Weight Chart not showing the correct history

Since today, only the 7 day weight charts are showing correctly:

180 days:

So it might me adding all previous weight entries into one entry.
I am almost certain that I don't weight 6 tons.

Thank you for the help myfitnesspal and good luck to all others on their fitness journey.

Best Answer


  • Mortagua
    Mortagua Posts: 2 Member
    I was unawared of those issues.
    Might be related. They I will wait for it's resolution.
    Thank you for the feedback.
  • stearnsdec
    stearnsdec Posts: 3,464 Member
    My weight chart is doing the same thing. OKay on the first seven days but when I search for 30 days record its in KG. Already checked changing to lbs but it is done and still not working.