
I didn't realize how bad I was eating. I was so far below my calorie count it was causing me to get sick and gain more and more wait. Since starting I feel like I am back on track to getting to a healthy weight. I have sent the site out to at least 12 people and they all use it now.


  • KcR327ev
    KcR327ev Posts: 6 Member
    I myself wasn't eating enough before I really started to track what I ate.

    That is wonderful that you're onto a healthier lifestyle! Welcome to the family :)
  • grimmer51
    me too x welcome to site and hope you get to lose some weight but add some friends x
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I love this site for this reason, being able to count every calorie has made me really aware what 1200 calories is and keeping either at or slightly above it has helped me get great results.. Its even let me cheat and have a few things that were not so healthy, but as long as I made up for it with other stuff I ate it has still given me the encouragement to keep motivated. Welcome and good luck!