GRACIEC6 Posts: 1,513 Member



We are the BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE -- More fondly referred to as the BLC!
Join the BLC family and reach your goals! Registration for Round 54 opens December 1 and closes December 27. Sign up early to get your choice of team.

If you are new to the BLC, join us by registering in the Registration Discussion. Follow this link to learn more about the BLC:



Contact AALLEY5, GRACIEC6 or NEEKEPOO with any questions.


    GRACIEC6 Posts: 1,513 Member

    Hi - I'm Grace, one of the Captains of the NAVY NINJA TEAM! I've been with the BLC (Biggest Loser Challenge) for around 12 years. I've lost weight and even when I gain some back, I'm able to keep it to a minimum with the support and challenge of our teams! I've made life long friends and know they're always there for me!

    Follow the link in the first post to find our Registration Team and join us for the WINTER ROUND starting January 3. Some teams will fill up fast so ACT NOW!
  • PixelYear
    PixelYear Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2023

    Looking forward to this - been doing BLCs for over 10 years - thanks to admin for setting it all up - so many great teams - something for everyone
  • luv4katz
    luv4katz Posts: 560 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary Lue, Captain of the Fuchsia Beauties International (FBI) team. I've been with the BLC since, I think, Round 21 and this is Round 54!
    If you are looking for a fun, supportive, challenging way to pursue your health goals in the new year, join us!
  • manniecat
    manniecat Posts: 4,913 Member

    Hi! I'm Bonnie (manniecat), one of the captains of the Determined Desert Tortoises Team here in the BLC. If you're considering making a commitment to lose weight, get more fit, or be healthier this coming year - then check us out! You'll find lots of support, challenges, friends, and information.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,777 Member
    Hi! I'm Mica, a long-time teammate on Navy Ninjas! I reached my goal weight doing these BLC Challenges, and I continue to participate because I've forged friendships that I treasure. The support from the team is amazing. The weekly challenges are fun and motivating. Check out all the team descriptions; you are sure to find a team that feels like the perfect fit for YOU and your personal health and fitness journey!
  • watoga17
    watoga17 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm Jen and I lead the Bronze Wellness Warriors along with my friend, Barb. We do our best to keep up with a group of women who come together for motivation, support, information and camaraderie. We try to keep things fresh and interesting and are open to input and new ideas. We try to offer what each member says she needs.........from a listening ear to a kick in the rear! We have a very welcoming group so come sign up for BLC 54 and give us a try!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,796 Member
    Hi, I'm Darlene and am co-captain of the Determined Desert Tortoises with Bonnie. This group has kept me accountable and motivated in such a supportive and fun way. I'm still a work in progress, but have lost almost 40 pounds since joining this group in April of this year. I highly recommend it! Give it a try - you won't be disappointed.
  • mtngrl
    mtngrl Posts: 714 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily aka as mtngrl 😂 and a member of the White Rabbits. Our team is welcoming and friendly. We share healthy tips on eating, different exercise, songs to get your groove on and burn calories, support for those personal challenges we may be going through. If you need a friend you will find one here, a no judgement zone!

    We are just a little different in that you can join throughout the round. You are never too late to join, so if you missed the registration know there is a place for you here. It is also a great place to start if you have never done a BLC before. If you have questions someone is alway here to help you out. As many times as you need, lol! I know, I asked a lot of question! Check us out, you won't be sorry!!
  • MustangCassie
    MustangCassie Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I am Cassie, a member of the Bronze Wellness Warriors. I am on a health journey that is supported by my team members. Encouragement or a “kitten” kick, empathy and real friendships are part of the team experience. BLC is my health lifeline.
  • jenshaines
    jenshaines Posts: 1,363 Member
    Aloha! I'm JenH - Captain of Azure Destinations. I've been part of this challenge since round 22 and it's been life-changing for me. I have a great time and keep on losing! Come join us for fun and fitness!
  • maligator618
    maligator618 Posts: 280 Member
    I've been a member of the BLC for many years! I suppose since 2009 or 2010! I love it! I am a Navy Ninja and feel like part of a family with our team. We inspire, motivate, calm, reach out and keppp each other on task with all weight loss entails! I thought it was just the Navy Ninjas who were so wonderful, caring and compassionate and they certainly are, but I've learned by doing break challenges in between rounds that the BLC is full of people helping each other with everything! It is not just about weight loss! When you are a member of a BLC team you have a friend and you are never ever alone! Come join us!See what the new year can do for you and with you! ~Melissa, Navy Ninjas~
  • Flasun220
    Flasun220 Posts: 886 Member

    Aloha! I'm Janice. of Azure Destinations - Been here on BLC since it began on MFP. Come check out our Fun, friendly, motivational team - We love to have YA!!!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,796 Member

    Please join us for the next round of the Biggest Loser Challenge.

    If you are looking for something to help you keep accountable or motivated and have some fun at the same time - look no further. I joined the challenge a couple rounds ago and had so much fun. I liked it so much I became the co-captain of Determined Desert Tortoises. Our team, and many of the other great teams at BLC, is looking for new members and we would love for you to join us. The Determined Desert Tortoises are a wonderful group; sharing great ideas, support, motivation, and accountability in such a nonjudgmental way.

    If you are interested in joining the BLC 54 you will need to join our registration team and read about our teams to be ready to join us. Registration runs until Dec 27. Give it a try - you won't be disappointed.
  • DeeOwl20
    DeeOwl20 Posts: 673 Member
    edited December 2023

    Hi, I’m dee, one of the Co-Captains on the Minion Cadet Squad.

    If you are thinking about creating a healthier lifestyle, then the BLC is the place for you. It’s a 12-Week Challenge and whether you are just beginning your journey or need a refresh there are an assortment of teams to choose from that can help you along the way.

    The Minion Cadet Squad is a place where lasting friendships are made as we cheer each other on through the ups and downs that life throws our way. Your Squad leaders are here to provide support, encouragement, and help along the way.
  • CazGorleston
    CazGorleston Posts: 256 Member
    HI there
    I co-captain the Prism Panthers.
    We are a team of mainly weight maintainers, or are near goal weight, and we're a laid back friendly crew.
    Our challenges may not be " run 10 mile a day" in theme, but we're still a fit-conscious band, determined to keep supple and independent into our dotage.
    I've been a co-capt for a number of challenge rounds now, and a team member for many moons before.
    These BLC challenges are a must for anyone who's health conscious and needs a guiding hand. It's all about balance

  • herbison1
    herbison1 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm Nancy and have been a member of our great Bronze Wellness Warriors for few years now. Our group is welcoming, pro-active and always a respectful and learning environment, with some fun thrown in for good measure!
  • harvest_fairy
    harvest_fairy Posts: 998 Member

    If you are resilient and Determined, why not join the Determined Desert Tortoises team for the BLC 54 challenge?

    We have several other great teams you can join as well. 😉
    Join the BLC family and reach your goals! Registration for Round 54 opens December 1 and closes December 27. Sign up early to get your choice of team.

    Follow the link in the first post to find our Registration Team and join us for the WINTER ROUND starting January 3. Some teams will fill up fast so ACT NOW!
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,336 Member
    You can't find a more helpful, understanding challenge than the BLC. We are all in the same boat. So for fun and help on your road to a new you join BLC 54
  • BKWERM88
    BKWERM88 Posts: 355 Member

    Hello. My name is Joanna and I've been doing the BLC challenges since around BLC20 and have lost about 30 pounds altogether. Like the others have said, the BLC challenges are a fun way to lose weight with friends.

    I'm also the Captain of the Resolute Renegade team. If you're not sure what you need to do to lose weight then the Resolute Renegade team might be a good fit for you as we help you figure out your magic weight loss formula.

    Renegades do not do the standard BLC challenges - Weekend Challenge (WEC), Tighten & Tone (TNT), Last Chance Workout (LCW). Instead Renegades do a WeekLong Challenge (WLC), which has 3 team goals that we all do (top 3 rows in tracker):

    • Intentional Fitness Minutes (IFM) - 150 minutes per week minimum is the goal
    • Strength Training (ST), - 3 ST workouts per week minimum is the goal
    • and Eating on Your Food Plan (self-explanatory)

    Please note: Our team doesn't do a lot of chit chat so if you're looking for a team that does that, our team probably isn't a good fit for you.
  • manniecat
    manniecat Posts: 4,913 Member

    Don't let winter slow you down in reaching your goals! There are plenty of ways to keep going with a little help from some friends.

    Determined Desert Tortoises is just that - a group of people determined to move toward their fitness, health, and weight loss goals! It's one of the teams that moved here to MFP from SparkPeople. We are just one of the teams within a larger group.

    Follow the link to the registration site and read all about all the teams. But, please consider joining the Determined Desert Tortoises because we NEED AND WANT YOU!

    If you are new to the BLC, join us by registering in the Registration Discussion. Follow this link to learn more about the BLC: