Saving and editing “My Meals” issues - Duplicating Ingredients

Is anyone having problems with creating/saving meals? When I originally make the meal its all fine but when I go back into it, it has duplicated all my ingredients.

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  • lillisa1718
    lillisa1718 Posts: 14 Member
  • mccjm22
    mccjm22 Posts: 1 Member
    This is happening to me too and it’s driving me nuts!
  • simmonsdad
    simmonsdad Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I’m having the same problem. So frustrating. Have tried editing, deleting, recreating with a different name etc and all make no difference.
  • lillisa1718
    lillisa1718 Posts: 14 Member
    Are you both on iphones? Wondering if its a problem with the app! I logged online through safari and there id no issue in the website with my meals, only the app!
  • simmonsdad
    simmonsdad Posts: 10 Member
    Yes I’m on iPhone.
  • lillisa1718
    lillisa1718 Posts: 14 Member
    Still having the same issues! Any luck? X
  • lillisa1718
    lillisa1718 Posts: 14 Member

    Have already emailed MFP and the response is not helpful at all!
  • Appie_R6
    Appie_R6 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2023
    Yep same here, I've just submitted a ticket regarding this issue. This issue started for me too one or two weeks ago. Uninstall/reboot etc didn't resolve the issue.

    I'm on an iPhone XR with the latest iOS version 16.6 and I have Premium.

    I really hope this gets resolved very soon, because it's so cumbersome to deal with. The workaround I'm using is either:
    - manually delete the duplicate entries (for small meals)
    - or just copy my meals from previous day and make some adjustments to the weights

    It would also be nice if MFP could list this in the known issues section or just fix it asap :)
  • mario_romero_a
    mario_romero_a Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same issue. It's frustrating. I am thinking to look for another app. This keeps me from logging my meals, I find it very annoying.
    I hope they can fix it because it's critical but it's not even included in the known issue list.
  • dcthomas76
    dcthomas76 Posts: 3 Member
    This is happening on Android as well so it's a general code/function problem. The convenience of food logging on the go is totally gone if syncing can't be postponed until after I'm done making all of the micro-adjustments to meal items. The server side shouldn't be in the driver's seat making me eat all of my edits in duplicate. It's a huge waste of time waiting for it to clear and correct on whatever autosync timetable being used
  • dcthomas76
    dcthomas76 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2023

    I've found a workaround!

    When the server belches back all of the duplicate edits to your meals, force sync by going to that long 'More' menu at the bottom right corner of the app (on Android, at least)
    Ignore the sync indication at the bottom of the menu where you should be able to tap to sync but it doesn't do anything.

    Instead go into the settings menu and go all the way to the bottom and to the right of where it says 'Help,' help yourself with this hidden sync button. That should clear the duplicates faster than waiting for the app to sync on its own.

    I took screenshots to illustrate all of this but they won't upload and I'm not sure why. No indication from the app whether the images are too big or if it's just not possible on Android.
  • That option isn’t available for iPhone users sadly, and carrying out a sync at the bottom of the More section on the iPhone, whilst it syncs, it doesn’t resolve the duplicated items in my meal…
  • I’ve just noticed this is a known issue…fingers crossed a fix will be found 🤞🏻
  • grjohnsonjr
    grjohnsonjr Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same issue
  • abielark
    abielark Posts: 1 Member
    Also driving me insane. Was hoping to find a helpful post from MFP
  • This is still happening. It’s been more than a month since being reported. Is there any update or fix due ? Will have to change app if it doesn’t resolve soon..
  • TorpedoBears
    TorpedoBears Posts: 1 Member
    it's STILL happening. How has this not been fixed yet? I'm down to logging maybe once a week, I see the issue still exists and I back out of the app. Anyone here have alternatives? It's especially aggravating that I paid for a year of this app!
  • ChavjeH
    ChavjeH Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2023
    I also have the exact same issue. The strange thing is, it’s not on all meals. It seems to be specific ingredients that are consistently doubling up. They are not custom ingredients or anything. I can’t find a pattern on what connects the ingredients that duplicate
  • dcthomas76
    dcthomas76 Posts: 3 Member
    What's consistent for me is any meal item I edit multiple times to massage the portion to fit my calories or macros for the day gets all of those edits regurgitated back from the cloud as if they belong in my meal plan.

    I find I have to sync twice to clear the duplicates which I now do without coming out of the 'More' menu to see if the first sync worked.

    They should just allow us to turn off automatic synching so it's manual only until they figure out how to keep the cloud from forcing past edits back into our menus.
  • K9RSQ4ME
    K9RSQ4ME Posts: 22 Member
    Same problem! Interesting it only happens to My Meals and not My Recipes or My Foods.

    MFP, please fix this!
  • Tony4Mikki
    Tony4Mikki Posts: 1 Member
    Same problem here and I can’t believe we still have no fix,
    August this has been going on for, not very good really considering the yearly fee they ask for.
  • m4ddm4xx
    m4ddm4xx Posts: 1 Member
    I’m having the same issue: extremely annoying! The software seems to continue to add useless features, while diminishing the effectiveness of its basic features.
  • Dezzie50
    Dezzie50 Posts: 1 Member
    Reading everyone’s comments on this issue on MFP. Having the same issue it’s been duplicating the ingredients for over a month maybe even longer now and I have been using this app for over two years and never had this problem. I am an iPhone user as well. Why hasn’t this issue been resolved yet? I am thinking of going to a different app if this continues as it’s very frustrating. Please fix this issue please MFP.
  • RyanEmmerton
    RyanEmmerton Posts: 1 Member
    Also having this issue. Have been using this App since 2020, and have to say I am pretty dissapointed with how backward progressing it has become. I really would like to find a new app that works as it should, but haven't found one yet. Anyone have any to try? What I really miss is the ability to just scan a bar code and input the food I eat, that was the dumbest deprication ever. This issues is enough to make me leave. Share your alternatives, please!
  • devitor1
    devitor1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same issue as everyone on this thread. Some of my meals are duplicating 50% to 75% of the ingredients, which I then have to go back and remove duplicate entries. I'm on an iPhone 13 MaxPro with IOS 16.7. I'll be updating to 16.7.1, and not touching 17 till it has its first revision (I think next week or so). Sync can be done in the IOS version of the app and I just ran a sync a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if that will help, or if an IOS update will help.
  • ambervn
    ambervn Posts: 1 Member
    I am also having this issue and it is very annoying. Please push out a fix!! Syncing does not help on iPhone.
  • joxxo
    joxxo Posts: 1 Member
    I’m also having the problem of adding a meal and when after I’ve saved it, the app doubles and sometimes triples the ingredients. You can go back in and delete these then save it and then add to your dinners for example but as soon as you want to add the same meal, the doubles and triples are back there as if you’ve never saved it after you deleted it the 1st around. Very frustrating..
    this problem HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 3 MONTHS NOW?! When are you going to fix this?? I’m on iPhone, but that does not matter. Your bugs should be fixed across the board fro all users.
    I have logged food for over 3 years now, on PREMIUM, on the paid account- but
    I’m to the point that I am looking for an alternative app to use.
    Could MFP just acknowledge and let your community members who pay for your service know if you are at least trying to solve this issue?
  • rverderb
    rverderb Posts: 1 Member
    Same issue. Meals get added 2x. Maybe time to switch to another app…