Scale Issues

Hey everyone,

Quick question, why is my scale being evil for lack of a better word. I weighed myself mutliple times last week and once it said I was less than 130 why this morning it said 134. I have been under my calorie count w/ the exception of one day and even then I did not mess it up by that much. Any thoughts or ideas?



  • arodzwife
    Try adding a lil fat to your diet or go over your calories one day and see what happens....the other day I went over my calories by 1100 and lost a lb..Im not an expert but I think your body might think that its going into starvation mode and when that happens you wont lose weight....So give it a little extra and see what happens P.S my friend says this works for her
  • IslandHopperKW
    IslandHopperKW Posts: 12 Member
    Try only weighing yourself once a week - the same day of the week, in the morning before you eat or drink, after you go to the bathroom and without clothes (that sounds weird but it makes a difference!). I know it's hard to wait but it gets frustrating if you weigh yourself everyday and see the daily fluctuations. And make sure you are drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. =)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Quick question, why is my scale being evil for lack of a better word. I weighed myself mutliple times last week and once it said I was less than 130 why this morning it said 134. I have been under my calorie count w/ the exception of one day and even then I did not mess it up by that much. Any thoughts or ideas?


    First, are you weighing yourself at the same time every day. The most accurate reading is when you first wake up, after you have emptied your bladder and bowel, before you get dressed (aka completely naked). Secondly, there will be fluctuation all throughout the day as well as all throughout the month. If you are near your TOM, your body will automatically retain some water. If you eat too much sodium or don't get enough potassium, your body will retain water. If you worked out new muscle groups the day before, your body will retain water. There is any number of reasons for the fluctuation. You really shouldn't worry about the scale so much unless you have plateau'd.