Have you ever ___________?



  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    I haven't, but I've been taking my son to Flight School and sitting in on the lectures....and went down to the Hangar, and saw some pretty fun little planes down there!

    HYE gotten your pilot's license?
  • TamraLynn78
    TamraLynn78 Posts: 307 Member
    Nope, and no plans to do so

    HYE dined out solo and loved it?
  • abbelina04
    abbelina04 Posts: 280 Member
    No. But it’s on my list of things to do.
    HYE been to a drive in movie?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    True - quite a long time ago. Super fun

    HYE gone to a tail gate party?
  • MrG7393
    MrG7393 Posts: 516 Member
    Yes! Dolphins at Jets at Giants Stadium. Great food and fun!

    HYE marched in a parade?
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Yes, several. Band geek!

    Have you ever performed for a wedding? Like singing or playing an instrument?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,138 Member
    Not for a wedding....I did do some professional acting/singing when I was in high school.....

    HYE been in a Hollywood movie production?
  • abbelina04
    abbelina04 Posts: 280 Member
    No I have not.

    HYE danced in the rain?
  • wam60
    wam60 Posts: 2,230 Member
    I've done a lot of things in the rain...but probably none could be considered dancing...

    HYE taken on a food challenge of any kind?
  • TamraLynn78
    TamraLynn78 Posts: 307 Member
    Cooking is my #1 hobby, so I always am tying new things. Don’t know if that qualifies as a food challenge. But I have a goal to learn 1 new recipe each month this year

    HYE made your own vanilla extract
    STRAITBUGGIN Posts: 314 Member
    No (wouldn’t know where to start)

    HYE rode a horse?
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,396 Member
    Yes, have done horseback riding as a sport at young age, about 2 years, but then stopped.

    HYE done charity work?
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Yes, I have- LOTS. I volunteer weekly for a youth program, and I've worked with several other different organizations- serving people and helping with events. I also used to manage a bakery and at night when we'd dump out coffee and toss out the day old stuff, I had a couple of homeless guys that would pop by the back door, and I'd give them the coffee and the day olds and some other things too. They used to make sure I got to my car safe at night- sweet souls. I volunteer with another organization and put on an Autism Family Friendly event. it's amazing.

    HYE walked out of a job before? Details! lol
  • HungryCatapilar24
    HungryCatapilar24 Posts: 43 Member
    edited January 11
    Absolutely.. I was working in a large store over Christmas holidays while I was studying at college, I had to wear a skirt suit .. the manager would complain that I looked too sexy because my legs are longer than the average female so my standard knee length skirt was much shorter .. among other sexist pig comments ..then when in took a day off sick he came knocking on my door demanding I let him come in even though I was only wrapped up in a sheet just popping my head around the door , he threatened to sack me if I didn’t give him what he wanted. So shut the door fast and reported him when I went back into work, he accused me of theft and blackmail in his defense and told him were to stick the job .. I was 17.

    Have you ever broken a bone and how?
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,396 Member
    Yes, where do i start...lol
    Have broken my clavicula (clavicle) when i was 5 or 6 years old, byt jumping on the couch and fallen of it

    Then i have broken 18 bones in my hand during a bowling match, by having a high backswing, and the television screen hanging too low, i went right through it. This was at age 16.

    I broke a toe, just by stumping into a table

    I broke my wrist, just by playing around outside playing soccer, stepped on the ball, fell down, and tried to catch myself with my hand, but with all my weight, my hand lost

    Broke my arm once, almost same story, playing outside soccer, and fell down

    And broke my leg once when cycling outside and falling due to a bump in the road

    I might have missed a few, but those are the ones that came to mind on the top of my head

    HYE braces to fix your teeth?
  • HungryCatapilar24
    HungryCatapilar24 Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, where do i start...lol
    Have broken my clavicula (clavicle) when i was 5 or 6 years old, byt jumping on the couch and fallen of it

    Then i have broken 18 bones in my hand during a bowling match, by having a high backswing, and the television screen hanging too low, i went right through it. This was at age 16.

    I broke a toe, just by stumping into a table

    I broke my wrist, just by playing around outside playing soccer, stepped on the ball, fell down, and tried to catch myself with my hand, but with all my weight, my hand lost

    Broke my arm once, almost same story, playing outside soccer, and fell down

    And broke my leg once when cycling outside and falling due to a bump in the road

    I might have missed a few, but those are the ones that came to mind on the top of my head

    HYE braces to fix your teeth?

    Oh jeezus!!! You need a bubble wrap suit!!! 😳

    No I’ve been lucky with my teeth, perfectly straight, still have all my own and never even had one pulled out .. something I dred 🥴

    Hye won large amounts on the lottery ?
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,396 Member
    Yes, where do i start...lol
    Have broken my clavicula (clavicle) when i was 5 or 6 years old, byt jumping on the couch and fallen of it

    Then i have broken 18 bones in my hand during a bowling match, by having a high backswing, and the television screen hanging too low, i went right through it. This was at age 16.

    I broke a toe, just by stumping into a table

    I broke my wrist, just by playing around outside playing soccer, stepped on the ball, fell down, and tried to catch myself with my hand, but with all my weight, my hand lost

    Broke my arm once, almost same story, playing outside soccer, and fell down

    And broke my leg once when cycling outside and falling due to a bump in the road

    I might have missed a few, but those are the ones that came to mind on the top of my head

    HYE braces to fix your teeth?

    Oh jeezus!!! You need a bubble wrap suit!!! 😳

    No I’ve been lucky with my teeth, perfectly straight, still have all my own and never even had one pulled out .. something I dred 🥴

    Hye won large amounts on the lottery ?

    Haha, well i guess i was just real clumpsy in most of the situations.
    But (knock on wood) i have not broken a single bone in last 15 years

    And not lottery, but went to casino once with only € 100 and came back with € 5000

    HYE cheated on someone?
  • HungryCatapilar24
    HungryCatapilar24 Posts: 43 Member
    Nope not a chance of me doing that

    Have you ever done something extreme and daring?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    @HungryCatapilar24 - I just read about your experience working during Christmas...that manager sounds dangerous! As a 17-year-old, you must have been SO freaked out!
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,138 Member
    Nope not a chance of me doing that

    Have you ever done something extreme and daring?

    Seems like most of my life has been that way....3 wars and 2 insurections ....sneaking people across borders ... taking photos of Russian and Chinese arms....recruiting people to betray their countries, blackmail....32 years as an intelligence officer....yeah, I guess so....

    HYE flown in a hot air balloon?