Starting over…

Hi! I’m new-ish here and thought I’d introduce myself! I used MyFitnessPal years ago but never used the community feature. I’m seeing a lot has changed with the app since I’ve last regularly used it!

A little about me and my journey. In 2019 I had my first baby and gained a lot of weight, in 2020 I decided to do something about it and started at 198, and in less than a year I went down to 138. Last year my husband and I decided to have another baby, and my body has gained again, regardless of my healthy eating and lifestyle during this pregnancy. I’m 6 week pp and a solid 170, and I’m struggling to mentally get myself going to lose the weight this time around because I know how much work I’m going to have to put into it, and I just have no clue how I’ll do it this time with a toddler and newborn. But I’m still determined to get back to where I was, and maybe even get to 130 - which was always my goal! Anyway, excited but nervous to start my whole journey over again! Has anyone else had to do this?


  • lorikayebrand
    lorikayebrand Posts: 1 Member
    I had a son, lost the weight, got pregnant with twins when he was two, went full term, and lost the weight again. It can be done, but it was a lot of work. You can do it. You’re worth it (((hugs)))
  • SOIJ20
    SOIJ20 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm nearly 2 years PP and I've managed to get to my lowest weight since I was a teenager!
    It takes a lot of consistency and hard work but it is doable for sure!
    I work In KG, so after I had my LO I weighed about 68kg (my ever biggest weight before was 72kg... I'm 5ft 😬) and now I'm around 55.5kg.
    Still haven't had the courage to go to the gym so mostly it's from diet and just walking as much as I possibly can.