482
    daisy0482 Posts: 52 Member
    Venting is one of the many reaons we are here. Now that you have vented get back to it. :)

    Ok!! :) I will!! thanks!! :))
  • elfie9863
    @elfie9863-Poop-a-Saurus!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! I am a Special Ed Teacher and we are working on a dinosaur unit this week. Oh, please don't let me have a slip of the tongue and say Poop-a-Saurus to my kids. Ha! Ha!

    Yep...that Poop-a-Saurus hangs out in my house quite frequently...I may get him a collar with his name on it...
