30 Day Shred naivety...

So, I know what the 30 Day Shred is and I've seen some AMAZING results on here from people who have done it...and I've been kinda jealous.

I've always assumed that it's not available in the UK, blah, blah, blah... But I've just checked it out on Amazon and I can get it for really cheap!

So my question is this...(coming from somebody who is better at going to the gym or classes or outdoor activity than following DVDs).

How long are the workouts? And do you have to do a continuous 30 days? What happens if you miss a day?!

Also, is it so addictive that I won't want to miss a day?!

I'm just concerned that I'll buy it and then do what I always do with DVDs...give up!

Thanks in advance for your help :smile:


  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I did the Shred - the workouts are about 20 - 25 minutes long. Not bad at all. For me they were really challenging, but one of Jillian's "helpers" does a lot of the moves modified, so I followed her for some of it until I got stronger. I didn't go 30 days without missing a day - life interfered. I don't think you benefit any less from missing a day here and there.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    The workouts are made up of a short warm up (3-5 minutes) then 3 sets of 6 minute intervals (3 minutes strength, 2 minute cardio, 1 minute abs, repeat 2 more times), then really short cool down. So typically just under 30 minutes.

    The idea is to do it for 30 straight days, but as with anything else, it's entirely up to you and what you want to do. There are 3 levels. You do each until you are ready to move on, though most people do 10 days on each level.

    It's relatively inexpensive, so I would say go for it. It's a really good total body workout.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Adding to what jmruef said, Jillian Michaels has done interviews and said that you're not expected to go 30 straight days. You are meant to take a rest day every week or so.
    I don't think it's very interesting to where you don't WANT to miss a day. I mean, it's the same workout for 10 days, another workout for 10 days, etc. I got bored. When I re-start I'm going to do level1 and level 2 mixed, then hopefully finish with level3 normally.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    You may get "burnt out" from doing it every day. When I did it I did every other day with other stuff in between. I think You'll get the same benefits. Remember what all the trainers say, it's important to let your muscles rest a day in between to build muscle and repair. I like the 30 DS, Its slightly addictive if you are competitive with yourself like I am. The DVD challenges you and you want to overcome it and defeat the mighty Jillian monster.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I am almost done with my 3rd round of it. Everyone does it different, so this is just me and what has worked for me. So far in the 3 rounds ive lost about 25in & 20lbs. Each time I have done 30 days straight, no rest days. Each level for 10 days. I didnt do any other work outs, shred made me too sore & I wanted my results to be from the shred alone. Its only 25 minutes and that is what I love. It is very worth it if you can commit to it.
  • mummyv811
    I did the Shred - the workouts are about 20 - 25 minutes long. Not bad at all. For me they were really challenging, but one of Jillian's "helpers" does a lot of the moves modified, so I followed her for some of it until I got stronger. I didn't go 30 days without missing a day - life interfered. I don't think you benefit any less from missing a day here and there.

    Totally agree! I've done 4 days but then had 4 days off! I'm not expecting that in 30 days I will be a new woman because life does interfere and I have had a bit of a break! I hope you do decide to try it! It's AWESOME! :bigsmile:
  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm on day 5 of the shred. So far I love it. It has given me a whole different kind of burn. I am still sore. The workouts are about 20-25 mins long. Most people do level one for 10 days, level 2 for ten days then level 3 for 10 days. Some take days off due to the soreness. I have chosen not to so I can get it done within 30 days. I have already seen results in my core area and again I'm only on day 5. I enjoy the video because the workouts are not complicated.

    You should order the DVD especially if it's cheap.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Basically ditto what everyone here said, and my personal experience with this video is if I can't make it to the gym, which is about once a week, I'll just pop it in at home for a quick workout I burn about 300 calories doing it.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    It's a great workout, but I don't think it's particularly more interesting or engaging than any other workout DVD so if you usually quit doing them after a few days, I'm not sure what to say that would make you feel this would be any different, other than it's a short workout, just buy it and do it!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    the workout is 20 minutes and it goes FAST, you can do it. The excellent thing about this is you can go at YOUR own pace so every day or not, you choose. It's designed to do each level for 10 days consecutively, but you will get results without doing this. I injured my knee (wear a knee brace if this is likely) on my 7th day, took 3 days off and am doing modified now but still lost 4" this month.
    Addictive? I guess it might be, I'm not one who likes exercise but I like the shred and don't like to miss it (I think because it's so intense but fast) some people get bored with it - I'm not yet. I also got her SHRED IT WITH WEIGHTS DVD and am practicing with kettlebells on Saturday mornings - my goal is to be cut next summer and ultimately to swing a 20 lb kettlebell like Jillian
    TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS - this is the BEST indication of your results. Some ppl lose a lot of weight, some don't but EVERYONE loses inches.
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I was going to do the 30 days straight but life gets in the way. :) So far I've done 8 days of Level 1 and had 2 rest days. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking 1-2 days per level if you need to. I usually spend about 30 minutes on it because I do some extra warmups beforehand.
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! I'm just about to start level 2 after 10 days on level 1... I have to say it's been tough, but I've really enjoyed it! I've not had a break from it so far, and I intend to do it everyday until I've completed the 30 days. Day 2 was hard as my muscles were tired, but as soon as I had warmed up it was suprising how okay I felt. I've taken before pictures and measured myself so I can see the changes when I'm done. I would totally say go for it... let me know how it goes!!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    hey....... i have done a round of it and i was also someone who loved the gym and the outdoors!! and i got addicted! but i like a challenge. I did it for 30 days non stop .. at the time i thought that you wernt supposed to take rest days.. but from previous threads i have seen that you can if you want . I didnt want to give up.. i wanted to complete it and have results like everyone else did and i did get good results. You've just got to think its only 20-25 mins out of your day and thats it workout done! im thinking of starting a round in october.. we can do it together if you like ?
  • jensensi
    I've been wanted to do P90X for ages but its so pricey! This sounds much more reasonable and achieveable, just got it off ebay for £7.25! Bargain.
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks everybody!

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: £5.99 on Amazon - Ordered.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've been wanted to do P90X for ages but its so pricey! This sounds much more reasonable and achieveable, just got it off ebay for £7.25! Bargain.

    £5.99 on play!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I've been wanted to do P90X for ages but its so pricey! This sounds much more reasonable and achieveable, just got it off ebay for £7.25! Bargain.

    £5.99 on play!

    I am checking this out! i wanted to try it too but thought it was too pricey! thanks for the advice :)
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    I didn't read what everyone else said, so forgive me if I repeat something someone else has already said. I hadn't worked out in a while (almost a year) when I first started the shred. I did the first day, and then I was sore for a week. Badly sore. I didn't do it again for a few weeks. The second time around I made it about three days, and quit. Finally I joined a group on here and committed to doing it thirty days straight. I've got eight days left before it's over, and I haven't missed a day yet. You really have to make it a priority, but it is possible to do it every day if you really want to. I've never been someone who likes to work out, but this is short enough (27 minutes from start to finish) to where I don't mind it, and the results are well worth it. I personally like it a lot, and suggest getting it.
  • anvacarz
    I just started yesterday. It's definitely a good workout! I could see it getting boring after a while on just one level. But, it's only 20-30 min long- you can stand anything for that amount of time. I found it on Amazon for about $8. So, even if I hate it after a while, it's only $8. I'm committed to doing it for the entire time. Just have about 3 days in the upcoming 30 that I'm on vacation and will not be able to fit it in. But, other than that- I'm looking forward to getting "shredded".
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    let me be honest...some days it sucks...i did 10 days took a day off, 10 days at level 2 took a day off and then 10 days at level 3... 1/2 the time i didn't want to do it... on the days i didn't want to i came on here and looked at the 30 day shred results page and reminded myself "i can do ANYTHING for 30 days!" ... after i was done and saw my before and after pictures i decided to do ripped in 30 because as bad as 30ds sucked and as bad as i didn't wanna do my 25 mins every single morning those results make it WORTH IT!!!!