women attempting to become worlds fattest.



  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    I didn't read the article but I've heard the story before. I feel like maybe no one has seriously sat this woman down and reminded her that the chances of her ever losing all that weight once she puts it on is slim to none. And even if she has surgeries to help her slim down, the risk of death is still great.

    I unfortunately was channel surfing over the weekend and got sucked into a show (I don't remember what channel) called Half-Ton Mom. It brought me to tears. The poor woman on the show was obese all her life and was in a car accident that left her bed-bound. She just kept eating, and although it was mostly healthy she kept gaining. It was uplifting that she was voluntarily having her story taped in order to inspire others to get help. If I remember correctly she was like 800 or 900 pounds when she finally found a doctor that would actually perform a gastric bypass on her (apparently most doctors will refuse to do it for people over a certain weight). She seemed like she would do well. Before surgery, she was able to do a lot of things on her own like sit up, touch her toes (she did it on camera it was amazing), do her hair an makeup etc. She got her gastri bypass and was doing great, but unfortunately a few days after the surgery she suddenly went into cardiac arrest and passed away. The show literally brought me to tears. And it was shockingly informative to know that the reason some obese people can't lose weight is becasue they really cant. Their metabolism literally stops doing what it should and they simply cannot lose the weight anymore.

    I digress..... but i really hope someone reaches out to this woman and gives her a reality check and she changes her mind and lifestyle. Not just for her daughter, but for herself.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    "Running after my daughter keeps my weight down." SERIOUSLY??!?! She's over 600 pounds and thinks she actually "runs after her daughter" and it "keeps her weight down"???

    I've seen this woman on tv and while I'm not a doctor (I just play one on tv, lol) it would seem she has some mental issues. The more press and tv time she gets, the more encouraged she's going to become. Some people want "fame" at any cost.

    I wonder if she's on any type of government assistance like welfare, disability or food stamps? Are the tax payers helping foot the bill of her quest?

    I also feel bad for her daughter. She probably eats the same crap as the mother and will end up with a weight problem too.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I really don't care what she does to herself but that child is being punished. She can't possibly take care of her being the big. Another issue i have it that the tax payers are supporting her too. I know she rolled down to get public assistance since she cant walk on her own. They should wire her jaws shut for 2yrs and make her lose the weight or cut her butt off. Why do i have to pay for her to over eat and i can't even take of my own family on the little i make. Totally pissed off.
  • pcronberg
    This news story is old. This woman is actually trying to lose her weight now. She wants to be about 370, stating this weight will still allow her to be fat enough to attract the men who like larger women, but small enough so she is able to get out of the bath tub by herself. She recently left her fiance, because he did not support her on losing the weight, only gaining it. She is 570lbs currently. Just goes to show, eventually everyone will realize being that overweight is just not healthy!!!!