will to go on a diet for a long time

hello everyone

I am fairly new to myfitnessplan. I say fairly because i have been subscribed for months but I did not have the will power to keep to my diet regiment until last Monday when I decided to go on my scales and had the shock of my life :P

2 years ago I was 16kg less than I am now. I had dieted and lost 22kg over the coruse of a year...then my thesis happened, I was working (sittign down) for 20 hours a day, for about 8 months. I was also eating terribly, or not at all, which wreaked havoc with my methabolism and I gained a couple of kg. Then after that I kept meaning to go back to exercising daily and eating well...but i always found an excuse and now 2 years later I ahve almost gained it all back and I can't have that.

Do any of you have any tips as to how to lose weight effectively and keep it off?, or how to keep strong and say no to the deliciousness that is bread, chocolate and fried potatoes :P

xx sihon xx


  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Instead of telling yourself no all the time, why don't you just cut down on one item? For example, have fried potatoes once a week instead of four times per week. Or change from creamy dressing to non creamy. Or measuring your food once you see what an actual portion is. Just read labels and be aware of what you are putting in your mouth. And most important, do not get to the point where you are starving and just start shoveling the food into your mouth. I think pre-planning is very important so that you know ahead of time what you are going to eat. Dieting should not be a punishment or looked at as a negative thing. Look at it as you are going to start treating your body better so it can be productive and last longer! Good luck
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Hey! Welcome back to MFP! One thing that you have to really think about with the losing weight is that it isn't a diet... it is a whole change in lifestyle, when you have lost the weight you can't go back to the way you were before you have to keep on keeping on with the lifestyle change. That doesn't mean that you don't get treats...you should do that while you are working on that, because let's be honest how much fun is all work and no play (in regards to food! lol) And you have to decide that you are doing it for you. i started my weight loss journey over a year ago and I have lost 38 lbs since i started but I rebounded over tthe summer because of company and poor eating habits, I made a decision that it wasn't going to happen anymore. The other thing that helps me is I never call what I do a diet because I think that it has negative connotations and I am the one who has the control over what I eat, no one else is telling me what I can and can't eat....I hope this helps! Good Luck and friend me if you want! The more support the better!
  • earthboundsc
    earthboundsc Posts: 11 Member
    Don't deny your self the things you enjoy. You have to incorporate those things into your diet so that you don't get discouraged and bunge. Just eat them in moderation. I do extra exercise before eating the not so good for me foods. It is difficult to stick to it but once you really start seeing results you will want to continue. I've gone from 225 pounds last year to 175 this year and most of that weight loss came in the last 6 months. Also, if you can find a work out partner to help keep you motivated that would help.
  • KWright76
    KWright76 Posts: 72 Member
    It may help you if you don't look at it like a diet but more of a healthy choice lifestyle change. Good luck. Feel free to add me if you need or want support.
  • jagryn
    jagryn Posts: 1 Member
    I lost over 50 lbs, gained back 20 and am now working my way back down. Don't deny yourself any one food, but eat in moderation, what I would call mindful eating, not mindless eating. Think about each thing you are going to eat, before you eat it. Plan ahead. And the most important thing is that what you're doing is not a diet but a healthy lifestyle change that you will do forever. You will slip back, but don't let it get out of hand, like I did. Set a 5 lb limit and if you go over that work harder to get back to your goal weight. I let stress and business get in my way, this time I won't. I also got rid of all my "fat" clothes this time, so now I'm stuck unless I lose the weight!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i found that what worked for me was planning all my meals ahead of time. seriously, packed my lunch and snack, and planned my breakfast and dinner all the night before.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    1) Think of it as a new way of living, not a diet.
    2) Count your calories! We're creatures of habit, so eventually you'll be able to guessimate what you are eating with some accuracy but for now, weight, measure and count.
    3) Plan meals in advance if you can, and keep some healthier snacks with you so you don't fall to vendo-land.
    4) Eat small meals often w/ protein or fiber in each to keep you from feeling hungry.
    5) Don't deny yourself anything, just work it into your daily calorie goal.
    6) Get up and move around every hour, even if it's just to walk around the table and stretch.
    7) Don't beat yourself up if you slip one day. If you slip multiple times, re-evaluate your plan.
    8) Always make sure you are eating -enough- Going hungry makes you grumpy and more likely to slip.

    I've lost 18lb that I've never lost before doing this. It's been achingly slow but it is working!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I wish I had a magic formula for staying on track. Unfortunately there's no such thing. I guess it's in our heads...we have to want it bad enough. It's not a "diet"...it's a lifestyle change....and change isn't always easy. I know that when I eat healthier I feel so much better. I don't feel sluggish and bloated the way I do when I eat all the fat laden, sugar loaded, processed foods. I try to tell myself this is the only body I'll ever have and I need to take care of it the way I would any fine machine. I can't trade this one in on a newer model...it's a "classic" chassis in need of restoration in order for it's beauty to shine.
    When I am successful it's because I plan ahead. I keep fresh foods readily available. Fresh washed grapes cut into small hand sized bunches in a bowl right up front, in view, in my refrigerator....an attractive veggie tray made up and sitting on the shelf next to it. (The Pampered Chef veggie tray is perfect for this!)...or put the fresh veggies in Zip Locks....I keep salad ready in an air tight container. If the healthy foods are readily available I'm not as inclined to reach for the handy snack packs of cookies or chips. I even keep a few cans of Slim Fast around so I can grab one if I'm too busy to eat. If the bread, chocolate, and fried potatoes are a problem....don't keep them around. I'm not saying don't ever eat them again....but maybe just back off for a while or find new, healthier ways to enjoy them in moderation once in a while.
    And don't forget to exercise! You don't have to run marathons....start out with a little walking and strive to do a little more each week. Set goals and try to out do yourself each week...it's rewarding!
    Good luck and don't ever give up! We all slip up or slack off...it's not failure, it's a learning experience and we need to learn what we can....move on....and just keep going! :-)
  • peekabeaux
    1) Think of it as a new way of living, not a diet.......

    Ditto, There is no way I could do this if I think about it as a diet. To me diet is such an ugly word. When I started counting calories I was amazed how fast they add up. I still each pretty much eat what I want- just not as much. I'm only 2 weeks into this but have lost 5 pounds already. The last time I tried to "diet" I lost about 2 pounds for the entire 3 weeks I stayed on it. I guess because when you diet you start thinking of foods you can't have, and by human nature you want them even more.
    Just stick with it and don't berate yourself if you happen to go over a couple of times. What I have learned from MFP is to pay attention what I eat.
    I think this place is a great place for support and am so glad I found it.
  • sihon
    Thank you guys

    your feedback has been greatly appreciated. I will take all your advice on board.

    I dont have a problem with portions...usually i eat too little. anyone who knows me cant believe i eat so little and am still qutie chubby. i think my metabolism is super slow and i need to work harder to lose a lbs. So will is key.

    I agree with you in saying getting the weight off and keeping ti off is a lifestyle change...its an exercise in self control.

    thank you guys and good luck to all of you. We can do this
  • LillyMosley
    It does really suck to gain the weight back again. It is all in the mind isn't it? I also have really enjoyed reading the advice here, it all sounded helpful and also thought provoking.....Good Luck!