Weight Watchers!!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I did it when it was the old plan but with this new one it seems I have gained weight.

    I liked the old plan better.

    Agreed. I stayed with Momentum and still use it, but I won't bother with the new plan.
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    I have been on WW for six years and just decided to give PointsPlus another try.

    Another poster lost 30lbs before college and now weighs 250lbs.

    Surely these prove that WW doesn't work? Eat real food, exercise, look after your body and save your money.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been on WW for six years and just decided to give PointsPlus another try.

    Another poster lost 30lbs before college and now weighs 250lbs.

    Surely these prove that WW doesn't work? Eat real food, exercise, look after your body and save your money.

    Clearly, you don't know what WW is. The only difference between WW and MFP is you pay for WW and you count points instead of calories. EVERYTHING ELSE is the same.
  • I lost fourty pounds off WW after I had my son :) I loved it...
    But I love MFP much more....Although WW has an online site, its pretty much the same...WW's meals are full of sodium and yucky stuff..I would much rather try clean eating at home :)
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    After a year & losing 50lbs on WW, I decided to change to MFP for maintenance. I loved WW & I did it all online. No meetings for me. Good luck! :drinker:
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I did it when it was the old plan but with this new one it seems I have gained weight.

    I liked the old plan better.

    I had the same problem!!!! I joined back in March, lost 8 lbs and then gained 12 lbs back :(

    Needless to say, I immediately stopped after 1 month; joined a gym and faithfully began using MFP 80 days ago. I've lost 43 lbs!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lost fourty pounds off WW after I had my son :) I loved it...
    But I love MFP much more....Although WW has an online site, its pretty much the same...WW's meals are full of sodium and yucky stuff..I would much rather try clean eating at home :)

    Why were you just eating WW meals? I never ate a single one of the WW meals on the program. I ate the same things I eat now.
  • My best friend has lost about 28 pounds with WW (meetings program) since summer. I was on it (online) but then lacked motivation and stopped. Was going to rejoin but then found MFP.

    If you are dedicated to WW, you can most definitely succeed. They have some really great recipes and the points seem less complicated somehow. But, I REALLY love the friends list on MFP and the forums are so much easier to navigate for some reason. I think if you have the extra money, do the meetings instead of online. If you are considering online only, give MFP a month before you sign up!

    Best wishes!
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I don't think weight watchers is much different than what we do here. Except it's a lot cheaper here. :smile:

    I agree!! I have did weight watchers in the past. It is a great program and I have heard many sucess stories. But it really does mimic what we do here. You track your points and exercise. Their website is almost identical to this one in terms of looking up the foods you eat, forums, recipe ideas and so forth. But I know that the in person support may be what some people need. I was lucky enough to have a friend join My Pal with me so the support is there....but try it!! It cant hurt, especially if it works for you. I love buying their magazine
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I have never done WW or counted calories until the beginning of this year when I joined MFP. Lots of success. I have a friend on WW and she seems frustrated all the time and not as successful either. I love the support here and the forums 24x7. When I need it I can read it. MFP works for me and I would rather use a free program that works than an expensive one that works. It is very motivating to buy new clothes, new exercise gear, expensive foods and run in races and lifestyle things that are FUN instead of paying for WW. I have no desire to pay for the WW program but if you have the extra money and you like it, enjoy your success however it comes. Just remember MFP is FREE and it works too. MFP-lifer.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I had been doing Weight Watcher Points plus since July, and I have gained 4 pounds. I am so glad that I found MFP, it really is alot like the weight watchers site, except you actually get to know how many calories and fat are in the foods you eat...instead of being blinded by point values. I realized rather quickly that just because something was low in points, that doesn't mean it was good for me...the last day I was doing weight watchers I logged all the food I ate on the MFP tracker, and discovered I had consumed 125 grams of fat...while staying within my point budget...now I don't know how anyone can lose weight like that. Furthermore, it's very easy to get sucked into the processed food trap. The good thing about my experience with WW was that I am now very used to tracking and exercise is part of my everyday routine.
    I would say, keep doing this free websight and maybe reach out to people you know if you need more support that you might find at a WW meeting.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hi i was doing the old plan and lost 39lbs in 7months! right now i am maintaining with MFP, but i loved WW.
  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    i have been a WW member for about 4 years, i do online and have lost 20kg. been on a plateu for the past year and have joined up on here to count calories as i find i'm a bit more strict rather than just eating 5 pieces of fruit and a heap of vegies cos i think i'm hungry, and hell why not they are 0PP.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Save your money -- I like MFP a lot more than WW, and I've been more successful here.
  • helena260
    helena260 Posts: 83 Member
    I joined WW 2009 and made it to goal December 2010. I did very well with WW!! I lost 116lbs.
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    I did it when it was the old plan but with this new one it seems I have gained weight.

    I liked the old plan better.

    I started on MFP January 2010. I cheated on MFP from March 2011-August and I finally came back to MFP. The new WW plan did not work well for me. I lost about 8 pounds, gained 2 back. And I tracked all my points and ate in my points range. If you do not know how to eat for your body the points won't matter. I can stay in my points range and not lose weight because I'll be using my points for more carbs. I personally do best tracking calories, fat, protein...etc. But if you have the itch to try it go for it.

    Oh another thing,WW food database SUCKS compared to MFP's. They're site sucks too. I'm a MFP girl all the way.:bigsmile: