Mindless Snacking

Who has success stories for mastering not mindlessly snacking? What did you do, how did you overcome it?

I’m a busy full-time working mom, and wife, constantly balancing it all. I know I mindlessly snack as stress eating, avoiding a task, etc.


  • TraceyD73
    TraceyD73 Posts: 2 Member
    I find logging my meals and snacks at the beginning of the day helps keep me on track. I work overnights in a grocery store. I used to eat a whole package of cookies or 1/2 box of crackers or chips. I try to always have some popcorn to snack on if the munchies hit
  • JOYfulNoise89
    JOYfulNoise89 Posts: 11 Member
    Addressing hunger head on. If I'm digging for a snack, I've worked on stopping and checking in to see if I want a full meal. I'm also noticing I snack a lot in the early afternoon/evening so I'm trying to make sure I eat something really filling that's going to stick around at the beginning of the after work/after school hullabaloo.
  • DFW_Tom
    DFW_Tom Posts: 221 Member
    @ToffeeApple7, that is an excellent suggestion. Since entering maintenance a couple of months ago, my, unplanned, mindless snacking has been getting out of hand. And too much of it has been unhealthy, carby junk that sets off cravings. Going to give your method a try for the next couple of weeks to see if it helps. Thanks.
  • havennay
    havennay Posts: 4 Member
    I started earing at least 30 g of protein for breakfast and I bought snacks for me that are good like nuts, hummus with carrots, snap peas, bell peppers and fruits.

  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,291 Member
    edited November 2023
    If I have 1 square of chocolate or one bite or taste of something I log it. If I am at my calorie limit. No dinner. The snacks have taken its place.

    My office always has snacks and food available for staff- we have a very large canteen area .. (work about 60hr weeks minimum on chaos schedule.) My assistants are always eating snacks. I had to decide it wasn’t worth it.

    I have tea or seltzer instead. Decide the snack isn’t worth it if it’s bothering you. For me - I had to decide I had the power of control over food.

  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    edited November 2023
    Planning snacks into my day works helps me. Three meals and three snacks, so that I have eating time and non-eating time. I find the structure helps me think about food less. Otherwise my day can turn into a snackathon.

    I've pretty much worked out which snacks keep me satiated until my next main meal. Fruit is my friend. On the days that I am extra hungry for whatever reason, I will allow an extra snack - I try to check if it's real hunger though, not just tiredness or boredom or stress etc.

    The other big thing for me is simply reminding myself how much more I will enjoy my main meals if I'm not filled up on snacks. It really does make quite a difference for me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Stop eating calorie dense refined carbohydrates aka junk ultra processed foods. :) Have an apple.
  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 90 Member
    I swapped mindless snacking with intentional snacking. I plan snacks into my day. I look forward to snack time during the afternoons at work :) and it's planned so I'm much more likely to stay within my calorie goals.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,731 Member
    Stop eating calorie dense refined carbohydrates aka junk ultra processed foods. :) Have an apple.

    An apple? How dare you. We all know apples are really just little sugar bombs trying to give you diabetes.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    If I can see it, I'll probably eat it. If I can't see it, I have to choose to eat it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    tmoneyag99 wrote: »
    . So since I have a brain like a ferrari with bicycle brakes. I need to install some external breaks.

    This resonated with me. Thanks for that description and for the "Locks" story.

    I think compulsion is a big problem for a lot of us. Bicycle brakes on a Ferrari would explain it!! :lol:

  • loulee997
    loulee997 Posts: 273 Member
    edited November 2023
    I'm going to start by saying--it's hard. You'll have good and bad days controlling it. I know I did.

    It sounds like your mindless eating is due to stress. I could be wrong though.
    • Schedule time for you to destress. Even if it is 30 minutes listening to music or an ebook while you slowly drive to the grocery store alone. Thirty minutes where you don't worry about picking kids up or the grocery list, or Aunt Helen's wedding--will really help you in the long run. It lowers that stress.
    • I know it isn't always possible, but try to make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night. If you just can't do it, try to add in two 15 minute power naps during the day. Poor sleep makes you tired. When you are tried, your body tells you to eat--especially carbs/sugar because you need quick energy. Sleep helps.
    • Make sure you are taking a multivitamin every day. If you are missing vital vitamins in your diet, your body will demand you eat to try to get them.
    • Do you have trigger foods? Things you absolutely can't stop eating? Try either not having the in the house or only having them in tiny portions to help control how much of them you eat.
    • Do you have any low-calorie, HIGH VOLUME snacks? Some people just have trouble feeling full. A low-calorie, high-volume snack allows a person to eat a larger amount at a low-calorie point. It tricks the body into finally feeling full.
    • Try delayed gratification. Ask yourself "Do I really want this? If you aren't sure, tell yourself you can have it in 2 hours if you still want it or you can have it tomorrow. A lot of times you lose interest and don't eat it later. This works best on things like second portions or special treats.
    • Try having a hard cut off for snacking in the house...such as no stacks after 8PM. It has to be the whole house though--it's hard to watch your significant other finish off ice cream at 10 PM while you watch. Most little kids are in bed by 8 PM on school nights. Older kids--you can adjust as needed. Maybe just healthy snacks after 8?
    • If you just can't stop snack endless, then switch the snacks out with berries, grapes, carrot sticks, air popped popcorn--things that are lower calorie.
    • Make sure you get enough fiber and protein. If you don't have enough of those two items, your hunger may not turn off.
    • Try to replace the need to stack with another activity. Keep your hands busy. Play a video game. Knit. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Find something else to do that keeps you physically active or keeps your hands busy.
    • DELEGATE. Find ways to lower the workload. Ask for help from your spouse, friends, and family. Yeah, that sucks, but if stress is eating you then find ways to offload some of the work. For example, create a click list for groceries. You just pick them up, no shopping is required. And family or spouse can pick them up. No impulse buying. See if you can get your kids in a ride-share for after-school activities or school pick-up. Other parents may be willing to share pick-up duties to lower all of your stress. Any kid over 10 can learn to do their own laundry once a week. Cook a few bigger meals and freeze them in smaller portions so you can skip cooking some nights. Let the kids dress themselves and get themselves up using their alarm. Teens not ready when it's time to get on the bus? Go in your PJs. Most will only do that once. Trade-off cooking or cleaning with the spouse. Every one does part of the work. Everyone does part of the planning. It may require you to let them mess up a few times. In the long run, everyone will gain new skills.
    • Set up something like Sweepy (free cleaning app). You set the time when things need to be done (every day, once a week, once very six months). You can make a room list and assign it to a specific person on a shared family tablet. This way the app reminds the kids and hubby--NOT you. You are not the bad guy. Keeps the house fairly clean and it's automated reminders.
    • Say no more. Don't host dinners. Don't make 40 cupcakes for school. Sometimes to save everyone--you have to put you first. Lower the stress.
    It's not easy. I wish you luck.
    If the mindless snacking or endless hunger persists, you may want to check with a doctor or therapist. Sometimes binge snacking can be a symptom of untreated ADHD, minor depression, or stress. Sometimes fixing the crisis under the skin can impact the need to snack.

    For me, a lot it was stress, boredom, and untreated ADHD altogether.

    Good Luck!
  • mbinaz2019
    mbinaz2019 Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't given up snacks, but I plan for them. Portion control is key. Read the nutrition label, and measure/weigh out 1 single portion. Put that single portion on a plate, or in a container, and eat just that amount.

    If you're bored, find something to do.

    If you're stressed, try taking a quick walk just to get away from your desk.

    If you're at home, take 10-15 minutes for yourself, sometimes a quick workout will help to relieve stress. Youtube videos are a great resource if can't find time to get to the gym. Take your kids for a walk, play active games with them.