How to tell if you metabolism has jumped start?

When you are dieting and working out, what is the sure fire sign that your metabolism has jump started? I have not changed the types of food I eat but I find myself getting hungry at odd time. The hunger can get to point where I feel physically ill. After I eat a snack I feel fine, but not it is at a point where I have to eat something every 3 hours out or so. Is this my metabolism firing up or am I starving myself? I’m taking in roughly 1900 – 2110 calories per day.


  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I would say yes. This happens a lot to me when I drink a lot of green tea. I also will randomly sweat after doing something minor like dishes or laundry. I also was told that if you wake up hungry, it means you metabolism worked high all night and that you should drink a full glass of water before breakfast so you don't over eat and ruin the hard work. Great job on the boost!!
  • greenscrapcat
    Everyone is different, but I eat about every 2-3 hours. 5-6 small meals a day helps keeps my metabolism revving. I work out after work so I have to keep it up!
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    The "jump start" is a myth, mainly an advertising vehicle to pitch useless diet products. You could get a HRM or a bodybugg to see how much you're actually burning in a day. What kind of exercise are you doing? Weight training and swimming are notorious for creating insane appetites. Whatever you'e doing, don't give up. If you continue to exercise and eat well, the fat will go. It never happens as fast as we'd like, though.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    You SHOULD be eating every 3-4 hrs. You may need to spread your calories out into smaller meals with snacks inbetween to keep away the hunger. You diary isn't open so I can't see what or when you are eating.
  • linedawg
    This is my weekly work out.
    Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays
    Cardio on Elliptical = 45 Mins / 4.0 – 5.0 MPH Heart rate 155
    Weight lifting machines circuit = 3 Sets of 12 reps (Arms, chest, shoulders, Abs, legs) Medium weight

    Sometime Monday or Sundays Spin class.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You SHOULD be eating every 3-4 hrs. You may need to spread your calories out into smaller meals with snacks inbetween to keep away the hunger. You diary isn't open so I can't see what or when you are eating.

    unless of course someone finds larger more infrequent meals more satiating
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I don't have a clue but have wondered the same thing myself. With some major health issues, I have been gaining weight for the last 5 years until now after starting this site. Funny thing is that during the time I was gaining weight, I was never really hungry and it wasn't because I ate all of the time. I only ate because it would reach a point I had to. Anyway, now I am losing weight and yes, I get hungry different times of the day and sometimes I wake up starving which is very unusual for me. I have never been a big eater at one sitting so I eat smaller meals and snacks 6 to 8 times a day.
  • linedawg
    Thank you for all the info guys and gals. So I guess I have nothing to worry about, I just need to make sure I have some form of health snack food with me at work.