Need some inspiration!

I'm a couch potato. No, strike that, I'm THE couch potato. The only 'exercise' I do is taking my dog for a walk.
I hate exercising. But I know I need to change that, because I want to build/retain strength as I age, because it's important to stay mobile.
Can anyone recommend a program/YouTube channel to get started with? I do like dancing, wouldn't mind trying yoga or pilates but there is just so much stuff out there that I'm overwhelmed by trying too find something that's right, so I'm hoping for recommendations from ex-couch potatoes. Thank you!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Most of my exercise is active recreation. I lift weights 2-3x per week, but that's about the only thing I do that I would call a "workout". I walk my dog pretty much everyday 2-3 miles...people seem to really discount walking and I'm not sure's exercise and according to the weight loss registry, it is the #1 exercise of people who've lost weight and maintained that weight loss for 5 or more years.

    I also like getting out on my bike (either road or mountain) for something a bit more strenuous. I usually ride a few times per week. I enjoy hiking, but mostly in the summer and fall. I also do some kayaking here and there in the summer and spend a good amount of time playing in the pool with my kids.

    Every once in awhile I will do a class at the gym like spin or body combat or kickboxing. Actually, as indoor class workouts go, body combat and kickboxing are pretty fun, but they're often at weird time at my gym that don't work with my regular schedule.
  • kraft024
    kraft024 Posts: 10 Member
    Get some dumbbells or an adjustable dumbbell set and do a strength training routine at home, as long or as short as you want, watching/listening to whatever you want. This way you can graduate from couch potato to weight bench potato. It's also inexpensive to add a simple, foldable weight bench and gloves to avoid callouses. Youtube videos will show you how to do the exercises and describe how to improve your form and execution.

    Walking is magic for weight loss. Walking dogs is so good for them and you. Maybe take even more or even longer dog walks, vitality of dogs withstanding.
  • frhaberl
    frhaberl Posts: 145 Member
    I’ve lost 60+ lbs this year with “just walking the dogs”. Like mentioned by cwolfman13, you can increase time, distance and speed if you want to increase cardio fitness or calorie burn. I am still trying to find a strength routine that will become a habit, so following for additional suggestions. I do enjoy yoga and do well when I sign myself up for multi-day challenges (I’ve used Asana Rebel, but am sure there are other programs out there that are free).
  • Sett2023
    Sett2023 Posts: 158 Member
    kraft024 wrote: »
    Walking is magic for weight loss. Walking dogs is so good for them and you. Maybe take even more or even longer dog walks, vitality of dogs withstanding.

    Yes, walking is really magic. I did and do only this*, 10k steps/day for 10 years (lost 7 kg in the first year, and for good), and about 20k in this last 9 months (lost other 10 kg, eating my usual foods and calories, only paying attention to not exceed with sweet things for health reasons, but still eating them, only in reasonable quantities). During normal days/winter, my walkings are very easy, on flat terrain, along a riverside or even on street when it's raining; as soon as possible, like in weekends, above all in Spring/Summer, we go to lakes or mountains nearby, and obviously is waaay more beautiful, but I like also walking here, going out is good also for mood.

    * I like a lot also riding bike, but here is more complicated because of traffic :-1:
  • isaott
    isaott Posts: 28 Member
    kraft024 wrote: »
    Get some dumbbells or an adjustable dumbbell set and do a strength training routine at home, as long or as short as you want, watching/listening to whatever you want. This way you can graduate from couch potato to weight bench potato. It's also inexpensive to add a simple, foldable weight bench and gloves to avoid callouses. Youtube videos will show you how to do the exercises and describe how to improve your form and execution.

    Walking is magic for weight loss. Walking dogs is so good for them and you. Maybe take even more or even longer dog walks, vitality of dogs withstanding.

    I've got some dumbells and try and use them but really have no idea how to use them most effectively. Can you recommend a YT channel to get started?
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 215 Member
    edited December 2023
    I hate exercise too, and have some physical limitations that have taken long walks off the table more or less.

    I’ve been using YouTube videos by SeniorShape with Lauren. She has a ton of videos, including dancing, walking, strength, stretching, yoga, Pilates, etc. Some are just 10 minutes, but many are more like 20-30. She incorporates weights into a lot of the non-strength videos. I pick and choose depending on my mood, or try things randomly. I also love dancing and have identified a few of those videos that I’m doing fairly regularly because they’re fun - as opposed to, “Ugh, fine, I guess I have to do this, grumble, grumble.” (One is even Christmasy, which is not my thing AT ALL.) Lauren herself is a bit too simpering for my taste, but I’ve decided to ignore that because I’m benefiting so much from her routines.

    I also have a stationary bike at home that I use three mornings a week while talking to a friend on the phone, and do physiotherapy exercises at home a few times a week.

    My approach is that the only viable exercise for me is the exercise I will actually do.
  • Seansamz
    Seansamz Posts: 25 Member
    I’d say keep doing more of the exercise you have been if that is what you enjoy. Wake up early enough to walk far enough to make it difficult but doable. You got this!