Anyone else scared of Halloween?



  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    1. Don't buy your candy until much closer to Halloween (plus... it might be on sale then too).
    2. Buy the candy you don't like and won't eat. I love chocolate, and we used to buy yummy chocolate stuff, and we'd eat a bag before Halloween even rolled around. My kids like things like Starburst, Skittles, lollipops, etc. So... I think this year we will buy those for hand-outs
    3. A few of the dentists in our area will collect and take back candy from Halloween, and offer to give the kids prizes instead. Haven't done that in the past, but... we might this year so it's not lying around our house.
    4. Take it to work and share with co-workers -- to get it out of the house.

    I'm dreading Halloween too, but... hoping I can make it through fairly well (fingers crossed).

    Good Luck!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yup. I'm worried about will power and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    While I don't have kids of my own to think about bringing home candy, I do have trick-or-treaters. I posted up this ( thread to get ideas for what to give out to the kids.

    I'm going with little packs of grapes, a juice box, and maybe a glow-in-the-dark thingy. I might give out a piece of Smarties candy too, but I doubt it. I'm not doing the Frost Coupon thing that people are suggesting, because 1.) I don't want to encourage kids to go to a fast food joint, and 2.) there isn't a Wendy's for 25 miles of my neighborhood so it isn't a convenient thing.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I'm dreading Thanksgiving personally. Not a big candy eater, but I have quite a soft spot for baked goods and comfort food. Not to mention, I *should* be at my goal weight by then, so I worry that I may get a little too lax about eating healthy between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I have thought about throwing away all the candy they get after the first night and switch it out with twizzlers and pretzels.

    I've gotta ask...why twizzlers?
    They are just as bad as any of the rest. And a piece of chocolate is actually better...especially dark chocolate.
    Twizzlers are pure sugar, like sticking a spoon in the sugar bowl and eating better than any of the other candy.
  • Mkrug221
    We don't open anything until Halloween. If the bag isn't open, it's not as much of a temptation. Then I let my kids pick out a few items they want and I bring the rest to work with me. My co-workers will demolish it in less than a day so I don't have to worry about munching on it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    DH and I buy candy to give out that we know we won't eat - i.e., nothing chocolate. We also don't tend to buy a lot - one or two bags. When it's gone, we shut off our light. Sorry kids... :wink:
  • kfitz10103

    I've gotta ask...why twizzlers?
    They are just as bad as any of the rest. And a piece of chocolate is actually better...especially dark chocolate.
    Twizzlers are pure sugar, like sticking a spoon in the sugar bowl and eating better than any of the other candy.
    My oldest likes twizzlers and I don't. She won't eat much of it - she doesn't eat much of anything. The youngest won't eat any candy since she is only 1 year old.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I get candy for trick-or-treaters that I don't like that way if there is any leftover I won't eat it. If I had kids I'd tell my man to hide it from me.
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    OMG!!! TErrified is an understatement I am a sweet-a-holic I dont know how say No only thing that helps me is i am down to checking one bag vs two my son is off to college so i dont have to worry about his bag!!!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Not worried about Halloween. I don't really have any affection (anymore) for all that cheapy candy crap.

    I AM dreading Christmas though - cookies and yummy baked treats, the cold weather kicking in my longing for hot chocolate and froofy coffee drinks... that's going to my big test.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    OMG YES! Terrified! Candy will be everywhere in sight and I love me some CANDY!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Halloween doesn't affect me too bad. My only splurge is the orange filled Oreo cookies. I swear those always taste the best!*LOL*

    When I get candy for kids, I always put it in little baggies. When Halloween is over, I give it away so I'm not tempted. One thing about being a teacher... kids are always willing to eat goodies that you bring in.;-)

  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    If you are going to give out health food for trick-or-treaters, don't bother. Just turn off your lights and call it a night.

    Geeze nothing pissed me off more as a kid trick-or-treating than to get health food for a treat. We are trick-or-treating for candy. In my opinion, if you can't find it in yourself to give out real, honest-to-goodness candy, just don't bother.

    For sure, anything that comes unwrapped (like fruit, or bags of popcorn, or home-made rice krispie treats) goes straight into the garbage - my parents would not let me keep it and I won't let our kids keep it. I'm not going to risk some loony giving out tainted treats.

    And anything that survived that cull that looked like health food we tossed as kids anyway.

    So don't waste your money.
  • ksharon22
    I live out in the country so we rarely get trick or treaters so I'm not buying candy this year at all--easy solution for me! My son is 13 and beyond trick or treat age so he won't be bringing any home.

    Suggestion for you though: buy your giveaway candy as late a you can and make sure you hand it all out or else find a non-candy giveaway (pencils, spider rings, temporary tatoos, juice boxes??) As far as your kids' candy goes, check with local dentists or clinics that may be having a candy buy back program to get it out of the house!

    If all else fails, practice discipline and self control!
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    The best items we got growing up was gum and pop, so buy those. Or someone else suggested candy alternatives, like haloween pencils, toys dollar store is great for this.

    I have a friend who is not big on giving her kids candy so what she does is let do the trick or treating thing. then when they come home they get to pick a small freezer bag full of treats they can keep, the next day they take the rest and donate it. I like this idea, the kids have fun and then learn about giving as well.

    Just dont give out raisins, in my neighbourhood that'll get you egged. lol
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i don't really care for candy too much,,,, my weakness is chips, bread & butter with a huge Coke or Pepsi so i'm not really scared of halloween as much as i am dreading thanksgiving!!

    i think halloween might be a great time to work on self-control. buy the good stuff - i TOTALLY agree with the previous post who said if you're not going to buy the good stuff, don't bother! LOL i think buying pencils and erasers and spider rings is so dumb - kids do NOT like it. home-made treats don'g go over well here either, no parents will allow the kids to eat it unless you know them personally, so most likely they will be thrown in the trash, along with the knock-off candy that no one likes. i really do like snickers, so that will probably be my only temptation. i am going to allow myself one small snack-sized and that's it. i will work on my self-awareness and stay on track. afterall, Easter will present a similar problem, as will Valentine's Day. we must arm ourselves with GOOD SKILLS to avoid these bad foods - because otherwise we'll be struggling all year. :smile:
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't give out candy? I don't believe handing out all that candy is good for kids in any way. Give non-food treats or healthy ones. ANY health food store or farmers market will offer healthy alternatives.
    If nothing else, this is what I do. I save pennies. I collect them in a 30 gallon garbage can (a new one, not used lol) whenever my grandkids come over, I let them grab a handful to throw in the fountain downtown.. at the mall - whatever. I also let trick or treaters grab a handful. They can take as many as they can get in ONE hand. Kids seem to enjoy this, I haven't had any negative response - my children, grands and neighborhood kids all know my home is a 'junk free' zone
    PS - I purchased a large bottle of sanitizer at Sam's club for hands handling pennies

    This is pretty cool!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I am not worried about Halloween b/c I don't like candy. LOL Now, Thanksgiving and Christmas, that's another story, b/c I LOVE my family's cooking. But I have a little more knowledge now to control my portions and keep track of what I need to burn off.