New 23yo female. 100lb goal. Looking for support friends!

Hi! I'm a recent college grad named Rachel. I have always been overweight. When I was younger, my Chinse family always referred to me as "pang" or fat/chubby. I was always embarrassed at this. But Asian people have no shame or censorship on the matter. Anyway, in high school I pretty much maxed out at 279lbs. Scary scary number that I am slowly but surly climbing back up to. During the beginning of college there was a lot of fluctuation in my weight until the end of my second semester when I got serious. I lost almost 80lbs in one spring/summer which took me to my lowest adult weight of 203. I got the boy I was losing it all for...then, similarly to many relationship situations, I got comfortable and started to gain it all back. Almost 50 of my hard earned pounds came back. Now I am at a point in life that I am completely ready to surpass my previous lowest weight and get healthy. I want as many weightloss buddies as possible! Girls and guys, all ages. Let me support and encourage you in return for your attention. That's really all I need, someone that's counting on me to keep my word, seeing as I've been letting myself down a lot lately.

Today is my day. Sept. 27th, first Libra moon. I need to make the most of this month to kickstart the rest of my life. Now, WHO'S COMIN' WITH ME?! :)


  • I need buddies too. I will add you if I can figure out how lol. I'm new to this, VERY new.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    just click on her name go to her page and add as friend :) easy peasy
  • Hey, you can also add me! I'm new to this site and I'm willing to go through the whole process with you!
  • Hey there,

    Ive sent you an add. Hope MFP helps you achieve your goals.
  • Hi! I'd love to be a support friend to you! Look for my add! :-)
  • Hi! I'd love to be a support friend to you! Look for my add! :-)
  • Thank you so much! I like this new network of people trying just like me! Let's endure the process together. We can do a anything good :)
  • You can do it!!! You can request me! I love new MFP friends and I can help you with anything...I've been doing this for almost a year
  • Hi,

    I've only been on the site a couple of weeks but it is great motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • This is a great site, I have been here since March and I am down 75 pounds, lots of motivating friends and good advice. Everyone feel free to add me.
  • HI, congrats on starting your journey!!!! I have started today! I have 250lbs to lose, I know we can do it together!
  • i know just how you feel...ive lost 85lbs with 70lbs more to go...
  • You so can do it, trust me think about weight loss like a game the more you play the better you get in it :)
  • You can achieve your goal and surpass what you think you have in mind! Look for my add, will be here to offer support and help as much as I can. :)
  • Good luck to you! I too have struggled for years. I am 51 and have a goal to lose 60 pounds. I would love to add you to my list of friends! The more support the better. Encouragement and accountability is very important, at least it is to me.
  • Hi..people feel free to add me too! I am looking at a 40-50 lb weight goal. I hope I can get there! I am currently 175 and would love to get in the 125-130 bracket..even 135 :) I have gained 40 lbs since I got married 4 years ago (but at least I am happy right? ha ha!) Oh and I looooove to eat too and I come from a family of eaters. Anyway it is time to get healthy and look great in my clothes again. Slowly but surely we will get there...we can all do this!
  • christymarie214
    christymarie214 Posts: 47 Member
    HI...I am also starting today! I have gained 10 lbs since getting married in less than a year and almost 20 lbs since meeting my husband 3 years ago. My eating habits and exercise routines are like roller coasters, one week I am good, the next I am not. Look for my add!
  • Ahh! I love all of this support from around the world! It really is incredible how much better and more confident I feel in this journey. Sounds cheesy, but it is so true. Please, everyone hold me accountable for my first 10lbs shed!

    I've decided that I will not let anyone in my personal life know that I am dieting until I lose 20lbs. This is my race with myself! There's no need to feel like I need to advertise the good I'm doing for myself. And previously, I feel like I let others down when I didn't do what I said. Hopefully this helps!

    @Still_Doll and I are trying to lose 20lbs by Halloween! An intense goal, but a great one to kick-start our weightloss. And to think, can I really lose 20% of my entire goal by next month???? Would be sweeeeeeeet. :)
  • Feel free to add me! We all need support, because this can definitely be challenging on a daily basis, lol. And I'm with you on keeping it to yourself...I think it's easier to let others know of our success once we feel like we're actually succeeding :)
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love to give out support and welcome it very much. I have as much as you to loose so we can do this together. anyone that likes support can add me.