help give me tips on losing weight

so far ive lost 13lbs in one month but after that month everything seems to go by slower now and weight doesnt seem to be going down can someone please give me some awesome low calories recipes or tips on how to lose the weight. please and thank you


  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Congratulations on losing 13lbs in one month! Amazing! But unfortunately this kind of weight loss won't happen every month. That's okay though because losing about 3-5 pounds a month is healthy. So, celebrate your big weight loss this past month and take comfort in knowing that a slow and steady weight loss is the healthy way to do it. Best of luck to you!
  • singingtohim
    13lbs in a month is FANTASTIC!!!!! on average one should lose 1-2lbs a week. the first week, most will lose more than that, but after the first week its a matter of determination. keep it up! don't give up! you can do it!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I believe exercise and healthy food choices are a drink your water, watch your sodium, and weight train.
  • katelcollins18
    thanks for the tips :)
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Up the exercise, and don't cut your calories under 1200!! Get lots of fiber, eat veggies when you can, and have a GOOD breakfast with protien to help curb cravings all day :)
  • katelcollins18
    thanks alot :happy:
  • hangelgirl
    hangelgirl Posts: 9 Member
    Great job on the 13lb on your 1st month. ...WATER is always good :) - the scale is a gauge we are all fixated on - look at the overall picture... see how your clothes is fitting- that is another indicator of weight loss :) We didnt goin this weight over night... we arent goin to lose it over night :)
  • katelcollins18