chest pain while jogging...

I don't know if anyone will know what to do, but I am hoping that someone can provide me with some insight. Recently I started Couch to 5k. When I started out I, of course, was a little out of breath, but I ran it outside and made it to the end. By the end of the first week, I was doing pretty good.

The second week it steps it up a little, not much, but a little (i.e. first week you have 5 minute brisk walk, then alternate jog 1 minute, with 1.5 minute walk for 25 minutes. Second week same five minute walk, but 1.5 minute jog and 2 minute walk). In that second week though, I noticed on the first day my chest felt a little tight during my brisk walk. I wasn't actually able to even finish. So I went back to the first week schedule.

Last night I was able to get through the 1st week workout, still had a little tightness in my chest, but I was able to muddle through. Tonight, my chest got so tight I only got to the 13.5 minute mark. My chest starts to get tight in the first 5 minute brisk warm up, it gets progressively worse during my jog periods.

Any suggestions?


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I suggest you get clearance from your doctor before starting couch to 5k :flowerforyou:
  • cherylwhite
    cherylwhite Posts: 68 Member
    You shouldn't fool with chest pain. I would go see a doctor if you can...
  • cherylwhite
    cherylwhite Posts: 68 Member
    You shouldn't fool with chest pain. I would go see a doctor if you can...
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Please see a doctor for a physical including a stress-echo. Not even a doctor can diagnose you online. I'd be very careful doing anything that causes chest pain without medical advise. Please be careful I'd hate to see anyone die trying to get healthy.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Sometimes when I am running I get a pain in my chest and its actually my heart rate getting too high. I slow it down until it subsides then get at a more comfortable pace. HOWEVER, this is a pain in your chest so no matter what answers you get here you should talk to a doctor. I read a story about a runner experiencing this and it was actually mild heart attacks. I'm not saying thats what it is, but for sure find out.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Listen to them.....get blood work, go to a doctor. Something is wrong.
  • IfMamaainthappy
    I can only speak from experience. My husband (age 45. Not overweight) was having shortness of breath and arm weakness while walking up hills, going up stairs, or while walking on a treadmill. He had a stress test that found one of his main heart arteries was blocked. A heart catheterization showed 100 percent blocked. He had a stent placed. Please get this checked by a doctor. It took four months, three EKG's, xrays, CT scans, and an endoscopy before he was diagnosed. Don't mess around with chest tightness or chest pain.
  • pristinebutterfly
    Oohhh...that's doesn't sound good. I know when I first start out running (after months without running) my lungs tend to's a feeling like their stretching to full capacity because I'm actually using them to full capacity...:) As I run more frequently, the pain desists, I would say after a week or two of consistent running. But tightness in your chest sounds like it might be cause for concern, especially if you're not exerting yourself to full capacity at the time the pain starts. I would definitely get it checked out just to be sure...Best of Luck and congrats on your Couch to 5k endeavor. I just started the same program recently as well...:)
  • Panthers2010
    Thank you everyone.. I will call a doctor tomorrow to set up an appointment.