Help creating a toning work out for at home

Hi Everyone,

I'm hoping some of you out there with alot more exercise knowledge than me (this isnt hard lol) can help me put together a work out i can do to add to my cardio that i do.

I have read lots of topis on here about how toning and weights is just as important as cardio but i have no idea where to start. Cardio is quite simple i get on my exercise bike and cycle like mad to get my heart rate up.

I'd particularly like to work on my stomach, bingo wings and inner and fronts of my thighs.

Can anyone suggest what exercises i should do,how many, how often etc?

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!!!

Thanks in advance

ps not sure if my weight makes any difference but im currently 180lbs


  • cc8088
    I bought myself a balance ball and I am loving it! It even came with a list of exersices you can do with it. It is so much fun and when you are not using it to work out with you can use it as a chair when you watch tv. Build core muscles while you "vegge out!"
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    You may want to check out Jillian Michaels DVD's such as 30DS or Chalene Extreme... Also has a wide variety of workout dvds... Good luck!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Do you have an iPhone Gem? I can recommend 3 brilliant apps if so...
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Here is a web site with pretty good workouts. When you do cardio on the bike , do intervals instead. Weights are great for building muscle and burning cals as well. Good luck!
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    i do indeed have an iPhone, my most useful tool for food tracking as i always have it on me :-)
  • Chef2B
    Your weight makes a lot of difference. The heavier a person is, the harder they have to work, and the more weight they can lose...

    I had a hard time getting started as well, but if you like the dvd workouts, I would suggest trying Billy Blanks or Bob Harper. I am currently doing both. The Tae Bo is anaerobic, meaning it works on cardio, as well as strength. I like Billy Blank's boot camp collection. He uses the resistance bands that really help and although seems very much like lifting weights; it works the muscles totally different. Bob Harper's Inside Outside Method is great too. He really works you hard. You can use a kettle bell or dumbbell. If you don't have either, believe me, you'll still get a great workout. You can find a lot of these videos on discount @, there's tons of videos that you can even get a clip of what the video looks like before you buy it.
    If you're not into the video thing, try using Fitbie on the MSN homepage. There you can look up different types of workouts that don't require you to be in a gym, or need any type of equipment. I like to look on there to see if there's anything new that I can incorporate into my workouts. They also give suggestions on how many reps should be done, and alternative moves that may work better for you. There are also many articles you can read that can give you tips on things you may or may not already do.

    I hope this helps you in your journey. Good Luck!!!!

    I hope this helps
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Oh cool (you're the first person who's EVER said yes to that question). The apps are:

    Gym ABC
    Fitness Pro

    Gym ABC is the best. It's a paid app, but it's reduced to free quite often (which is when I got it)
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Check out pilates as it is great for your core. There are a couple of free apps available too!
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions guys, will definitely be looking at the apps :-)
  • Keithtron
    I've been incorporating Crossfit-influenced interval workouts into my training routine more and more. It really cuts fat fast, and rips muscle while you're at it.

    This is a popular one:

    Don't be intimidated if you can't do pull-ups or push-ups, all the Crossfit workouts are designed to be scalable for your fitness level. If you can't do a push-up, do push-ups on your knees, or on your knees with your hands on a chair or bed rather than the floor. And if you can't do a pull-up, just hold on to a bar and jump up, resisting your descent as much as you can. Home doorway pull-up bars are cheap and handy!
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Kettlebells are a great tool for building muscle and burning calories. There's a ton of great channels on youtube. Here's one...