Serious eating issues, Please HELP!!!



  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    For me the easiest to stop this in its tracks is NOT to cut it out of your diet, but instead choose healthier versions if available. Like if you want to have half or whole sandwich, have one. Use Whole wheat bread instead of white. Brown rice instead of white. There are some things that you can't sub, like potatoes, but limit to one time a week? Or twice a week. watch portion. Another thing I do with that kind of stuff is I put it on my plate, but only can have it once my good stuff is gone, that way by the time I get to the yummy mashed potatoes I usually only have room for a bite or 2. Never can finish them lol Umm sweets, DARK chocolate! Small amounts of dark chocolate daily can help you burn 50% more calories (Or so I heard on the news the other night have not fully checked their sources yet). Starbursts as well! Those are my "I HAVE to have something sweet NOW" food lol an entire pack (12 pieces) is only 240 cals! I usually only eat about 4-6 and it kills my sweet craving. Uhmmm, if I have anymore suggestions I will post again :) GL!!
  • pizzygirltx
    I have designated Sundays as my cheat day. I am not eating anything white (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes etc) during the week and then on Sundays, I allow myself to eat (in moderation) whatever I am craving.

    Maybe this will help keep you from totally giving in.
  • Carrie_D
    I had a friend tell me that is if you think about eating three meals a day, that is 21 meals per week. If 19 of those 21 meals are healthy, correctly portioned meals, you can have successful weight loss. Don't let one meal destroy what you are working toward. Start again fresh with the next meal.
  • Bugsyzgrl
    Bugsyzgrl Posts: 98 Member
    I try to make my meals the night before. Then I have no excuse but to eat the healthy items available to me. I've also stopped buying all the empty carbs- chips, etc. If it's there... I WILL eat it.
  • Rhodygarden
    ETA: Just thought of Key #3 - every time yo make a change in your lifestyle to lose weight, ask yourself "can I do this for life?". This is so important because you'll find out what are the healthy ways and what are just quick fixes that won't work. Can you do low carb forever? Maybe - but how about focusing on moderate levels of carbs or more healthy carbs instead. Same with fats.

    Very well said - every day make the best choices you can, remembering this is a way of eating for life not a 'diet'. Each day log foods and my exercise. Allowing all food groups and working 'treats' into your plan help me to stay on track. Quick fixes and setting unrealistic goals just lead to failure.
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    I know for me I am not able to cut out the stuff that I love, its just learning very slowly to eat it in moderation. I still have ice cream, hamburgers, pizza, and things but I budget for them in my calories, work out hard to eat them, and eat smaller portions. In my situation, I would eat so much worse/more when I would restrict my choices. If i can have a half cup of ice cream at night, im less likely to sit down with a huge bowl at the end of the week because I'm going crazy. Keep working, you can do it!
  • svetlana_vs
    Forget about refusing from any food - allow yourself some pasta, bread, even sweet things from time to time, but only within your calorie limit. Add calories through exercise. Do not treat this as diet - this is life-style change... do not have fixed "cheat" days - target having all days as "good" days... but just some days will be better than other...

    This works very well for me.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    If allowing yourself 'one treat' is producing a binge, chances are you're being over-restrictive to start with. Getting healthy is about learning to be kind to yourself, in a positive, healthy way.

    EXACTLY. Beautifully said. It took me a long time to learn to be kind to myself, and not beat myself up. After that, things clicked.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Most of the large losses when you cut carbs is water weight, since carbs hold a lot of water. I doubt you lost that much actual weight in such a short time.

    But really consider if you can live your entire life foregoing cake, pasta, bread, whatever. If you can't, you need to balance your diet and include those things in moderation.