Lower belly pooch. No where else.. UGH!

I am so sick of this lower belly pooch! I've already embraced my thick thighs but geeze, it seems like this lower belly pooch isn't going anywhere! My upper part of my stomach is more flatter, than when you start to look down.. there's that pooch! LOL I hate it :( And i'm at my goal weight, but still got work to do as far as toning. I've been trying to do more weight training, since I always only used 5 pound weights.. I upped it to between 10..20..25..35. And I'm starting to do some leg presses as well. I still do cardio, Elliptical intervals.. and do brisk walks on the treadmill on an incline.. but this lower belly pooch seems to just want to stay along with the left over fat on my thighs lol.

Has any ladies on here had this, and what have you done to help get rid of it?? Any tips?


  • Hula hoop
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I am right there with you. What sucks is that I am pretty little as it is and right around the corner to my goal weight... but there is that damn pouch. I also have a very small waist and am flatter in my upper stomach, so the pouch tends to stick out like a sore thumb. I've managed to get it down a bit more by upping my cardio and truthfully, an apple a day keeps the pouch away.
  • Lower leg lifts - I used to do just 30 a day - 10 in 3 sets - and I saw mine begin to go away. Another GREAT thing I learned was to engage your abs in every exercise you do. So even if you're working with dumbbells, suck it in - and really concentrate on pulling up the lower belly - almost like there's a string at the top of your belly button.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    30day shred maybe?? from the results people have posted it seems like they lose 2-3 inches from lower belly (everywhere else also gets smaller but worth a shot right? (im just starting it)
  • Posted a similar topic last week, unfortunely this seems to be a very tough part for ladies, I have 3 babies go figure!
    What somebody told me is that to train your abs, you have to consider these:

    1. DIET
    3. CARDIO
    4. AB WORK

    In that order.

    I'm pretty happy with the way everything else looks! everything seems to respong so well, but that pouch! Geez, it's a nightmare

    We should create a support group :D
  • I have had great luck with biking. I bike the 2 miles to work every day and since I started doing that my legs are toned and rock hard as well as my arms, shoulder's, and abs. I still have a belly to lose but I have another 40lbs to my goal weight so that is understandable.