Just Joined, But Not New to Yo-yoing

I just thought I'd do this. I'm pretty seasoned at weight loss and nutrition and all that, though my weights gone up and down since childhood. At 51 I am now at my heaviest ever. So thought I'd try to nip it now as I'm trudging right on the line of obesity.


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,566 Member
    Welcome @MujerVieja72

    Won't it be great when you develop good habits so you quit going up and down in weight, get to a weight you're happy with, and then maintain it? Weight loss is in many ways easier than maintaining. What are you planning to do differently now that you're here so you don't keep going up and down?
  • MujerVieja72
    MujerVieja72 Posts: 12 Member
    I plan to take things as they come... 'cause sometimes Life just happens.. Sure we always got our choices.... but never any guarantees in life.... so..
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,566 Member
    No, there are no guarantees, but a person can have goals and develop strategies to achieve them. If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?

    If being obese is inevitable for you, I am glad you'll be OK with that. If you decide that you have some control over that, set some goals and achieve them. Use the tools here to help.

    What are your specific goals? What choices will you make to achieve them? Yes, life just happens, and yes we also have some decision on how it unfolds for us. Nobody is guaranteed to survive until the end of the day, but it still makes sense to plan for tomorrow, next week, and even next year.

  • MujerVieja72
    MujerVieja72 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a general idea. Just I'll keep my exact strategies and ideas to myself. I don't need to put eveeything out there on display for critical eyes to see.
  • MujerVieja72
    MujerVieja72 Posts: 12 Member
    And obviously, I came to this app to utilize the food & exercise diary. Managed to do darn well today. Again as I got nothing to prove, I'm gonna keep all that I accomplished and all my goals & knowledge about nutrition & the direction in which I intend to go, all to MY own self.

    Hasta luego...
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,566 Member
    OK Old Woman. Good luck. Many people find some utility in the community here. You don't. That's fine. You do you.

  • 02140214
    02140214 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Mujer. I'll be your fitnesspal friend. I'm going to be 62 this month. It's hard doing this alone. The weight seems to be glued on at this age!