Serious trouble..please help me get back on track!!

epedchenko Posts: 10
Hey guys!! I joined this site back in March because I wanted to lose weight for the summer. I lost 15 pounds and thats the skinniest I've ever been!

Then I went on vacation, came back mid July..broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years and things just got out of control! Take a look at my diary maybe not today but a few entries back)..I mean I could eat 6 sandwiches, jar of ice cream, half a jar of peanut butter and not even blink!!

What I have today - is not the worst! The calorie amount might seem not too bad but look at the food. I can't stop eating sugar, shoving it in my mouth while at work..and Ive been jogging for an hour every day trying to make up for the damage I've done.

Id come home from work and just start EATING..and I keep thinking okay this is not the worst thing..don't beat yourslef up. this is probably emotional, you'll feel better. Well, it's been bit over2 months after break up and I do feel better..but I keep eating! Not like i used to but still! Out of 15 that i lost, I gained 12 of them back!!! Makes me so depressed...took me months to lose them and just weeks to get them all back!!!

What do I do..If it helps..I have an hourglass body shape (heavier bottom) and if I do gain weight, it all goes in my bum, thighs and upper arms (stomach stays surprisingly flat!)

But seriously, I can finish a jar of H&D and not even notice and reach out for more..It is insane!! Please help! What is the best way to get back on track and what kind of exercise I should be doing..?



  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    I could have wrote this! Just went through a break up of a 2 year relationship and gained back all the weight I lost earlier this year. It's been 2 months now...I don't know how to get back on track but I think I'm going to try it one day at a time. We can cheer each other on, you got this!
  • let's do this! I mean it!! I am out of control...officially
  • This could have completely been about me, too! But what I have learned about myself in this journey is that if I do high protein, I don't crave the sugar, peanut butter, ice cream, etc.........maybe give that a try? Good luck and you can do this!!!!!! =)
  • I'm the WORST emotional/binge eater... You just have to rid yourself of everything and not get side tracked.
    I don't have much sugar anymore, but have fruit at work which I find satisfying enough now :)
    But I did find Mum's hidden cupcake mix stash and went a bit crazy last weekend.
    You seriously just need to get rid of everything that you know you'll want to binge/snack on and don't go near places where you'll be tempted to purchase these terrible things!!!
    My issue is coming home to an empty house, but if there's nothing there to binge on It's not too bad :)
    If you start thinking about icecream, chocolate etc - go for a run and see how you feel afterwards :D !!

  • Id come home from work and just start EATING..and I keep thinking okay this is not the worst thing..don't beat yourslef up. this is probably emotional, you'll feel better. Well, it's been bit over2 months after break up and I do feel better..but I keep eating! Not like i used to but still! Out of 15 that i lost, I gained 12 of them back!!! Makes me so depressed...took me months to lose them and just weeks to get them all back!!!

    If you like to keep on eating while getting out of the relationship slump, try a low-carb diet. Eat as much as you want but without the sugar and starches.
  • It sounds like you have activated that part of the brain that causes cravings of all kinds, The adiction center. You will get passed this, try and see what foods trigger a pig out. For me there are certain sweets that send me into an all out glutenous chow of sugar, while others I can have a bit and be fine. Take a deep breath, plan your meals, plan your treats. You can take control! Good luck!
  • My advice would be several different angles:
    1. You are right take it one day at a time. you are grieving a loss, but hurting your body will not bring back what you are missing.
    2. You need to choose your food and measure everything out exactly and go sit at a table and eat only the one serving of your items and log it right away.
    3. Don't do anything else while you are eating but eat. Pay attention to the food, chewing, how it tastes and when your plate is empty you are done and you walk away until next meal.
    4. If if works for you plan your whole next days food the night before and prepare it so you don't have to think you just grab.
    5. Remember you are not dealing with a physical problem, you are not fighting your body. It is all mental and emotional and you have to find other ways to ease your broken heart that you enjoy that isn't food.

    I have been there and it is a process. If you slip you say, that wasn't good but tomorrow will be.

    Good luck!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm so sorry about your break up. That sucks. But the fact that you are on here and still tracking your food even when you're bad means that you want change. Now you need to take action. The kind that ignores the "desire" to eat and replaces it with other things to do so that you are not mindlessly eating food.

    One of the best things that has happened to me is that I've learned to meal plan, plan my portions and then portion them out. I'm not allowed to go back to get more. And I'm an emotional emotional crap is connected to my mother who is now not speaking to me for going on 2 months. If I can learn to do it you can!!! But you need to take control!!!

    Get the junk out of the house, plan meals ahead of time, portion out and don't go back!!! If you need to (and I hate these), use pre-packaged meals to learn control. I've learned that Trader Joe's frozen meals have less crap in them and decent calories and taste great!!!

    If the relationship ended then there is a reason and it means there is so much better for you that is going to come!!! Take control of yourself and challenge yourself to do it!!! You will succeed and YOU WILL WIN!!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Hey guys!! I joined this site back in March because I wanted to lose weight for the summer. I lost 15 pounds and thats the skinniest I've ever been!

    Then I went on vacation, came back mid July..broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years and things just got out of control! Take a look at my diary maybe not today but a few entries back)..I mean I could eat 6 sandwiches, jar of ice cream, half a jar of peanut butter and not even blink!!

    What I have today - is not the worst! The calorie amount might seem not too bad but look at the food. I can't stop eating sugar, shoving it in my mouth while at work..and Ive been jogging for an hour every day trying to make up for the damage I've done.

    Id come home from work and just start EATING..and I keep thinking okay this is not the worst thing..don't beat yourslef up. this is probably emotional, you'll feel better. Well, it's been bit over2 months after break up and I do feel better..but I keep eating! Not like i used to but still! Out of 15 that i lost, I gained 12 of them back!!! Makes me so depressed...took me months to lose them and just weeks to get them all back!!!

    What do I do..If it helps..I have an hourglass body shape (heavier bottom) and if I do gain weight, it all goes in my bum, thighs and upper arms (stomach stays surprisingly flat!)

    But seriously, I can finish a jar of H&D and not even notice and reach out for more..It is insane!! Please help! What is the best way to get back on track and what kind of exercise I should be doing..?


    My heart goes out to you reading your post. Have you tried planning your day in advance? I find that often helps me stay on track. Don't let yourself get off your meal plan. If that doesn't help then I would have to suggest that you talk to a certified psychologist. You could be harboring some pinned up emotions of abandonment from an earlier time in life, and the break up could have made them resurface. If that's the case, you have to work through those emotions so that you can move past all of this. I wish you all the best, sweetheart. It will get better.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    It all starts in the mind... your mind needs to be in the right place and you need to be commited to this.

    If you are and you'll do whatever it takes you're on track again!

    Remember make good choices. Don't go on diets, instead change your whole lifestyle... find a exercise you enjoy and stick to it, burn more equals to eat more (or the occasional treat)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I don't have any answers for ya but just STOP IT. I have the sugar thing too. It comes from the fact that virtually ALL of our food has sugar added- we're hardwired with a sweet tooth now.
    I'm trying to cut out refined sugar. Yeah it's hard/difficult/damn near impossible. but it's something to do. I also limit my fruit & unrefined sugar. I'm hoping eventually my sweet tooth will get the message.

    For the emotional eating ... If you KNOW you're not hungry and just eating your emotions cognitive therapy is the solution. You KNOW what you're doing - don't do it. Do something else instead.
    Is it possible for you to clear all that stuff out of your house? (do you live alone?) cause that's the only thing that works for me - I have NO willpower. I also have NO junk food in my home.
    Bottom line, Forgive yourself, get back in the game - drink your water and do better tomorrow
    All you can do
    best of luck!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    *holds up hand* I'm Jessica and I too am an emotional/stress eater.

    There's no easy way about it, YOU have to want to change his habit (addiction really) I've been with MFP since 09 and lost over 50 pounds- got a VERY stressful job (at a bakery, nice combo- ugh) and gained back about 20...

    The KEY is to fill this addictive behavior with something else... a hobby that calms you or better yet, EXERCISE!! Not only is it a positive in opposite to your negative eating, but it also stirs up your endorphins and kicks your seratonin into high gear. It's a double positive!

    Much luck to you!

    Also like the low carb idea! Always a good idea lol
  • I have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM! i am going back instead of forwards, can't seem to stop having these disgusting me, its the worst feeling, I know! let's support each other- we'll share if we find any good tips or motivation! keep your head high! you can do this!
  • melbelle32
    melbelle32 Posts: 69 Member
    Ive been there love......Relationships are hard to deal with. Somethings I would do when I was going threw hard stuff...... My mom and I would go rollerblading and VENT VENT VENT and I would ALWAYS feel better and stronger and not go looking for food as a comfort.

    A GREAT food item that always hits the spot for my sweet tooth is a Baked Apple :) Just take a apple and core it then put a little brown sugar or just sugar free maple syrup down the center. Put some raisins, pecans, cinnamon and some more maple syrup on the outside and put it in the microwave for 3-4 mins and BAMMMM its amazing!! Good Luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Hey guys!! I joined this site back in March because I wanted to lose weight for the summer. I lost 15 pounds and thats the skinniest I've ever been!

    Then I went on vacation, came back mid July..broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years and things just got out of control! Take a look at my diary maybe not today but a few entries back)..I mean I could eat 6 sandwiches, jar of ice cream, half a jar of peanut butter and not even blink!!

    What I have today - is not the worst! The calorie amount might seem not too bad but look at the food. I can't stop eating sugar, shoving it in my mouth while at work..and Ive been jogging for an hour every day trying to make up for the damage I've done.

    Id come home from work and just start EATING..and I keep thinking okay this is not the worst thing..don't beat yourslef up. this is probably emotional, you'll feel better. Well, it's been bit over2 months after break up and I do feel better..but I keep eating! Not like i used to but still! Out of 15 that i lost, I gained 12 of them back!!! Makes me so depressed...took me months to lose them and just weeks to get them all back!!!

    What do I do..If it helps..I have an hourglass body shape (heavier bottom) and if I do gain weight, it all goes in my bum, thighs and upper arms (stomach stays surprisingly flat!)

    But seriously, I can finish a jar of H&D and not even notice and reach out for more..It is insane!! Please help! What is the best way to get back on track and what kind of exercise I should be doing..?

    You changed from one habit to a better habit and now back to the old habit. So all you have to do is change habits again. But you need to do it for a reason like you did with summer. Just winging it won't work. Write out (literally) the reason why you want to have the good habit again. Stick the goal on your bathroom mirror, you fridge or pantry, and sun visor on your car. Constant reminders will help you get back on track.
  • tragically, my motivation was seeing my bf after we haven't seen each other for a while (he had to go away)
    but no it's just..what's the's like I just gave up. and I know it's awful! I know that I should put myself first but since we are being honest...that's just the way I feel//didn't love me when I was skinny, why be that way?

    Ouch, first time saying this out loud
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    tragically, my motivation was seeing my bf after we haven't seen each other for a while (he had to go away)
    but no it's just..what's the's like I just gave up. and I know it's awful! I know that I should put myself first but since we are being honest...that's just the way I feel//didn't love me when I was skinny, why be that way?

    Ouch, first time saying this out loud

    Well you know what... if he didn't love you enough to stick around then he wasn't worth losing the weight for anyway. Let your new motivation to be that you want to knock the next one (hopefully the right one) right off his feet when he looks at you. Not that it should matter, but a healthier you will be more confident and more attractive. I broke up from a long-term last November. In April, I decided that no one could love me until I loved myself enough to give myself a healthy body. Maybe its just time for you to change the way you are thinking about love. Take this time to focus on yourself and all the other pieces of your life will come into alignment later. I do know how you feel as I am single myself, but I don't need him to be my motivation. If anything, in my experience, the men want to keep us from getting super hot, gorgeous bodies because they are afraid they might lose us. I hate to throw this out there because I surely wouldn't want you to think that you have to save that lost relationship because he is so not worth it, but he probably thought you were losing weight for someone else and didn't even realize that you were doing it for him. If he didn't see that, then f*** him. He should have paid more attention. Now you do this for yourself. Not because you want him to love you more, but because you want to love yourself more. Don't put him or any other man above yourself ever! Because odds are you will never get as much in return as you expect or deserve. Good luck, sweetie!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I agree with everything that's already been said and especially with the tough love comment, STOP IT!!! I find that filling up your time with activities with friends and family helps fill the need for love/attention. This is not the best time to be alone for prolonged periods of time. I'll be here for you, if you'd like to add me. My heart does go out to you though. As you know, but can't feel at the moment, this will NOT be the end of you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    tragically, my motivation was seeing my bf after we haven't seen each other for a while (he had to go away)
    but no it's just..what's the's like I just gave up. and I know it's awful! I know that I should put myself first but since we are being honest...that's just the way I feel//didn't love me when I was skinny, why be that way?

    Ouch, first time saying this out loud
    Love is conditional it seems when it shouldn't be. Good you said it outloud. Now the'll find someone who'll just appreciate you for you. Whether skinny or not. It's okay to feel the way you feel, but in reality you need to like yourself unconditionally first.
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