Another Newbie


Just thought I'd say hi, and introduce myself!

I'm Jaime - I found MFP through my Blackberry's "Newest Apps" and it miiiiight be just what I need.

Please cheer me on - I'm working on about a 40lb loss and can use all the cheering I can get!

Thanks bunches!


  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey Jamie! This is a addicting & awesome site! Hope you have much success with it! Please feel free to add me if you want some cheering along the way!

  • Thanks Nic! umm... how do I add someone?
  • JigglyPuff2011
    JigglyPuff2011 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome .. this is a great site, it has helped me to loose 20lbs so far and I am looking forward to loosing some more.
  • JigglyPuff2011
    JigglyPuff2011 Posts: 32 Member
    To add some one just click on their screen name above where the picture is suppose to be and their profile page will pop up just click add friend and flow what ever else it tells you do .. good luck!! see you around!!
  • Hello there, welcome to the site. I hope it helps you reach your goal.
  • Feel free to add me if you like I have about the same amount to lose too :smile:
  • Done and Done!

    I totally forgot to add a stupid pizza bun I had at lunch to my tracking... so I ended up over my daily goal by just under 100 calories...but not too bad for the first day I think!