Loose under 20 lbs Tone Up

I need to loose under 20 lbs. I know, most people think that is simple. Well, when you need to loose only a small amount of weight, the weigth doesn't come off easily and toning is really hard.

I'd love to meet others who really just need to loose a small amount of weight, who are dedicated and can motivate. This way I can help them stay motivated and dedicated as well.

5'2.5 138lbs
I'd like to see a slight difference by 10/15
More of a difference by Halloween
I'd really like to be fit by Christmas if possible.


  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm right there with you. My goal was to lose exactly 22 lbs. I'm 14 lbs down I think and have started to focus more on toning and lifting in addition to just cardio... It's hard to lose those lbs when you don't have a lot to lose but you can do it!
  • avaloneternal
    I am so with you... I have been stuck at my set point for a year and a half and it has taken the 80-ish days I have been on MFP to lose 4 lbs... Grrr... Add me as a friend if you want :)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    30 day shred, 30 day shred, 30 day Shrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!! (Can you tell I'm enjoying it?!)
  • cgeiser1

    Its been really frustrating, the first 10 pounds I wanted to lose came off so easily, these last 15 are really killing me.

    Start weight 154
    Current weight 145
    Goal weight 130

    I lost focus for a while, but I'm trying to stay on track to lose the last 15 by christmas.
  • saigrundy
    saigrundy Posts: 14 Member
    i joined to lose about 15. Resistance/strength training should be your go-to workout from day one. Building that muscle will 1) keep you from losing it when dieting 2) burns fat and maintains metabolism besides making you look awesome. I agree with the poster who suggested Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Along with Jackie Warner's workouts, they are some of the best and most popular in the market. I'm focussing on building muscle now because it will be the difference between reaching my goal and maintaining my goal for me.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    YAY!!! Let's keep eachother going!!
    1a1a tell me about the 30 day shred? What are the best tips you've gotten from it??
    Anyone else have tips?

    Congrats to those who have lost already!! And welcome back to those who fell off for a while (I did).
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat...so if you are seeing the difference in your body, feel confident that you're doing what you need to do to reach your goal.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I'm going to take my meaurements tomorrow morning before I eat.
    If everyone wants to do the same, then we can weigh in every Tuesday morning?
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I feel ya!! I started out with quite a bit of belly fat but now it's getting smaller (though there's still some to lose!) and now I want to start focusing on toning as well as cardio. I've already done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, which gave me a liiiittle more muscle in my legs and arms, but no changes in my weight. I also swim a couple times a week and use the cardio machines at the gym. AND in January I'm starting Insanity and I'm really excited!! :happy:

    Anyway, I'm Des, 5'4" and 137 (ish) lbs. Good luck everyone!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Chances are good the first time you ever run through it, your legs will hurt for a couple of days. I reckon it's ok to do it once, then recover for a few days before starting the whole month thing. From what I understand, Gillian does advise taking a rest one day a week.

    Start of with lighter weights (I'm using 1.5 kilos, I think people can try cans of preserved food which would be more like a 3rd of that and probs a very good place to start).

    It's probably better to do it with trainers on but I'm a bit of a barefoot bandit, after a few days my ankles and knees and backs of my legs were starting to hurt, I think this is because when doing the jumping things, I was staying on the balls of my feet, wearing sneakers I suspect compels the jumper to rest the entire foot on the ground each jump (so you land ball of foot, heel). Once I started making a point of landing like that, my sore ankles diminished. My lower calf muscles still burn a lot though and I'm ten days in so must be some other form thing I have missed.

    Finally, drink a heap of water after and eat some protein so your body has what it needs to build muscle. If anyone else has tips I can't wait to read them :-D
  • atlantamisha
    I need to lose around 20 lbs myself.. and i have been walking more but ready to start the 30 day shred i have done it about 4 times of the past 2 weeks and i like it..
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Hey guys!! So I'm still in pain from my workout on Monday evening!! My thighs!! I swear even going to the bathroom is a challenge...the damn squats were the bandits!! lol...

    I did a cardio kickboxing class yesterday that was great and I thought that it would loosen up my muscles but it really didn't lol.

    I weighed myself last night and I was 137. At the begining of the summer I was 127 so it's kind of crazy. I have a lot of work to do. I've been keeping my diet tight! So that's half the battle.

    Tonight I will either go for a walk or go to a Zumba class. I was up very early today so I can't do anything too late this evening, but I'll get something done.

    Hubby is making whole wheat pasta this evening, I've barely had any carbs since Sunday, so some ww carbs should be ok. I'll have a salad with it.

    How are you all doing?
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I feel ya!! I started out with quite a bit of belly fat but now it's getting smaller (though there's still some to lose!) and now I want to start focusing on toning as well as cardio. I've already done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, which gave me a liiiittle more muscle in my legs and arms, but no changes in my weight. I also swim a couple times a week and use the cardio machines at the gym. AND in January I'm starting Insanity and I'm really excited!! :happy:

    Anyway, I'm Des, 5'4" and 137 (ish) lbs. Good luck everyone!!

    What do you think was the key to losing the belly fat? Nice to meet you btw.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i'm tryin to at least another 10 by november...HOPEFULLY.... 20 in total . but i'm seeing myself tone up..i'm doing barrys bootcamp fat blaster workouts...i LOVE LOVE LOVE them... you see results quick and you tone up fast and its just awesome. only 20 minute workouts with some special area work outs. i've lost 6 pounds this month but now that i started the toning i'm not budging much but i'm seein my stomach and thigh areas tone up though. if you youtube that title you come up with some of the workouts on the dvds...they're awesome. i LOVE these dvd's :)
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    I am also 5' 2.5 and at 140, I want to be between 120 and 125.

    Would love some support

    I am on Day 12 of the 30 Day Shred, my measurements are on my blog
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    i didn't get to work out today, I'm still in pain but I've been good with my diet.
    I'll be going to see my brand new nephew tomorrow and I'm hoping to get a hike in tomorrow with my brother and the kids.
    That's exercise right?
    Otherwise I'm going to keep on track with my diet and just enjoy some family time.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    That's a bummer you still ache (I can relate). Are you stretching every day?
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Week 2 Day 4, 14 days total doing Jillian 30 Day Shred,

    Really paying attention to nutrition!
    Last 20 need to be gone!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I feel ya!! I started out with quite a bit of belly fat but now it's getting smaller (though there's still some to lose!) and now I want to start focusing on toning as well as cardio. I've already done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, which gave me a liiiittle more muscle in my legs and arms, but no changes in my weight. I also swim a couple times a week and use the cardio machines at the gym. AND in January I'm starting Insanity and I'm really excited!! :happy:

    Anyway, I'm Des, 5'4" and 137 (ish) lbs. Good luck everyone!!

    What do you think was the key to losing the belly fat? Nice to meet you btw.

    Nice to meet you too :) I lost about 12 pounds following the 17 Day Diet for a month - which a lot of people here are against, but it was BEFORE mfp, plus I didn't feel deprived/unhealthy, for me it was a guide to cutting out extra carbs and processed foods. And I logged my average days on here and my calorie levels were very safe :) anyway, it worked great for me and I've learned a lot about food and kept the weight off. Other than that... just logging my food and exercise has been working great ever since!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I suck, because of the pain I didn't work out again then the weekend we didnt' really watch our intake and to this day I still haven't worked out....I really HATE that I do not enjoy working out enought to keep doing it. I'm going to do something tonight...something, anything..either a little run (which I hate too) or at the least some sit ups. I'd love to go to bootcamp but tonight my husband works so I don't think I can get to the gym. I do have some videos I can do though.