What day to weight!?

SingSmileLaugh Posts: 278
If we weigh on Monday we are setting ourselves up for the week. In my opinion, Monday is bad enough! And if you had a weekend away with friends you'll be upset on Monday if you let yourself go at all. Conversely, if you weigh on Friday you'll know just what you have to do to stay on track all weekend and give yourself a nice boost before the weekend starts!

either way- I hope your weigh ins go the way you had hoped! Best of luck!


  • I normally weigh on monday as it marks a new week, but just reading what you've said about a friday .. I think i may change days :laugh:
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    I've found I'm lightest on a Sunday morning, not sure if it's because I do more activities at the weekend or what but it's strange! You'd think the weekend I'd weigh the heaviest! Lol it's whatever works for you!
  • I weigh everyday at 8:30am to track my progress.
  • I have read and heard that Saturday is the best day to start a diet (and also weigh-in)
    It gives you two days to slowly get into it and then the week days to work hard at it. This makes the weekend a bit of a downtime to help you keep staying motivated.
    If it's on a Monday, you can lose motivation by the end of the week and it's hard to begin again - unless it is something that has personally worked for you for a while.
    Hope this might help!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays. I feel even if I go over a little on the weekend I still have 4 more days to makeup for it. I tried Mondays but then I think it's harder to enjoy your weekend.
    Just my thoughts.

  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday when I get home from work.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    As long as you choose a day and stick to it (and the time of day) what difference does it make? It's the trend over the weeks and months that really matters.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I know people say you should only do it once a week, but I've never been demotivated by the inevitable blip every now and again, so I think why the hell not. Either way, before breakfast, after ablutions.
  • I weigh in on Wednesday. It's the middle of the week and any fluid I have gained from the weekend, be it because I drank a couple of margaritas, will hopefully have shed by then. Also, so I don't do so poorly over the weekend, I allow myself one semi-"what I want" meal each day but compensate my calories the other two meals.
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    I do Monday Mornings as soon as I wake up. That way it sort of keeps me on track for the weekend, knowing that I have to weigh in Monday -- it helps me not to go crazy on the weekends --
    But everyone is different, good luck in your journey :flowerforyou:

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  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I do it on Saturday because I find that is when I'm in the best mood. :)
  • ams21144
    ams21144 Posts: 11 Member
    i weigh in Monday, after letting the dogs out and turning on the coffee maker and before getting into the shower. The weekends are the hardest for me to maintain (good eating habits and exercising), so Monday allows me to 1. see the damage, if any, and 2. forgive myself and move on with a new start, if needed. However, I have to say, the longer I'm into eating healthier, making better choices on the weekend is becoming easier and more second nature. So Monday weigh-ins ... they aren't so bad!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
  • I prefer Fridays because Saturday is my "free day." I like to know how well I am doing before that day because if I didn't do well I won't cheat! But weigh in day will be different for everyone. You may only want to weigh once a week or once a month. Please whatever you do, dont weigh in everyday.

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  • i weigh in Monday, after letting the dogs out and turning on the coffee maker and before getting into the shower. The weekends are the hardest for me to maintain (good eating habits and exercising), so Monday allows me to 1. see the damage, if any, and 2. forgive myself and move on with a new start, if needed. However, I have to say, the longer I'm into eating healthier, making better choices on the weekend is becoming easier and more second nature. So Monday weigh-ins ... they aren't so bad!

    I feel the same way. If I had a bad weekend I will know the damage Monday. Then I will know I need to push myself a little harder during the week to keep going. And if I did good over the weekend it puts me in a great mood for a Monday and my weeks usually goes good.
  • Thanks for all of the input so far! And excuse my topic typo! Should say "What day to weigh?!" (no T at the end)
    I have been only on this website for a week, but I have weighed every day in the past and that's damaging to me. I have also weighed every Monday morning, but I tend to be emotionally attached to the results and it can put my week into jeopardy, or put me into a funk!
    If I weigh in on Friday Morning, I'm happy either way because I get a weekend with my friends and loved ones, and I don't have a cheat day- I don't use that method myself- so, I am happier with my family and friends around no matter what the scale says Friday and Monday is simply Monday when I get there!

    What other plans of action do you have ? Anyone lifting one foot off the scale? Taking out the contacts? Holding onto the towel rack? HAhah- Just kidding- More thoughts welcomed!
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