Don't think you have any chance of being successful?

Greetings all of my wonderful friends!!! I absolutely adore Honest Abe and wanted to post this today. There are many stories like this out there and every one of them are of great successsors that failed miserably and again and again. Yet everytime they stood up again and realized one thing. "Well that didnt work" They went back to the drawing board. So everytime you fail at your goals of becoming healthy stop and think for a second. What was one thing that didnt work that time. If you continue to do that one thing you didnt learn well enough the first time. Lets take a second to think of something that made us fail 30 times before this and wipe it from our data bank and start over. Lets DO THIS!!! =0) Much love to all!

Don't think you have any chance of being successful?

Based on his past record of failures, Abraham Lincoln had no right to think he could win the presidency of the United States. But that didn't keep him from trying, consider this this:

Abraham Lincoln...

Failed in business at age 21.

Was defeated in a legislative race at age 22.

Failed again in business at age 24.

Overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26.

Had a nervous breakdown at age 27.

Lost a congressional race at age 34.

Lost a congressional race at age 36.

Lost a senatorial race at age 45.

Failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47.

Lost a senatorial race at age 47.

Was elected PRESIDENT of the United States at age 52!


  • TSSC
    TSSC Posts: 4
    Love it! Thank for this!
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I really needed to see this post this morning. :) Looks like I'm in good company.
  • chloeelebeir
    Loved that! Thanks for the post, really motivating!
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Incredible to see how many times he tried again when most would have given up. Inspiring!