Results from cutting carbs?



  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I am a low-carber. I never knew how bad I felt until I went low carb...and now I have so much more energy, sleep better, look better, and have lost about 40 pounds. Every once in a while, I will "cheat"...and I always feel completely bloated and tired and physically sick the next day.
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    Ooooh!! If your interested in more information on this subject - watch the documentary "Fat Head" - AMAZING information in there! It's available on Netflix - or I'm sure you could rent it somewhere!! I've watched it a few times since I first discovered it, and I love it!! I'm not totally ready to go low carb yet, but I do agree with a lot of what was said in "Fat Head"!!! Good luck on your journey!!
  • Donna_T_B
    Donna_T_B Posts: 24 Member
    If you're using Ketostix they won't really be all that effective after your body begins using the ketones for energy rather than spilling them out into your urine.

    Some people may take longer than others to adapt, but if you feel your energy coming up and your hunger subsiding, those are much better signs. Listen to your body.

    You may want to search "paleo ketostix" there are a few good reads on Marks Daily Apple as well as PaleoHacks

    Thanks! Good to know.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    I am a low-carber. I never knew how bad I felt until I went low carb...and now I have so much more energy, sleep better, look better, and have lost about 40 pounds. Every once in a while, I will "cheat"...and I always feel completely bloated and tired and physically sick the next day.

    I agree! We changed our diet because my husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes...our meals are 30 carb each and we have (3) 15 carb snacks a 8 weeks I am down almost 18 pounds and he is down 20. It was so hard at first, but now, because we feel 100 times better, it is easy to not want to cheat because of the negative effects of cheating. I mostly noticed first, big time, that I don't have stomach issues like I did before the change. I totally miss pasta the most...its so hard for an italian to not eat pasta...LOL
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I recently read an article about how our bodies aren't designed to handle wheat and grains very well and that it causes tons of people to develop diabetes, as well as heart conditions. I wish I could find the article again but a cardiologist in the article explained that by getting his patients to cut carbs (besides fruits & veggies) from their diet, he found that patient after patient starting losing weight and getting leaner. I don't know how true it is or anything but it got me thinking.

    I'm going to take a guess that the cardiologist is Dr. William Davis who authored the recently released 'Wheat Belly' in which he argues that the pervasiveness of wheat in the NA diet (particularly the varieties hybridized in the pas 50 years) have contributed to the increase in obesity, diabetes, and other conditions.

    How many people have cut a large majority of carbs from their diet besides fruits & veggies and seen a large difference in their weight loss and body composition?

    I have eliminated carbs like grains, legumes, soy, sugar and dairy from my diet--carbs now come from vegetables and fruit. Okay, and the occasional glass of wine and sugar in my coffee :wink: Made a big difference: lost weight, lost the muffin top, thighs are a size I never dreamed possible, dropped four dress sizes (OMG I love my body now), my skin is smooth & clear, and the impact on my health was an unexpected bonus. Feel fantastic. (Disclaimer: individual results may vary) My diary is open if you want to see what I do eat.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    I suggest googling "wheat belly" for some reading regarding wheat and how what we call "wheat" nowadays is almost unrelated to what it was even 50 years ago. We have been hearing about the evils of genetically engineered organisms for years now, but what an eye-opener as to what are considering "conventional" methods of creating new strains of wheat--irradiation? Exposure to toxic chemicals?

    Anyway, do some reading if you have time.
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    Cut back carbs drastically & pretty much all processed sugars. Lost 25 lbs in 8 weeks.
  • Jex_7
    Jex_7 Posts: 20
    I thought you can have dairy with low carb? I am really trying to stick with it but am having trouble knowing what to eat an what to skip, other then the obviouse, bread, rice, pasta...
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I do not think grains are so bad. I think the overly processed carbs are. Twinkies and cakes are the problem, not whole grain bread or steel cut oatmeal.


    I am consuming a diet of approximately 80% carbs. Just like the others claim (inversely), I have more energy, feel better, sleep well, feel full and satisfied and consider this a permanent lifestyle change. I have lost 47 pounds so far, 6 just this past week when I ramped up my efforts and started following the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program.
  • sunsetseven
    sunsetseven Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on a very low carb, low cal, high protein diet for the past 2 weeks and have lost over 9 pounds. The downside is, I am verrrrry tired. My doctor says that is because my body is not yet used to running on so few carbs, so I'm hanging in there.

    Give it a week or two for your body to adjust to running on fats (ketones) and then you'll be all good :)

    Increase some of your fat intake and take vitamin b supplements.That will help with your energy. The first 2 weeks are the toughest...make sure you drink at least 10 cups a water or more....helps keep your kidneys good. You will also need the carb cravings disappear.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Another recommender of Wheat Belly. Fantastic book.

    Gave up grains a few months ago (not entirely, but say 80% of the time -- actually before I read Wheat Belly -- and dropped obvious fat so quickly I wish I hadn't followed the stupid recommendations by government mandated "health" sites for the past year since instead of losing muscle by cutting calories, I could have been losing fat and building muscle (eating way more calories now and STILL losing). My stomach is almost entirely flat now (except the two days after I have wheat -- interesting, no?) and my waist is smallest it's been since before high school. Can't believe the energy and the restful night's sleep I get every night.

    I still eat dairy (love cheese!) and nuts/peanuts, so I'm not all in Paleo, but I'm actually in maintenance now and really don't need to lose anything else. I'm just looking for a plan to stick with forever that won't cause my belly to bloat 3 inches after a "healthy" serving of whole wheat pasta.
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    I do not think grains are so bad. I think the overly processed carbs are. Twinkies and cakes are the problem, not whole grain bread or steel cut oatmeal.

    I agree!

    High Cholesterol runs in both sides of my family, and one of the best ways to fight it is with oatmeal, which I eat daily. I also bake my own bread!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I've been on a very low carb, low cal, high protein diet for the past 2 weeks and have lost over 9 pounds. The downside is, I am verrrrry tired. My doctor says that is because my body is not yet used to running on so few carbs, so I'm hanging in there.

    You should increase your fat and water consumption and that will help tremendously with energy.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Additionally, modern wheat is very different from the wheat our ancestors ate. It's been hybridized so that the proportion of gluten protein has been increased enormously. The grains we are eating today are not the grains our ancestors ate. Also, in the past, most grains were mixed together with beans and nuts. Pure wheat flour has only been milled into refined white flour since about 200 years ago.

  • susanofscottsdale
    I have repeatedly proven to myself that, in order to lose weight I must manage both my calorie intake and my carb intake (carbs below 120g). If my carb intake is higher, even from good carbs in oatmeal and carrots, I do not lose weight.

    I have also seen that individual bodies seem to react very differently to carbs. I have a vegan friend who thrives on a low fat - high complex carb diet that would blow me up like a blimp.

    What ever the reasons, we are not all the same. A low carb approach is worth trying.
  • haileemou
    Im doing this mainly because of my thyroid problems and acid reflux.

    Im losing weight, but more importantly i dont feel the bloat and the excessive hunger after carbs and im a lot happier! I feel good!

    I eat around 100g carbs per day sometimes lower - but from veggies, nuts and fruits etc

    and i do cheat every now and again to realise i cant eat that way permanently