With Thanksgiving coming up, our Christmas decorating day the day after where we always have out snacks, and then all the holiday parties, it is my goal to lose weight BEFORE Christmas. I have NEVER done that before. I know it is a challenge but even if it is only a pound or two it is better than gaining.


  • sirak98
    sirak98 Posts: 4 Member
    I am feeling this also. I have plateaued and really don't want to fight it down before Christmas. I would be happy just to lose a pound or so instead of stepping backwards into the 200's. After Christmas there is about six weeks of nothing- nothing meaning no heart shaped boxes or chocolate Easter eggs filled with peanut butter. There is too much going between Thanksgiving until Christmas to try to change an eating pattern for the better. It's almost like a fail.
    But staying the course- then that is different . I can eat my normal stuff and work out in the morning on the bike and lift at lunch. This will give me time to evaluate a plan of action so that in January I can move the scale down for Spring.
    Who knows, it might be more than a pound...
  • Sand_TIger
    Sand_TIger Posts: 1,078 Member
    I generally do better with staying the course around this time too. Working from home has reduced the temptation but not entirely of course. In the office, the holidays were just like "Next Stop, Treatsville, population Everybody."

    Trying to lose a little around this time generally has the effect of keeping me maintained - which is pretty good! A whole lot better than gaining a bunch. In fact, overly restricting would probably make it a whole lot harder to resist holiday temptations, so a few portioned treats and otherwise using a moderate loss type of plan would be a lot more sustainable.

    So, I wish you the best in losing before Christmas! You can do it. :)
  • Byemyfatself
    Byemyfatself Posts: 92 Member
    Ohhhh the temptations are great at this time of year. It all starts with Halloween for me. Handing out those goodies to Trick or Treaters... "Oh...just one.. it will be okay." Turns into a lot more while waiting for those knocks at the door.

    It's not uncommon for me to gain weight at this time of year starting in October, but I realized, after gaining after Halloween, that I worked too hard to throw it away for something that is only going to be a pleasure for a few moments. So I'm determined to stay on track and only indulge on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. I know there will be all those goodies at work, but I have the willpower to say no and run quickly away (I actually did that as recently as yesterday when someone brought cupcakes). I know the end result will all be worth it in the end.

    With all that being said, you're not alone with the struggle of the holiday eating. You've got this! :smile:
  • Alleycattus
    Alleycattus Posts: 9 Member
    It is certainly more difficult this time of year with all the treats and lovely food this season brings, but I am trying very hard to stay on track-A little here and a little there- I am actually seeing progress, even if slow, so am going to stick to it!
    We got this, guys <3
  • Sand_TIger
    Sand_TIger Posts: 1,078 Member
    edited November 2023
    If it helps anyone, I regretted a couple of Halloween indulgences! After eating real food most of the time it takes a pretty special dessert for me to actually think it's worth it. Many of the others overpower me with sweetness and no actual flavor. So that might help you when you are deciding if it's really worth it or not.
  • ITVGuy2000
    ITVGuy2000 Posts: 48 Member
    My goal is to be < 300 lbs. by New Years. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just two days between now and then. Yep, I'll partake, but only on those days. Otherwise its calorie restrictions as usual.
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