JANUARY 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member

    Calorie deficit people. Only game in town.

    No vegan, no keto, no paleo, no intermittent fasting, no apple cider vinegar, no Atkins, no slimmers world, no huel, no Noom... It's all horse💩.

    Calories in; Calories Out.

    Only game in town.

    Upto you how you juggle them.

    The end. And they all lived happily ever after.

    This is my philosophy as well.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,509 Member
    How do you guys manage to run so much and not have feel problems? I'm having so much hard spots underneath my feet (especially at the front food between the extension of the toes) and it's just so unpleasant. Yeah, I'm hypermobile and my tissue just seem to squeeze into gaps and then get hard or blistery, but still...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,068 Member
    Sounds like wonderful weather for a run yesterday @chris_in_cal .

    @ContraryMaryMary Looks like a great place for a run. It's good that so many people were out getting some exercise, but I get wanting to be alone too.

    Hahaha @tarun_yadavA . I tend to agree with you. I've tried most of those diets in my lifetime. They work temporarily, but aren't sustainable for me. So, running and portion size is what works for me. Great running.

    @kgirlhart I hope you enjoyed your rest day and that you have great weather for your run tomorrow. I also hope the work stress decreases soon.

    @martaindale Nice running. That's speedy for an "easy" pace. I'm glad your kids are willing to try new foods and hope some of the good choices will stick.

    Great mileage @SummerSkier .

    You are doing so good @yirara ! Keep up the good work.

    Great running. Thank you and yes @AlphaHowls .

    Enjoy your trip @Mari33a ! I hope you get the run in and make your goal while you are there.