Serious eating issues, Please HELP!!!

I am having some serious issues with my eating, doing good with exercising. I'm not sure what to do, but I need to get my head out of my a** and get moving or i'm never going to change. not sure exactly what to do, I did start with a personal trainer yesterday, but like I said I'm not having problems with the workouts, I just can't get control of my eating. Part of the problem is this week I"m dealing with TOM. I was doing a 13 day carb cleanse, by not eating any bread, pasta, potatoes, sweets, then on day 6 we were celebrating my hubby's birthday so I decided I should be able to eat the meal and cake. Well guess what, that was the end of the cleanse for me. I lost 9 pounds in 5 days too. I guess the only thing that really works for me is to give that stuff up, but my problem with that is, I usually make it a couple weeks then crack and binge! So does anybody have any ideas for me?

And please don't be mean! I would like advice, but no critics please!


  • mdfeller
    Can you still do it 6 days a week, and on the 7th have it be your cheat day? Might help? I know it's not going to rid it for you, but if you eat "clean" for 6 days a week and on the 7th you have something to look forward to that will happen right away.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Suggestion: don't cut out carbs like that. As you see, it leads to a binge.

    Create a meal plan for yourself that includes complex carbs, lean protein, good fats, and vegetables. Get the crap out of your house, then go shopping and fill your fridge and cupboard with good stuff. Plan all your meals in advance, at least a day before and stick to your plan. For the first few weeks, it will be like training wheels. But after some time, you will have built an intuition on how to eat.
  • jennygiraffes
    cutting out those carbs completely just leads to wanting them even more later on...try just limiting them to small amounts...or only having one breadish item a day
  • clean115
    I have issues like this too. If I allow myself one treat, it's all an avalanche from there!
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Quit restricting yourself to zero treats and going cold turkey. plan to have a snack occasionally but make it small. put in that extra 15 minutes on the walk &something else to make room for a snack of ~150 calories.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I think slow and steady, and everything in moderation is the key. I try to eat fairly healthy, but I also have pizza, sweets, candy, and anything else I crave once in a while. Cleanses and fasts might be good for some people (and they do take off lbs.) but I think it's better to just follow the calories, keep burning more and challenging your body, and eat what you can keep eating for the rest of your life.

    I am a big carb fan, too -- and I haven't given them up. I eat less of them now (because I'm trying to get more protein in every day), but I'm also less hungry for them than I used to be.

    Hope that helps...
  • pf3855
    I don't think you can totally eliminate something you truly like, i.e. carbs. The key is moderation. If you want that piece of cake then cut yourself a small slice and have a bite. Savor that bite and see if it satisfies your sweet tooth, if not then have another. Before you know it a couple bites is all you will want. Pace yourself, eat slowly, drink tons of water before and during your meals and you will feel full. I work in an environment where there are sweets around all the time. I usually have one or two items a week, be it half a donut or a small piece of cake or brownie. Don't limit yourself, just use moderation. We're here for you. Feel free to friend me.

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Everything begins with the choice of what you eat. It's not necessarily a bad thing to have some "sinfuls" now and then...but as the addage goes...Everything in moderation.

    Please, take this to heart, it's not to be mean...
    All I can truly suggest is this... If you TRULY are committed...then SUCK IT UP. Feed the body with the good, and Once in a While a little bad. Learn to see and recognize what you are intaking, stop it, change it, and move forward.
  • xinahay123
    Lots of us have food issues. I am with you! Food is a source of comfort and pleasure for me, and I love my sweets. The all or nothing method does not work well for me, as I tend to binge if I do this. What I have found does work, is planning, and planning my treats as well. Portion control and education, some things i will choose to endulge in , others are not worth it to me.

    That being said, I also have some trigger foods, that I just cannot have in the house yet (I am hopeful that I will some day). One of mine is apple pie. I can have a slice if I am out, but if I make a pie at home, I will eat the whole thing, and HATE myself for it!!

    Try keeping a real honest food journal and note your emotions too. Try to look for patterns. And plan your food, You CAN do this! Friend me if you want!
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    your facing the same dilemna we all go through. you need to be disciplined, simple as that. its ok to have treats every now and then, as a reward for working hard. just remember how bad you feel after you have eaten all the crap for all the hard work you have undone, maybe that will change you.

    Its all about discipline, discipline discipline!!!!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Suggestion: don't cut out carbs like that. As you see, it leads to a binge.

    Create a meal plan for yourself that includes complex carbs, lean protein, good fats, and vegetables. Get the crap out of your house, then go shopping and fill your fridge and cupboard with good stuff. Plan all your meals in advance, at least a day before and stick to your plan. For the first few weeks, it will be like training wheels. But after some time, you will have built an intuition on how to eat.

    GME's advice is solid. The other thing I'd suggest is cutting gluten out of your diet...
  • sportacio
    sportacio Posts: 3 Member
    HUN! I am completely addicted to eating, I dont know why. Ive attempted to lose weight many times but this time i have support and its changing me and im here to support YOU! What u need to do is NOT cut everything out, esp carbs, because wen u work out, carbs give u energy. You should def start by cutting your portions down. Cut back on your latest meal, should be no later than 6...that is ur first means of control. ITS ALL ABOUT CONTROL. when you learn to control one thing u can control other things too! Then start only taking one serving per meal, not 2. I am one to take thirds lol but now i take one. and most importantly, but probably the hardest...EAT SMALL MEALS THROUGHOUT THE DAY. My meal plan is 1200 calories and i do...oatmeal with sugarfree honey for breakfast, granola bar at 11, lunch at 130ish, granola again at 3 and then dinner. I am NEVER hungry. It does take control and there are going to be days you feel like **** but its okay...its a journey, no one gets ANYWHERE worht being over night! im here to help!
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    So there with you. My advice? One day at a time...or even better one snack/meal at a time. If you mess up at lunch, have a healthy dinner. I've always set these really strict goals for myself: no carbs, no dairy, no refined or processed foods, loose two pounds a week, or ten a month. I chart it out, fail, and eat my face off. I'm just now learning moderation and moving on. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    You should see a nutritionist or a dietitian. Find out what works for you - something combining what you need to lose weight and what you can eat without wanting to binge or cheat after a week. I think it would be super beneficial.
  • blueyeb
    Try having ONE cheat meal each week on the same day. During that meal, eat a dish you wouldn't normally be allowed to eat on a daily basis... pasta, fried food, chicken wings...etc. Maybe that will help you stay in check the other 6 days of the week. You know you will have that one meal where you get to eat what you're craving.
    Another thing, get some sugar free hard candies and suck on 1 or 2 of those when you're really munchy for something sweet. Werther's original sugar free are only 8 calories per candy.
    Hope that helps some ;-) Don't give in to temptation, you've come so far and are so close to the goals you've set!

    Also, don't feel like a failure for not completing a cleanse. I personally strongly believe it's really not for everyone. Any type of cleanse is really difficult on you and your body and the fact that you made it as long as you did is an accomplishment. Focus on long-term weight loss strides such as watching what you're eating and exercising and the weight naturally comes off.
    Tried and true method... "burn more than what you take in = weight loss"

    Wishing you the best! :wink:
  • Maysrn
    I am the same way. I am a food addict and I had to come to terms with it, before I could move on. I eat from the food pyramid and I am learning to eat to live, not live to eat. It is not easy but I think when we deprive ourselves we do more harm then help. I feel there is no quick fix, just a life style change. So you figure out what triggers you to eat. I simply stopped eating in front of the TV, eating slower and putting fork down in between bites. You can do this, just look inside yourself.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    The way I've found of sticking to healthy eating is by planning ahead on here. I sit down the night before & plan out my next days eating.
    Every few days I trawl through the internet for new recipes & then research all of the ingredients on here & I enter it into my recipes to see if I can eat it. Variety helps!

    You're definitely in the right place here, I've never lasted on a healthy eating plan for this long until I came here :smile:
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    I can tell you what works for me...

    I don't deny myself anything categorically. I had chocolate chip cookies and milk for my snack yesterday - but I only had 2 instead of the 6 that would have been my old "normal". Cutting out anything just gives you something to fixate on, IMO. You have to learn to eat the way you plan to live or you're just setting yourself up for failure. In sports they say, "you play like you practice." Unless you're planning to deny yourself those things forever, you need to learn HOW to eat them in healthy, moderate ways.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Can you still do it 6 days a week, and on the 7th have it be your cheat day? Might help? I know it's not going to rid it for you, but if you eat "clean" for 6 days a week and on the 7th you have something to look forward to that will happen right away.

    That might actually work, thanks!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Can you do things in moderation and skip the cleanses and 100% denial of 'bad foods'? I've lost over 30 pounds by just watching portion sizes and not mindlessly snacking in the evenings. My diet isn't really a 'diet' at all. I've continued to enjoy pizza and burgers and cookies on a pretty regular basis. And of course I eat plenty of healthy food - vegetables, fruits, lean meat, dairy, etc.

    I think if you allow yourself daily indulgences while focusing on overall calories and the big picture, you'll have a lot of success and never really feel the need to give into a major binge. It's easier to not binge when you're never really in a state of denial. :-)

    Good luck!