
Hello everyone! Is anyone else out there doing P90X? I'm starting on Saturday and wonder if I should adjust my calorie intake since they are pretty intense workouts. I obviously won't be able to do ALL the exercises right away, but I'll give it my best shot! Any thoughts?


  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    what time are you doing it and do you have a Heart Rate Monitor?

    the time is because if you do it on the morning you should be fine. At night, i suggest eating until you are 80% of the calorie intake of the day.

    p90x is on average a 500 calorie loss. It obviously depends on body type but on average its 500 calories loss.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    2 options you can change your activity level to very active, or you can log exercise as you complete it. If you don't have a HRM you can log the strength training days as circuit training, plyometrics as "aerobics, high impact" to give you estimates on calories burned.

    If you don't change your activity level, you must eat back the cals you burn in order to fuel your workouts.

    I have competed the full or a hybrid of the program 4 times and am in week 12 of my 5th round.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    Do it! lol this is the best workout I have ever done. Its fun and I look forward to doing it everyday. When you first start there are alot of new things but nothing to hard to catch on to. Do as much as you can and keep going until you finish the workout. I hope you like it as much as I do :) I didn't change my calorie intake just addded more protein.
  • SpaceMarkus
    I'm not doing it now but I've done it a few times. Follow the guide book and meal plan. That'll have everything you need. Also, make sure to watch the "How to Bring It!" DVD. That'll have a lot of good information in it about how to maximize the program.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • dtisch30
    I've been through two rounds of P90X and a modified round. I would say to follow the nutrition guide as best you can. It is lower carb in the first month and then you gradually bring your carbs back up. Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you can stay in the "Fat Burner" (Low Carb) section for longer.
    If you ever want help with P90X or any other Beachbody program, you can email me at coachtisch30@gmail.com. If you have a beachbody profile, my screen name is coachtisch30.
    Good luck and let me know how you do!

  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Hopefully in the morning. Perhaps I should maintain my cals for a week or so until I get adjusted to the workouts and see how I feel. My activitiy level now is Sedentary (YUCK) Gotta love a desk job!
  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome! Congrats to you! I'm just hoping to survive at this point! lol Thanks for the advice!
  • christadoud
    christadoud Posts: 41 Member
    I really like P90X- I alternate it with my running days and have really noticed a difference in my body. I will say get a heart rate monitor. Some people really do burn quite a few calories in P90X but I never really do unless it is Plyometrics. The most I burn is around 250-300. I know this makes me the exception. I do burn ALOT more calories on my running days, but P90X has given me great muscle definition and strength improvements. I guess what I am saying is don't overestimate your calorie burn. HRM is a great investment. Good luck!
  • Lisa6770
    Hi, I just started Monday. I'm still not sure how to document it all..... I am doing the Lean Workout. I just finished day 3 of week 1.
    Please feel free to friend me and we can help each other out.
  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks Dan! I've studied the nutrition guide, and honestly, some of the meals are time consuming and expensive to prepare. Any low cost suggestions and quick meals/snacks that you could recommend? I'm also fearful of adding the in between meals/snacks now that I'm counting calories as well.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    RLW... if you like p90X.... you should check out INSANITY... its awesome and all cardio... 60 day program and 1 hour each...
  • allenlisa
    I'm in week 7 of P90X now. I also did not adjust my calories but added more protein. If you find you are loosing energy throughout the day or during your workouts then add more calories.
  • allenlisa
    greek yogurt, fat free cottage cheese (with fruit), fruits & veggies, almonds, avacado. Those are my favs!
  • MobileRanger
    I am currently on my phase 2 recovery week of P90X, getting ready to head into phase 3. I add 600 calories a day when I do P90X, except on the X-Strech days. That has work quiet well for me. Like others have said if you really want to dial in what you have burned and get a heart rate monitor. Just remember on strength days to add a few more calories because your muscles will be burning calories all day as your body repairs itself. A high protien, lean diet does wonders.
  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome - thanks!