How can I eat more?

I know that I have horrible eating habits. I'm a picky eater with a lot of allergies, so it leaves me with little options. I just joined MFP yesterday, but I've been on a diet for a week today. The first couple of days, I could only keep my calories down to about 2000. But as my body adjusted to the diet, I find that I'm not hungry anymore and now I'm having the opposite problem. Yesterday I thought I ate plenty, but I only clocked 770 calories. At the end of the day when I realize I'm that far down, I don't want to eat so close to bedtime. I still lost 7 pounds in the last week (I have almost 100 pounds to lose), but I know that's because of the initial surge. To compound the problem, I live next door to my mom and she has a habit of calling while I'm driving home from work to say, "I fixed dinner. Why don't y'all come over and eat?" Which can easily add 400-600 calories depending on what she fixed. I'm reluctant to skip the meal because I'm not a cook and it's good for me to get a healthy, home cooked meal from someone who knows my allergies well enough to avoid them.

So what should I do? I could add calories to breakfast and lunch. I already have an afternoon snack, but I could add a morning snack or a second afternoon one. But if I do either of those things, I run the risk of going over if my mom cooks, which is usually 1-2 days a week. There's also the chance that as my enthusiasm for the diet wanes, I will naturally add more food just because I'm craving something. I read somewhere that someone with as much to lose as I do can have more of a deficit anyway. I'm also gradually introducing exercise. Right now I'm only doing a little a day, burning somewhere between 50 and 100 calories. But I'm gradually increasing it. I have a muscle condition and I'm working closely with my rhuematologist on how much and what to add, but she says she doesn't know enough about nutrition to advise me on that (she's like that. She draws sharp lines between her field and other doctor's).

So any advice would be helpful. Right now I'm just kind of running on the wait and see mentality since I'm new to the diet and actually losing weight. But I want a plan so that I don't just get frustrated and stop.


  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you are not hungry, don't eat. When you do eat, try to fit in healthy whole foods like fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. Assuming you don't have an eating disorder, you won't starve to death and your metabolism should be just fine.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Could you try adding in a nice protein-rich smoothie? There are some great recipes out there and maybe it wouldn't feel like you're choking down food you don't want. I would definitely try to get your 'regular' daily calories up to where MFP wants you to be, and then on the days that your mom cooks just be mindful of your portions and consider some extra workout time the next day if you find you went over the day before. If you know in advance that your mom is going to cook that day you could get in some more workout time before you go over to eat so you don't feel like you have to turn it all down. You can balance out the extra from your mom's cooking as long as you are tracking it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Perhaps you can plan on always eating a 400-600 calorie dinner? It's not a bad amount to be eating for that meal, anyway and the other part of your question dealt with not eating enough and this will help.

    If your mom cooks, you have the calories fit into your budget. If she doesn't, you'll just need to plan to eat that much on your own. Perhaps plan out a few meals you can make yourself in that calorie range and do your weekly grocery shopping accordingly. That way it doesn't matter which days of the week you eat those meals but you'll have everything you need on hand to make it when you need it.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    If you are not hungry, don't eat. When you do eat, try to fit in healthy whole foods like fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. Assuming you don't have an eating disorder, you won't starve to death and your metabolism should be just fine.

    i disagree try to eat as close as you can to the calories MFP has given you, if your under try adding in nut, olive oil (on veggies or salad) peanut butter or avocado .

    good luck on your journey.
  • kivrinangel
    Thank you for the quick response. I've been trying hard to eat a lot of raw foods, although my allergies do get in the way. I've found that I'm able to eat apples, strawberries, and bananas, but melons and grapes are a no-no. I knew about the melons since my throat closed up after eating watermelon a few years ago, but the grapes were a surprise. I also noticed a tickle in my throat after eating the store brand of raw carrots, but not the name brand. My doctor is suspecting that I may be allergic to the pesticides instead of the fruit itself. That makes it hard for me to find raw ingredients that will work for me.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hard to comment specifically without seeing your food diary.

    I tend to agree that if you are not hungry, don't eat.

    The only real risk from not eating enough calories is that you can send your body into starvation mode, making weight loss stagnate for a bit until it gives in.

    But when you are seriously overweight you will tend to easily lose weight at first no matter what you do.

    Shoot for your calorie goal. It's better to be under than over. Eventually you will be fighting hunger and you won't be worrying about too little calories but too many! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are only eating 770 calories and eating "plenty" then I don't think you could possibly be getting enough protein and fat to properly fuel your body. Add some protein and healthy fat (vegetable fats) to you diet and it should solve the problem. And if your mom is cooking you healthy dinner, by all means, eat it!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    drink your calories then...
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think it is great to see your mom that often and have her be so helpful. I am sure you have talked to her about your weightloss and what you are trying to acomplish. Does she always have to do it so last minute? Maybe you could let her know you are trying to plan your meals around hers, and that you appreciate it so much, that you want to plan for it accordinly. Then maybe you could know the night before if she is planning anything for dinner. If she really doesn't know the night before maybe you could have a mid morning snack and she could email, or text or call during your lunch break so you can plan your afternoon accordingly. Having a plan is what works for me. I find that if I have a plan for dinner, I crave that instead of something else. (most of the time)

    As for your more calories, you mentioned allergies, I don't know what you are allergic to so if hit one, sorry.
    You could add almonds, peanut butter,
    You could add advocado to you salad or sandwich at lunch.
    Yogurts, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs.

    It won't kill you once in a while to be below 1200 calories, but you really really want to make sure it's not a habit.

    Best wishes to you.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Do you have the option for organic produce? If you might be allergic to the pesticides, then going organic should help.

    Your mom probably knows what days she's going to cook enough to invite you over. Ask her if she can let you know much earlier in the day so you can plan your calories around her dinners. I am assuming you aren't cooking dinner for yourself on the days you don't eat at your moms? If that's the case, then you need to find something like triscuits and low fat cheese or a protein shake for dinner.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,992 Member
    Perhaps a Protein Bar would also assist in getting in good nutrients and higher calories. Or, perhaps you just Zigzag your daily intake. Google ZigZag diet and you'll get what i mean. Sumamry - it is where you eat few calories one day and you eat over on other days. I tend to do this naturally. I wouldn't get caught up in the numbers as much as long as you are loosing weight and meeting your goals. Try not to have more than 1 day a week under 1200.
  • kivrinangel
    All very good advice. I added a morning snack today and went a little higher on my lunch time calories. I never know when my mom will cook because she's the type who'll say at 5:00pm "I feel good today. I'm going to cook something". But as someone pointed out, she does know that I'm on a diet and very supportive of it, so I think she will try to find things that fit with my goals. Normally when she doesn't cook, I eat a sandwich or a lean cuisine for dinner. I usually add some fruit and/or some low-cal chips, so it's probably not a big difference between that and what she would cook anyway. It also occurred to me that if she's feeling good enough to cook, it's usually a day that she wouldn't mind watching my son for a while so I can ride my bike around the neighborhood. That should help make up for the difference.

    It's been great just being able to talk to people on here and get advice. Sometimes we can't see our own solutions until we ask the question of someone else.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you are not hungry, don't eat. When you do eat, try to fit in healthy whole foods like fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. Assuming you don't have an eating disorder, you won't starve to death and your metabolism should be just fine.

    i disagree try to eat as close as you can to the calories MFP has given you, if your under try adding in nut, olive oil (on veggies or salad) peanut butter or avocado .

    good luck on your journey.

    I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I believe that adding olive oil to increase calories is a very bad idea. It has nearly no nutrients, is almost entirely fat and it will do nothing to boost your metabolism. You'd be way better off eating the olive.
  • koalapoop
    drink your calories then...
    Agree. I sometimes have a lot of issues with eating enough, so I found that drinking fruit juice (mainly fresh-squeezed), coconut water, or something made with a bit of milk helped add a few calories while being easier to eat when I wasn't hungry. I don't know exactly what your allergies are, but hopefully there are some things you can drink which will give you some nutrition and calories.
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Actually olive oil is very good for you. It gives you Omega 3's which is a must for proper nerve function. Plus it is good for your digestive tract, as long as you aren't cooking with it. It's fantastic to add to salads and the like.

    You have a lot of great suggestions here. If you are having a hard time with calories than add the higher calorie raw healthy foods like nuts and fruits and veggies like avacados. These all have vitamin e, and your omegas. If you can track which omegas you get make sure your 3's outweigh your 6's.

    If you want to send me a message with what food allergies you have I can give you some more detailed advice (i'm in school for nutrition).

    I will add that it is important that you eat a healthy amount of calories throughout the day to lose weight and keep your body going.

    I'm glad we're buddies on here, I think we'll have some good conversations. :)


    If you are not hungry, don't eat. When you do eat, try to fit in healthy whole foods like fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. Assuming you don't have an eating disorder, you won't starve to death and your metabolism should be just fine.

    i disagree try to eat as close as you can to the calories MFP has given you, if your under try adding in nut, olive oil (on veggies or salad) peanut butter or avocado .

    good luck on your journey.

    I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I believe that adding olive oil to increase calories is a very bad idea. It has nearly no nutrients, is almost entirely fat and it will do nothing to boost your metabolism. You'd be way better off eating the olive.