
aarghh people. now aparently im not 'doing well' with my weight loss and healthy lifestyle, im 'obsessed' all because im refusing to give up! anyone else had this from close family and friends?


  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    My boyfriend is well sick of hearing about calories consumed and calories burned (and I feel extra silly measuring energy that way as Australia measures everything in kilojoules), things I can eat, walks we have to go on. Yup, I'm obsessed. But we're taking on a massive challenge, I think we are justified in thinking about it a lot right?!

    Are you still in or above a good range for your BMI?! Then tell them to jump :-P
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    I feel personally that I am obsessed with weightloss and exercise right now but you have to be if you want to acheive your goals. I think way too many people just shovel food in their mouths without really thinking about it these days and seeing folk like you and I considering each choice carefully maybe makes them feel uncomfortable?

    Just stick to your guns, what you ut in your mouth is your business and no one else's!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Yep, I get 'that look' when I'm off on one. Luckily my sister-in-law is also on the program, so I have a release!
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    My boyfriend is well sick of hearing about calories consumed and calories burned (and I feel extra silly measuring energy that way as Australia measures everything in kilojoules), things I can eat, walks we have to go on. Yup, I'm obsessed. But we're taking on a massive challenge, I think we are justified in thinking about it a lot right?!

    Are you still in or above a good range for your BMI?! Then tell them to jump :-P

    ive just got into the healthy range for my height...so according to eveyrone else i can go back to having take away every night and not work out!!
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    I feel personally that I am obsessed with weightloss and exercise right now but you have to be if you want to acheive your goals. I think way too many people just shovel food in their mouths without really thinking about it these days and seeing folk like you and I considering each choice carefully maybe makes them feel uncomfortable?

    Just stick to your guns, what you ut in your mouth is your business and no one else's!

    i agree with this, to be persistent and successful it does have to be an obsession
  • roebuck1908
    What ever you don't give up:drinker:
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    Do you allow yourself a little treat now and again?
    Congratulations on being at a healthy weight :D You have acheived something brilliant and you should be proud of yourself :)
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    i've just got into the healthy range for my height...so according to everyone else i can go back to having take away every night and not work out!!
    Stuff 'em all. You can lead by example, whether they feign disinterest or not. LOADS of people I know have followed me in using MFP, just because they saw that it worked, so keep on going!!
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    Do you allow yourself a little treat now and again?
    Congratulations on being at a healthy weight :D You have acheived something brilliant and you should be proud of yourself :)

    i eat whatever i want..as long as i really want it and its not a craving :)
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    Well there ya go :) As long as you are happy and healthy then they can keep their opinions to themselves :)
  • snkeller24
    Obsession is what lazy people call it; the rest of us call it dedication.
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    Obsession is what lazy people call it; the rest of us call it dedication.

    i love this!!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    you have to be to make this work. Just keep in mind telling everyone all the time can get tiresome to them. I do not bring up my weight loss or working out unless it comes up, if someone else asks or mentions it. You dodge a lot of eye rolling and negativity that way. I will admit it is hard but, it leaves room to talk about things e everyone is interested in.
  • DefiningRaquel
    Obsession is what lazy people call it; the rest of us call it dedication.

    i love this!!

    I second that and i think as long as we are doing it in a healthy way there is nothing wrong with it.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, your topic reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister yesterday, we were talking about our favourite sweeties Malteasers!! Its her birthday at the end of the week and mines next month she said to me about how the large boxes were on offer at the moment and how she would quite like a box for her birthday, my sister is very tall and VERY slim, I on the other hand are only 5ft tall and struggled with weight most of my life she said I bought her the box she would eat it all in the one sitting (which she would and would not gain a single pound :noway:) in return she would buy me a box for my Birthday I asked her not to as I am not blessed with her figure or metabolism and that I only buy funsize bags which contain 9/10 maltesers (believe me I counted!!) She then remarked that perhaps I had become "obsessive" with my calorie counting and "logging everything that touches my lips" and that perhaps I shold stop now as I may start to look "ill". Now the fact is I started on the BMI scale as quite heavily obese and have now only just manged at 24.8 to fit into the healthy weight bracket maximum 25.0 at the lightest end 18.5 so I am not "getting far to thin" or "ill", people that do not struggle with this do not realise the work needed to lose weight and as we all know it does take a lot of work I have now lost 33lbs and I can only put that down to the fact that I am a little obsessive as I know that if I were to stop logging or checking nutritional content in food then t may have taken me 9 months to get this far but I have the ability to undo that is 1/2 months!
    I think as long as you had a healthy goal weight in mind and do not get carried away that health and fitness is not a bad obsession!!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Hi, your topic reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister yesterday, we were talking about our favourite sweeties Malteasers!! Its her birthday at the end of the week and mines next month she said to me about how the large boxes were on offer at the moment and how she would quite like a box for her birthday, my sister is very tall and VERY slim, I on the other hand are only 5ft tall and struggled with weight most of my life she said I bought her the box she would eat it all in the one sitting (which she would and would not gain a single pound :noway:) in return she would buy me a box for my Birthday I asked her not to as I am not blessed with her figure or metabolism and that I only buy funsize bags which contain 9/10 maltesers (believe me I counted!!) She then remarked that perhaps I had become "obsessive" with my calorie counting and "logging everything that touches my lips" and that perhaps I shold stop now as I may start to look "ill". Now the fact is I started on the BMI scale as quite heavily obese and have now only just manged at 24.8 to fit into the healthy weight bracket maximum 25.0 at the lightest end 18.5 so I am not "getting far to thin" or "ill", people that do not struggle with this do not realise the work needed to lose weight and as we all know it does take a lot of work I have now lost 33lbs and I can only put that down to the fact that I am a little obsessive as I know that if I were to stop logging or checking nutritional content in food then t may have taken me 9 months to get this far but I have the ability to undo that is 1/2 months!
    I think as long as you had a healthy goal weight in mind and do not get carried away that health and fitness is not a bad obsession!!
    BMI isn't everythng, neither are the scales. I was heading for a further 4 lbs loss on that basis, but when I, note I, looked in the mirror I was already thin enough. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but sometimes enough really is enough. BTW, maintenance is also tough, at first, and you still get *those* comments!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'd get comments when I used to post my weightloss on FB or keep going on about how well I'd done to my family. Folks are all keen and behind you when you start off, but tend to lose enthusiasm when they realise you're in it for the long haul. I know my parents are fed up of me calorie counting and me constantly asking Mum to write down what she uses when she cooks a new curry (I'm Indian) I've not got worked out the calories for. It does get to me, but I'm not doing this for them, I'm doing this for me!!
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Obsession is what lazy people call it; the rest of us call it dedication.

    I love this too! Many people think I am obsessed honey, I just see it as total dedication, just like marathon runners, atheletes etc. They have to train and put the work in to achieve their goals and that is what i do, and that is what you do!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • roebuck1908
    Obsession is what lazy people call it; the rest of us call it dedication.

    Great quote. :smile: .
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    My boyfriend is well sick of hearing about calories consumed and calories burned (and I feel extra silly measuring energy that way as Australia measures everything in kilojoules), things I can eat, walks we have to go on. Yup, I'm obsessed. But we're taking on a massive challenge, I think we are justified in thinking about it a lot right?!

    Are you still in or above a good range for your BMI?! Then tell them to jump :-P

    I have a converter on my phone to change from kj into cal

    Hunny tell them it is a big part of your life (wanting to get healthy) so yes you talk about it a lot but you are far from obsessed and you also enjoy other things too.....then tell them to be quiet if they don't listen