Anyone have tips on how to ignore temptations of junk food?

I keep bingeing and i need help on stopping temptations.


  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    As others have said, don't bring junk food into your house/place of work. If it's already there, throw it out. Good luck.
  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 90 Member
    Lots of good advice about temptations at home. If there's also temptations at work, I've had luck with finding replacements to keep in my snack drawer so I'm not tempted by the treats at work.

    Ex. my coworker keeps a big bowl of butterfingers outside her office that I have to walk past 10+ times a day. I now keep fun size M&Ms in my snack drawer because they are lower calorie/fat than Butterfingers. It's not perfect, but it helps me walk past, and most of the time I can ignore the M&Ms in my snack drawer and just take some when I'm really jonesing for that treat.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Also, eat before you go grocery shopping. If you are tempted by something you know triggers binges, tell yourself that it will still be there next week or next month, you can skip it now. The more often you postpone indulgences, the easier it gets to pass them by.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    i don't keep trigger foods in the house, but also i've found lower-calorie snacks i like so i can munch sometimes. some - like dannon light & fit yogurt also add protein to my diet while being under 100 calories. and there are ultra low snacks like juicy gels sugar free gel cups (i prefer the orange and strawberry) plus i make my own calorie-free popsicles with my favorite calorie free sodas, herb teas (with stevia) and water enhancers so i can go crazy with no calories at all.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,925 Member

    Maybe next time you're in the grocery and want some tortilla chips, just get a single-serving sized bag. You will pay a lot more per ounce, but you won't have a 12-serving bag in your house.

    I cannot throw away perfectly good food. Given all the inputs that go into producing food, I find it abhorrent to waste it. I would absolutely find some other use. For tortilla chips, I might crush them into crumbs, put them in a jar in the freezer, and use them as coating for fish or something like that or maybe an addition to thicken a soup. Worst case is I'd mix them with some other ingredients and make some suet or some other food for the birds. Or at least go toss 'em in the river for the fish to eat. I couldn't throw them in the trash, and I don't have (nor do I want) an in-sink disposal device. Their main purpose is to create a nice food slurry for sewer rats. Yeah - I worked in a public utility. I don't like rats.

    Abhorring food waste did lead to a weight gain this spring. I was on a private Grand Canyon Rafting trip that we used an outfitter to pack the food. They gave us way too much. Some of my mates weren't good at leaving some of the cans unopened or otherwise not actually cooking everything in the day's box. We always ended up with leftovers. They can't be saved, and in order to keep them from being thrown in the garbage, I'd eat more than I needed. I hated that. Sometimes there was so much extra I couldn't make a real difference, and we threw a LOT away. One night I was on the dish crew, and there was a pot full of delicious food. I told the rest of the group I will wash the pot, but I can't be the one to dump it in the garbage.

    Wasting food wastes so much. It has become a real problem in the USA. It means that all of the inputs have gone for naught. The labor. The fuel used on the farm. The chemicals used on the farm. The fuel to transport the chemicals. The fuel used to transport the food multiple times. Unless it's composted, it also takes up landfill space and emits methane which is a powerful greenhouse gas. In the USA, over a third of our food gets wasted.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,288 Member
    Agree.. don’t bring in the house. At work.. have your own food on hand and when your will power is waning.. ask yourself.. will eating this serve my goals or just taste good for 30 seconds and then I’ll regret eating it?
  • jimmydr5
    jimmydr5 Posts: 254 Member
    edited January 3
    1. High protein diet
    2. Hydration
    3. Sleep adequate 8-9 hrs
    4. Kitchen is shut after fixed hrs. And so no bingeing.
    5. Avoid unhealthy snacks. U also get protein chips.
    6. Incorporate protein smoothies too.
    7. One trick I would do is to sometimes reserve main portion of calories for food that you like. For eg. pastry. Once in a while is ok. Rather than binging regularly and on guilt trip.
    8. One more trick. Keep major of your daily calorie requirement during bingeing hrs, may be late evening or night. And then try incorporating healthy foods like grilled chicken and smoothies, high protein foods etc etc. and then try gradually shifting it to your morning and lunch once you are in full control of not bingeing at night. Believe me. Even if you binge, you cannot literally have 500-700 grams of chicken. So actually u ate healthy food within calorie budget during your bingeing hrs. 👍

    Most important is high protein diet. Helps a lot. It helps with early and longer satiety and so no hunger.

    I feel bingeing actually happens because you don’t eat the food you like regularly. Imagine since morning you are into food you like, then why binge?
  • Andrea222
    Andrea222 Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 3

    I would love to buy a single serving bag of tortilla chips, but I’ve never ever seen them. 🤷‍♀️I also hate food waste. Luckily I’ve only done the tortilla thing a few times in my life
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,925 Member
    Andrea222 wrote: »

    I would love to buy a single serving bag of tortilla chips, but I’ve never ever seen them. 🤷‍♀️I also hate food waste. Luckily I’ve only done the tortilla thing a few times in my life

    They are often close to the check-out as an impulse buy. Other times you have to buy a package of several of them - the size to put in a brown bag lunch. They're often also available at gas stations or convenience stores.

    When I buy a 5-ounce bag of Kettle Chips, I have to admit that if I bring them home, there will actually be only one or two servings in the bag instead of the five claimed on the label. I also found that if I cut the top of the bag with a scissors after I've weighed out an ounce (and then a second ounce), I can re-seal it with my vacuum sealer. Then I can put it back in the pantry for another time. The problem is that I don't forget where I put them, and I actually know how to open that bag again. It works about half the time. So I just leave 'em in the store.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,859 Member
    A lot of posters have mentioned getting rid of junk food completely, and for some people that may be not only reasonable, but necessary. I, however, fall into the category of people who prefer moderation over elimination. In other words, I plan my day to include a little bit of my special treat, and having just a little bit helps stave off the desire to have a ton.

    Now, this requires a little bit of planning ahead. If I open a bag of chips while watching the football game, I guarantee you I will eat several servings' worth before realizing what happened. So if my plan is to have chips during the game, I either buy the individual-serving sized bags, or the moment I get home from the store I portion out the large chips bag into several Ziploc sandwich bags. Then when the game starts I grab a single bag and enjoy.

    I also plan out all my calories for the day in advance. This helps me to juggle high-calorie lunches with low-calorie dinners (and vice versa), whether I have enough protein planned into my day...and make sure I have enough calories in my "budget" to allow for a special treat. I might have to cut out that second slice of garlic bread to make room for dessert, but then when I do indulge it's guilt-free, not worrying whether this treat is putting me over-calories for the day.

    When it comes to eating out, I do agree that making the conscious choice to cook for yourself is usually better. But even eating fast food can have ways to cope. Asking for the SMALL portions of fries and soda lets you have some taste without all the calories. Asking for grilled versions instead of fried (especially for chicken). Getting alternate sides (fruit or chili instead of fries, for example).
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,076 Member
    If I have unused calories to eat, I will eat it if I want to.

    If I'm maxed out on calories no bueno! :0)
  • uschica71
    uschica71 Posts: 1 Member
    I've felt so hungry since I started making changes which makes me vulnerable to overindulge. I did opt for smaller items thinking it was ok but when I entered that item into my food diary, it helped me for the next time I wanted to eat that again. I actually wrote the # of calories big enough on the snack as a visual so that I can make an informed decision. I also chose to drinking water, work out or distracting myself in another way. Thinking reassuring thoughts also helped to encourage me about my overall health goals. You can do it!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    For years.. many.. i've purged my kitchen of anything that wasn't on my eating plan. I also got rid of any alcohol. AFter all these years.. just now.. can i have a few of those things around and not be tempted. So yeah.. in after 20 yeras of keeping junk food and alcohol out of your house. you can build enough will power have them in there again and not be tempted. ha. But.. simply smart to never have the stuff around.