Quick breakfast

I need a quick and easy but healthy breakfast idea. I have to be at work at 6am and it takes me about 30 min to get to work so I don't have much time to make anything to take for breakfast. I usually have a string cheese and then a snack before lunch but I want to start to balance my diet more throughout the day any ideas? Thanks :)


  • fruit, oatmeal bars, yogurt
  • BUMP!!!

    I hardly ever eat breakfast because I'd much rather sleep for that smidgen longer in the morning. I tend to only have a glass of milk (or just nothing) before I leave the house, then have a coffee when I get to work! :frown:

    I do realise this is not good enough so any suggestions are welcome from me too! :happy:
  • bluangelz
    bluangelz Posts: 33 Member
    I have the Eggo Nutri-grain with whole grain blueberry waffles. I do not use butter or syrup. Just toast them and ready to eat.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    I have a breakfast shake every morning during the week
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    micowave scrambled eggs take 1 minute 45 seconds.

    make a sandwich the night before so its grab and run.

    yogurt with protein powder.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I have the Eggo Nutri-grain with whole grain blueberry waffles. I do not use butter or syrup. Just toast them and ready to eat.

    I love this - add fruit or yogurt - GREAT
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    how do your mornings go, you need something you can eat before you leave home or does your job allow you to eat something when you get there, like at your desk or something?

    Cut up some fresh fruit, i keep strawberries and blueberries ready to go and then dice up a half of banana with them right before i head out and eat it when i get to work, it's quick and keeps me going until lunch. othertimes i take grapes (already washed and ready to go) and some type of fiber bar or protein bar, no the sugars aren't the greatest but it keeps me feeling full, and much better than a regular granola bar. Today i was in a real hurry and ended up just having toast and a coffee which i know has like zero nutritional value, but it is still some fuel in the morning, which after being so anti-breakfast my body is finally used to breakfast and operates much better. 10 extra minutes in the morning and i can have "real" breakfast. i buy the preportioned egg beaters cups, nothing required, just heat the pan and pour them in, its even better if i have veggies cut up, throw in some mushrooms and black beans with a dab of salsa...breakfast of champions, and like i said it only took 10 extra minutes.
  • Emerald's breakfast on the go nuts.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Super easy... low cal...
    Spray the bottom of a microwave safe cereal bowl with Pam, break an egg, break the yolk.. cover with a paper towel and microwave for about 90 sec. add 1/2 slice american cheese and microwave for about 10 seconds. Put on a 100 calorie deli flat and eat on the way to work. Really quick... egg 70 cal, cheese 40 cal and deli flat 100 cal.=good breakfast for 210 cal. You can add a slice of low sodium deli ham for about 35 cal too, if you want.
  • I love overnight oats: mix equal parts oats, milk and yoghurt before you go to bed and put it in the fridge. No need to cook. Add any toppings you like - fruit, nuts, nut butter, seeds, granola. Then when you wake up, the oats will have absorbed the liquid and you have a creamy porridge to eat! If I need to eat on the go, I make the oats in a mason jar so I can take it with me.
  • Special K protien drinks are really good especially when you are running short on time...when I worked my job you didn't have time to really take a break and on long shifts it was always good to have one handy along with yogurt and string cheese I also packed some easy hands on fruit...to get me through the day...hope this helps & protien bars are great also...good luck.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    i love my cereal in the morning! usually something like raisin bran or multigrain cheerios or anything high in fibre to keep me feeling full longer. sometimes i might splurge and add a handful of blueberries or raspberries too.
    i also start work early (5:30 with a 20 minute drive) so i have gotten into the habit of portioning out the cereal into a plastic container the night before and just add milk! however, i'm guilty of driving while eating... what a time saver! :embarassed:
  • raedlewis
    raedlewis Posts: 38 Member
    Make ahead breakfasts are great. I like to make breakfast burritos ahead of time. Low carb tortilla, egg whites, salsa and sometimes some turkey sausage or bacon and low fat cheese. Cook and assemble them ahead of time then just wrap in a paper towel and plastic wrap and keep them in the fridge or freezer. I just take the plastic wrap off and heat it in the microwave or a min or two and then I've got yummy breakfast on the go. If you can eat at work it's nice to grab a packet of low-sugar oatmeal and eat it there.
  • It's takes me about 45 min to get to work each morning, so I just eat something when I get there. We have a refrigerator at work, and I keep a carton of egg whites and spray margarine there. Each morning for breakfast, I microwave for 35 seconds 3TB egg whites (25 calories) in a container sprayed with margarine (0 calories) to keep it from sticking. While the eggs are in the microwave, I toast one slice of Healthy Life bread (35 calories), then spray it with margarine.

    I've found that even though the breakfast is low in calories, it's quite satisfying. If I'm still a bit hungry after eating my eggs & toast, I supplement my breakfast with a banana.

    Let me know if this works for you, too! :smile:
  • Special K protien drinks are really good especially when you are running short on time...when I worked my job you didn't have time to really take a break and on long shifts it was always good to have one handy along with yogurt and string cheese I also packed some easy hands on fruit...to get me through the day...hope this helps & protien bars are great also...good luck.

    You have to watch with those as well. Check the carbs! Also, too much protein can turn into fat if you don't burn it off. =) But they are good! And they do work if you excercise!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    micowave scrambled eggs take 1 minute 45 seconds.

    make a sandwich the night before so its grab and run.

    yogurt with protein powder.

    I throw some veggies and eggs in the microwave, takes 2 minutes...throw it in a wrap and away you go
  • 1 or 2 Eggo Whole grain waffles, spread one with 100% fruit jam, and one with whipped cream cheese. Make a sandwich, cut into quarters very neat and easy to eat. I adjust the amount of cream cheese/jam/waffles depending on how much I'm planning on exercising that day!
  • I"m on board for Kellogg breakfast things- Great source of protein.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    There is always time for breakfast!!! I make a shake & grab a piece of fruit & have breakfast in my car on my way to work. I prepare everything the night before. That way there are no issues with my morning routine.

    You have to make time. I wake up at 4:30am so I can work out & get ready for work. Get my baby ready for daycare & we are all out of the house by 6:30am.
  • Super easy... low cal...
    Spray the bottom of a microwave safe cereal bowl with Pam, break an egg, break the yolk.. cover with a paper towel and microwave for about 90 sec. add 1/2 slice american cheese and microwave for about 10 seconds. Put on a 100 calorie deli flat and eat on the way to work. Really quick... egg 70 cal, cheese 40 cal and deli flat 100 cal.=good breakfast for 210 cal. You can add a slice of low sodium deli ham for about 35 cal too, if you want.

    Thanks this sounds really quick, easy, and delicious :)