Hello from Melbourne!

Hi everyone,

Ive been using this fabulous site for about 6 weeks now, and its really great in helping me watch what I eat. I am however, not actually moving in the weight side of things, but am doing lots of excercise. I read the information about eating calories that are equal to the amount that you have burnt off and have ended up putting half a kilo on. I have however, lost cms off my body and should be happy that Im doing this, but am getting demotivated as im not losing the weight, but am sticking within the MFP calorie intake daily amount. Could someone either give me a kick up the backside and tell me to get over myself or please give me some tips on what I could be doing wrong?

I am eating healthy, do stick within 1300 calories, excercise 3 times a week minimum (But dont really love salad, but have veggies with dinner) but do sometimes not manage to eat my dinner till after excercise which isnt till 8.30 - 9pm (2 night)
I know this is limited information but if anyone else has been in this situation, please give me any tips you can suggest.

Thanks all,

Kate x


  • I have been there! Like anything else, just stick with it and at some point the scale WILL cooperate... most likely when you least expect it :)

    When I ran into a situation like that that would just not budge for weeks and weeks I remember reading something about shocking your system by eating MORE than usual. So I took a weekend off, didn't exercise... and ate the way I would were I not trying to lose weight. I think it was about 5 days later that I started losing again. But boy oh boy those plateaus can be annoying!

    Congrats on the cm loss. I'm just starting and am soooooooooooooooo out of shape. Ugh

    Btw, nice to meet you :)
  • Hi Kate!

    Are you from Melbourne, Australia? I ran a marathon over there a little less than a year ago, that city is beautiful! So many people are active- running, walking, biking, its phenomenal!

    Anyway, a huge welcome to MFP world. I know you've been on here for a while, but I'm saying hi to you anyway.When you say exercising, is this moderate to vigorous cardio? What about weight training?

    This could certainly have to be related to your nutrition. I think having a very open food diary/log would be a great start. Let us take a look at your meals- that will give us a really good clue. Depending on your exercise schedule, you may want to have 50% of your diet as carbs, perhaps even more. Its hard to give any more specific advice, but I think if you really analyze your eating you will hit your goals :)

    best of luck!

  • Way to go great to have you on board. Good luck with your journey.
  • Truth of the matter is that you're body is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing which is burning fat and adding muscle so get over yourself! LOL you told me to say it ;-) Eventually you will probably see some pounds drop to the wayside, but until then just enjoy fitting into them old jeans even if it means weighing a bit more. Trust me you still look smaller!

    Good luck!!
  • Stick with it Kate - it is all about the journey!