New to MFP

Hi, My name is Krystal. I am 27 years old. I have lost 48lbs on my own still have 30 lbs or so to go and really I need some help adjusting. I still feel like the cute chubby girl. I wanna be a sexy woman. I look in the mirror and see the same face/body I saw 6 months ago. Anyway I wanted to introduce myself... I wish everyone good luck on their weightloss journeys it is a crazy ride.


  • Hello you are doing great !!!!! MFP really helps when you get a good support team its hard to do it alone. Add me if you would like : >
  • Welcome and give me a 5 for your awesome progress.

  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow, that's great! I admire your dedication and drive to lose 48 pounds on your own. What's your plan to lose the next 30 pounds?
  • Wow 48lbs lost already - well done you..... My journey has only just begun - just another 30KGs to go, but know with the support of the community of MFP I will make it to my goal. Please add me for support (mainly for me not you!!!!!!!)
  • Way to go!!! I'm new to this site too. I understand what you said about being unable to see yourself in a new way. I went through the same thing with my older sister when she lost over 60lbs! I am only looking to lose 5-10 lbs, but feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck, and again, congrats on your already significant achievement!
  • Way to go!!! I'm new to this site too. I understand what you said about being unable to see yourself in a new way. I went through the same thing with my older sister when she lost over 60lbs! I am only looking to lose 5-10 lbs, but feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck, and again, congrats on your already significant achievement!
  • kp2002
    kp2002 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! I didn't expect so many replies so soon. Thanks for the cheers! I am thrilled to be on here. I can't believe it has taken me so long to find this site.
  • kp2002
    kp2002 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, that's great! I admire your dedication and drive to lose 48 pounds on your own. What's your plan to lose the next 30 pounds?

    Thanks! My plan is the same as it was for the last bit... lots of yoga, light running, and a healthy vegan diet. Hopefully it keeps working.
  • congratulations on your progress so far. I know what you mean about not seeing any changes in the mirror. I'm going through the same phase, people keep telling me that I look thinner but I just don't see it in the mirror. Don't let that bother you though, I'm sure you do see a difference on your body and how your clothes fit now. Welcome to the site and keep up the good work!.

    PS. Add me if you'd like too!.