
Does anyone else have a problem with bloating?

Weight-wise, I'm pretty much where I should be, just been trying to lose a few pounds to flatten out my belly. But just realised how much of my podge is not fat but down to bloating. (I've been told I have a mild case of IBS) I've always known I look a lot better in a morning than at the end of the day :

This was a few weeks ago, so maybe a couple of pounds lighter, but nothing much, in a morning.

Then by the evening I look more like this :

Now trying not to be TMI, I had an upset stomach at the weekend, which I guess 'cleared things out' :embarassed: and noticed the next morning that my stomach was actually looking like it should for once, rather than looking like I was somewhat pregnant lol.

Now I've seen what it can be like, I'd like to stay like that lol, but alas - am all swollen again already. :sad: Anyone, IBS sufferers or not, got any advice? I know giving up gluten seems to be everyone's first suggestion, maybe it's time to try it?


  • stephanie012000
    stephanie012000 Posts: 17 Member
    Are you drinking enough water during the day? That's my first thought. My second is that yes, I also deal with bloating, usually first thing in the am in my hands, and then by afternoon I notice my midsection is bigger, but it goes down by night fall. I also notice less bloat when I have at least 12 glasses of water a day.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You may want to try finding the trigger for your bloating - it could be triggered by too much gluten, etc. Try by eliminating certain types of food one at a time for several days to see if something works.
  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    FOUND THIS LITTLE BIT OF INFO HOPE IT HELPS... i suffer the same and have found Metamucil & green tea help me :D

    There could be many reasons why you feel bloated and so it’s difficult to give you specific advice. I’d start by making sure that you’re not frequently constipated as this is one of the most common causes of bloating and discomfort. If constipation is a problem, gradually increase the amount of fibre-rich foods you eat such as fruit, veg, wholegrain cereals and bread, wholewheat pasta, brown rice and beans. These high-fibre foods also have the added benefit of preventing hunger from kicking in, which is important if you want to lose weight. And always drink up to eight glasses of water a day, as a lack of fluid can make constipation worse, especially if you’re eating lots of fibre. You’ll find more about constipation and how to prevent it by clicking on: Related Question

    Some foods are also known to cause bloating so you might want to eat fewer of these. Typical culprits include beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, onions and garlic – however, remember these are good sources of fibre and you should eat five portions of fruit and veg a day.

    Swallowing too much air can also give you a bloated tummy and surprisingly, there are several habits that can result in this. Simple things such as talking while eating, using a straw or sports bottle, chewing gum, eating when you’re on the move, drinking from a water fountain and eating when you’re upset are all common culprits so try and eliminate as many of these things as possible.

    You may also find it helpful to cut out fizzy drinks, including sparkling water. Many slimmers fill up on these types of drinks, but the gas they contain simply ends up in your stomach. It’s also worthwhile avoiding too many ‘diet’, ‘sugar-free’ or ‘low-carb’ products that contain sorbitol, mannitol or maltitol. These sweeteners, which are used in place of sugar, have a laxative effect which can leave you feeling uncomfortable and full of wind.

    Some people blame bloating on an intolerance to a certain food such as wheat or dairy products. However, food intolerances are notoriously difficult to diagnose as the symptoms can be so wide ranging, including everything from bloating, fluid retention, headaches and tiredness to constipation and diarrhoea. If you really think you might have an intolerance I suggest you keep a food and symptoms diary to see if there’s any pattern and then see your GP for a proper diagnosis.

    Irritable bowel syndrome is also often associated with bloating. Generally a healthy diet will help you lose weight and keep the symptoms of IBS at bay. But again, if you think this is a problem, you should see your GP.

    Finally you could try drinking chamomile or peppermint tea. It might not be your usual cuppa but drinks like these are good for the digestive system and can help to ease that bloaty feeling.

    If all this advice fails to stop you feeling bloated I suggest you see you GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
  • allenlisa
    My mom has suffered from IBS most of my life. I have watched her struggle with it and take many pills OTC and prescribed. I just put her on Shakeology 2 months ago and she has been able to drop the meds she has been on and hasn't had a serious bout of it since! Message me if you want more info! And lot's of water!! I also heard that a lot of protein (especially if your not used to it) can cause gas & bloating too.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    My husband has the same problem, the only thing that seems to help him is steering clear of things that he knows upsets his stomach and just trying to eat healthy. he also drinks water like a fish and exercises.

    do you drink at all? I know this triggers my husbands ibs and makes his stomach swollen/sore more so with beer than spirits mind you!

    i think it's just different for everyone really, so there's no one set rule for all!!
  • turpz
    turpz Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for listening to my rant, think I'm just annoyed that I was suddenly nearly at goal, and then regressed just as quickly lol.

    To answer, I don't drink alcohol often at all, once every few weeks/months, so that's not the issue. I try and drink more water now than I used to, but probably could get more in (who couldn't?).

    I eat a decent amount of veg (though broccoli makes up a decent part due to me aiming for high iron, but rebeccastar28's post says that could cause bloating?) and eating more fibre doesn't seem to help. Been having these bloat/constipation problems for a few years now, but as is probably all too often the case, GP said it's probably IBS, and that was that.

    I've tried Fybogel which I think is same sort of thing as Metamucil? Don't know anything about Shakeology though?