One day at a time

Hi, my name is Sandi, and I am a diet-aholic. I have tried SO many and then just quite. My favorite being Weight Watchers where I had lost 20lbs last spring and have kept off 15 of it since. I have learned that the best way to lose it is to drink water, watch portion sizes, and cut out as many sweets as possible.

I have 3 children, a 10 year old boy and 2 year old twin girls. With my son, I didn't feel as much pressure to show him to eat healthy, and thankfully he makes pretty good choices anyhow. But with my girls, I feel a heavy burden to make them understand the right way to eat. I was a skinny little girl till I was about 11 and then packed on the pounds just as I entered into Junior High, and that was when the hardcore harassment went on for me. I dieted through high school and was at my best right about my senior year. And then came my first child, and it has gone back downhill since then. I think one of the worst things about everything is that when I gained it back, it settled in places that were never that large when I was younger and that makes me even more insecure about it than before.

Mostly, I want to lose weight.....for me, but for my family as well. I want to learn the right balance so that my girls, and my son, won't have such a hard time growing up and always have to be dieting.


  • Sarakay81
    Sandi! You could be 1,000 pounds and I would still love ya! Thank you for jumping on the wagon with me! You have always been so beautiful inside and out and I want you to feel the same way about you as we do. Here for you all they way toots!! YEEHAW! :drinker:
  • leese559
    leese559 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi sandi! I wanna say I am a diet-aholic too! I start every Monday! I haven't been able to stick to any diet ..I gave up drinking soda for lent 2 years ago and I haven't really gone back to drinking soda which i think is a good change. I have maybe had 3 so far this year...I love water and coffee as my favorite drinks. I am not much of a snacker but I do tend to eat the wrong things for breakfast lunch and dinner and I like to drink beer so that holds me back to! I recently started a weight loss challenge at work and this is week 2. The prize is a good one so I am trying really hard to drop fast. The weekends are the hardest. I have been taking spin classes during the week at 5:30am...its sooo hard getting up and getting there but after I finish i really am sooooo happy! I have a 17 year old and I still have the baby weight LOL...I am the biggest friend in the group of friends and I always have a plan but never stick to it...I hope with this site I can really see a change. I am happy to be able to find motivation and people who are having the same struggles as me. Hopefully we can push each other to get it right! right not being skinny right being healthy!! Good luck on your end:) The Biggest loser is on...more motivation while i walk on my treadmill again for 100 more
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome. I think the best thing you can do for your kids is lead by example. if they see you eating well, and making good choices, they will pick up the information they need. If you discuss with them why you make the choices, and what is health vs not healthy, you are loading them with the right information. when they want junk, sure sometimes they have it, but other times, it is your job to say no, that's no good for you, it'll rot your teeth and make you unhealthy.

    If they see you exercising, they will realise that exercise is vital. And if they see you eating vegies, fruit etc. every day, they will pick up on it. It's amazing how quickly kids adjust to not eating so much junk. My kids used to want "chippies" every time they see a fast food joint on the road, but they don't anymore, because I just say, no, we're not eating that rubbish, it's no good for us. These days, as a treat, i might take them a couple of times a year to mcdonalds and buy them an icecream, but not the chips and burgers etc. they have a small icecream and play on the playground equipment and are happy to leave without eating chippies.