Any like-minded ladies in their 40s?



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,552 Member
    SparkleMK wrote: »
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Are y'all daily weighers? Weekly? Monthly? I currently weigh daily, because I'm afraid if I weigh weekly I might miss my lowest day and feel discouraged on my weekly weigh day. That sounds really neurotic as I write it out LOL Interested in what y'all do:)

    I recently read that daily weighing at the same time (for example in every morning before breakfast) was a good idea, but to only "record" it once a week. So write it down daily but then add it together and average it out and record that average as your "real" weight every Friday or whatever day you choose to do consistently. Made a ton of sense to me because if I wait a week the number can jump wayyyy up, but if I do every day the number going up and down can make me nutty, so this was a good way to get a balance.

    If you use spreadsheets, you can easily set one up to do this for you AND you can even set it up to calculate a moving average. That way you can still look at a number every day, but it will be the average of today and the previous nine days.

    If you really want, you can make a formula to calculate a weighted moving average. It's even more powerful than a simple moving average because it gives a higher importance to more recent weights (e.g., it gives a higher importance to today's weight than yesterdays and both are more important than four days ago, etc). There's a really good explanation of weighted moving averages in the Hacker's Diet.

    You can also use some online tools to do this if you don't use spreadsheets. One that I like is called Trendweight. You can't enter data there directly. You have to sign up for a free Fitbit account and put your weight in there. I think if you use a Fitbit device, it can populate itself.

  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    @smnovosad1 I wish you weren't afraid to weigh...the number doesn't define you. It's just a data point. I would want to weigh because you lose the most weight at the beginning and by Valentine's you might be down quite a bit and feel really proud of yourself! I'm proud of you for starting! I think the hardest part is getting started...once you've been at it awhile it sort of becomes habit and gets easier. I'm down 10lbs so far and before I started it was highest I've been in my life other than pregnancies and whatnot. Eating in my calories and walking on my walking pad is all I've been doing so far. One of these days I'll get my butt in the gym lol
  • chely35
    chely35 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 44 and need to lose over 50 pounds. Can I please join your group? I need accountability.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    edited January 23
    chely35 wrote: »
    I’m 44 and need to lose over 50 pounds. Can I please join your group? I need accountability.

    Dare I say, you don’t need accountability, you’re an adult, what will happen when the accountability isn’t there? You need a plan!

    So, what’s your plan?
  • aicelfe
    aicelfe Posts: 1 Member
    joining here because it has been an in and out journey for me. I was active in my early-mid 30s because I joined triathlon. But after having the baby and a full time work at home mom, I felt like I just had reasons after reasons after reasons to not get back on track again. I don't see myself going back to triathlon soon. My mind is telling me I can still do things, but my body is saying "you're body is changing girl!". Add me as your friend if you like. Would love to journey with you guys.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    @chely35 I sent a friend request. I'm on here most days and happy to have accountability friends :)
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Is everyone having a good week so far? I've gotten in an hour each day on my walking pad at work and stayed in my planned calories :)
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Did not stay in my calories last night. I went 500 over my goal, which I suppose means I ate at maintenance calories. It's the first time I've done that in many weeks though, so I'll count that as a win. Back on track today. Hoping to get back to the lowest weight I hit early this week.
  • km9xrv82qq
    km9xrv82qq Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, so happy that I found this thread. I want to loose 80lbs. I’m 38 years old with 3 children. Stay at home mom which can be challenging with many food temptations. Please add me !
  • Remona
    Remona Posts: 2 Member
    42 year old, lost 50lbs 4 years ago but gained back 25lbs. Continuing my journey to lose 25lbs before summer. Would love to have some MFP friends for accountability. Please add me.
  • Skatel
    Skatel Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 41, and need to lose 100 lbs. would love to have some friends here with similar goals! Any other busy moms who need accountability friends?
  • smnovosad1
    smnovosad1 Posts: 36 Member
    @TxTiffani you are so sweet and inspiring! I did get on the scale at a random time in the day and I weigh 165 lbs — yuck! Although that was like 5 days ago and I weighed at 160 this morning. Better, but still 30 lbs to go. I’m sure I have lost a little weight, but I’m also sure that a lot of that 5 lbs was just from weighing in the am.
  • Mrs_Hull
    Mrs_Hull Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I’m late to the party but this thread resonates with me. I’m 41. I’ve lost 27 pounds with close to a hundred left to go.

    My mom is quickly losing her mobility. It became noticeable in September. She has uncontrolled diabetes (won’t change her diet), COPD, and neuropathy.

    I am a runner but I fell into a sedentary lifestyle two and a half years ago when I went back to school. Now I’m working to regain those habits.
  • lillyblack1982
    lillyblack1982 Posts: 61 Member
    Please add me. What OP wrote about their parents' health struggles really resonates. I'm making changes now so that I can still do the things I love when I get older.
  • starrose1981
    starrose1981 Posts: 3 Member
    Almost 43 and would like to lose 50lbs
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Well, I managed to bounce around up and down and not lose anything really in Jan...bummer. I've noticed I'm stress eating more again. I need to reign it in and keep on track. It would be easier if I lived alone and only brought healthy foods into the house, but my husband and 12 & 14 yr old boys (who are healthy weights) all like snacky foods that are so tempting. I love my family so I suppose I won't trade them in, but it sure makes it harder lol. I need to find my motivation again...or at least be committed enough to not snack so much. I find myself in this middle ground of wanting to be thinner but not totally hating my size 12 body....sometimes it feels good enough. I'm only 5'1 though so sometimes I feel short and round like an oompah loompah LOL
    Ok....well that's enough about me....HOW ARE THE REST OF YOU DOING as we embark into February??
    MPJDVM Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in! I'm 46. Have had success w MFP in the past, but life changes and lax self-discipline and I am at a new heaviest ever. Ooof. I need to lose roughly 50lbs to get to goal (it used to be 20, then 30, now..... oh geez). Feeling strong and healthy and comfortable in my clothing for summer activities is my goal.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 915 Member
    edited February 3
    TxTiffani wrote: »
    Well, I managed to bounce around up and down and not lose anything really in Jan...bummer. I've noticed I'm stress eating more again. I need to reign it in and keep on track. It would be easier if I lived alone and only brought healthy foods into the house, but my husband and 12 & 14 yr old boys (who are healthy weights) all like snacky foods that are so tempting. I love my family so I suppose I won't trade them in, but it sure makes it harder lol. I need to find my motivation again...or at least be committed enough to not snack so much. I find myself in this middle ground of wanting to be thinner but not totally hating my size 12 body....sometimes it feels good enough. I'm only 5'1 though so sometimes I feel short and round like an oompah loompah LOL
    Ok....well that's enough about me....HOW ARE THE REST OF YOU DOING as we embark into February??

    I did not have a loss in January either. I mean I might have a pound or 2 but I found out the scales I was using were weighing me 7lbs less than what I was. I'm using a digital one now that is correct with the dr. I understand how it is, living with a husband and kids that don't watch what they eat or don't need to. It's tough being around that! When are you finding that you snack the most? Are you doing intermittent fasting at all? Before IF, for me my cravings were really bad at night before bed. It's under control now though, thankfully! I do the 16:8 IF method. Eating window for me is 12:30/1pm-8:30/9pm. (Not saying you have to try it but it's what helped me).
  • ckauszler
    ckauszler Posts: 25 Member
    Me! let’s do it, I have 50lbs to lose.
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    43, want to loose a stone in weight, i have heart disease that runs in my family and recently my blood pressure has been very high, so that has kick started my healthy eating and more exercise as i dont want to be put on medication for it, so far it’s starting to come down, its still high but getting there