Traveling to Switzerland for a week, help!

Ok, so it doesn't sound like such a bad thing.... spending a week in Switzerland. But, how am I going to make good choices when I am eating out every day for every meal? I am not sure what to expect for food options there (as I have never been), but all I can think of is cheese and chocolate. :) What kind of things can I do when I don't have control over all my food and have to eat out for every meal for over a week.

Any suggstions would really help.


  • ocdwriter
    I'm assuming you'll be doing a lot of touring places. So you'll be doing a lot of walking, which counts for exercise for sure. Whatever you get, ask for a to go box with it so you can immediately put half of it in a box to cut your portions in half so you don't over eat. Eat your food slowly for two reasons: It's delicious and you should savor it. And it makes you feel more satisfied and makes you feel fuller faster.

    Drink lots of water! :)
  • mamaredhead
    Go for salads and meats or the combination of both. You should get them at every decent restaurant all over the place. Just avoid "Käsespätzle" ;-))) and you should be fine!

    Greetings from Germany (practically nextdoor) ...
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm assuming you'll be doing a lot of touring places. So you'll be doing a lot of walking, which counts for exercise for sure. Whatever you get, ask for a to go box with it so you can immediately put half of it in a box to cut your portions in half so you don't over eat. Eat your food slowly for two reasons: It's delicious and you should savor it. And it makes you feel more satisfied and makes you feel fuller faster.

    Drink lots of water! :)

    I'll actually be doing very little touring unfortunately (just on the weekends). I am going for work. So, I am not going to have much time to work out or see a lot.

    The other thing I am worried about is that in Europe they eat actual portion sizes (unlike in America), but I am worried that those portions will still have tons of calories. I want to make sure that I still get full without eating 3000 calories a day.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Go for salads and meats or the combination of both. You should get them at every decent restaurant all over the place. Just avoid "Käsespätzle" ;-))) and you should be fine!

    Greetings from Germany (practically nextdoor) ...

    What is "Käsespätzle"?
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    well what I can tell you is its VERY expensive over there, so if you want to save money dont drink alcohol, thats gonna save you cals and money YAY! I think treats and restaurants are just as expensive too! But Ive heard they have good clean foods, I would stay away from sauces and things like that and stick to proteins like steaks with sides, a steak is a steak is a steak!

    I would say that you could maybe halve the portions on the plate, but from what Ive read I think it might be rude to in switzerland!

    I would eat what you think will be good and try and exercise as much as possible inbetween meals!

    have fun and good luck! :)
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    Try not to worry too much and enjoy your trip.
    The portions will probably be more 'normal' than in the US, but otherwise just try and make the sensible choices same as you would at home. Explore the area in the evenings/weekends on foot and burn some cals. DO enjoy the local specialities as much as you can though, its not something you do every day and its only for a short period.
  • ocdwriter
    Check and see if your hotel has an exercise room :) I lose weight on my trips whenever there's a gym. And honestly, since you're concerned about it, you'll do just fine in making the right choices. Fill up on salads, and enjoy some but not all of the main dishes. :)
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    I travel abroad with work, probably once a month on average. A lot of these trips are with coleagues and then it will be resturant eating the whole week.

    I gave up trying to calculate calories, my stategy is to eat three times a day and just make the best choice I can, I try a stay away from beer, maybe a glass of wine with dinner.

    Your experience on MFP can help you gauge portion size and help you make good choices, but at the end of the day there is some high cal food always get through. Don't stress about that too much, I'm of the opinion that this can be positive for my body, a change of food type keeps the body guessing.

    The long Hual is more important than a few meals being high in calories.

    Enjoy Switerland.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Pfff! You'll have no trouble. I live on the French side of the Swiss border, where most restaurants serve the local specialities which are based on cheese and potatoes, but the menus are also filled with healthier options. No, the fish is not the freshest, but it's there and so are other lean proteins and smart choices you can make. You can find a lot of similar items on MFP which makes logging easy.

    Besides - you're on holiday, so if you slip up, don't worry. Just enjoy yourself.