How long before seeing results ?

Hi guys!!

I'm new here, and I was wondering how long did it take you to start seeing results on the scale or in front of the mirror using MFP ?

I'm a really impatient person so I would like to have advice about that !

Thanks :D


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    It really depends on your weight/height/build, but for me it took a couple of weeks of sticking to the calorie restrictions and working out hard in the gym before I really started getting noticed. Try to work on the patience thing...a lifestyle change is a marathon, not a sprint. I know its hard, because we all want to see immediate results, but trust me...when you do see them, its amazing motivation!

    Good luck!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    The harder you work the faster you will see results if you are eating healthy foods along with working out you should loose a a pound with in the first two weeks but every ones body is not created equal you can go thru my profile pics i have photos showing my wieght lost
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I was seeing results on the scales instantly but it took me about 40lbs before I was really seeing a BIG difference in the mirror, I could see small changes but that was when I thought that I truly looked so much better. You will get the results if you put the work in!!
  • jedinight32
    I know exactly how you feel about wanting to see results quickly. I would say just be patient and give yourself some time to see some real results (I should be taking my own advice here lol). I have not noticed any changes myself but some of my family members whom I have not seen in a while have told me that they can see a difference, so you also might not think that you are getting results when you are judging yourself. Just work hard and stick to it.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I saw results on the scale in the first week. In the mirror? Well, it took longer. It took 20 lbs for my clothes to start feeling looser.
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    i started out at 138lbs and lost 4 lbs the first week, by watching my sodium and drinking a TON of water..........and obviously staying within my calories
  • jessashcher
    I saw results on the scale immediately, as a matter of fact I dropped quite a few pounds the first 2 weeks, still need to lose more before seeing results in mirror but when I took my measurements I dropped some inches. Be patient and it is worth it all. I am like you I want to lose it all and lose it all quickly, but I need to be healthy also, My daughter did the hcg diet and lost 20 lbs. in 1 month, but guess what, after that she put it all back on and then some. If you take off the weight gradually and healthy you should be able to keep it off because you are changing your eating habits for the better.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    I started running in May, periodically. I then did more and more and built it up to 4 times a week for 20 minutes a day about 2 months ago. I saw no change in my body at all. I joined this website about 27 days ago and I have lost 10 pounds and about two inches from my chest and butt. I do exercise hard (25min running, 25min circuit training a day 4 times a week or more) but the food side of things I was lacking. This website has made me shed the weight and now I can actually see that I will get to the end goal! Just stick at it you will get there! :-D
  • AHealthyJD
    Like others have should notice slight differences in the scale right away and perhaps long before you will notice a significant difference in the mirror. However, if you are consistently exercising those endorphins will help you feel more self confident and you will likely notice small differences in your body within a week or two (less dimpling in your legs, tighter stomach area, less arm jiggle, etc.)

    It sounds cliche but just stick with it and try not to fixate on the long term goal or you will become easily discouraged. Each week set a new smaller non scale goal like: drinking 8 glasses of water every day for the whole week, keeping your sodium levels under 3,000 all week, etc. and before you know it you will see progress to be proud of.

    Good luck!
  • skarp36
    :happy: :laugh: Hi, I started this last friday and im already seeing big results on the scales, but i have about 4 stone to lose in total, so i think it really depends on what change it has to your current eating habits. I have had to cut down alot from what i was eating. If you dont have as much to lose i think the key is to use exercise to help, but dont eat all the calories earned by doing it. I would just use them for a treat every now and again, otherwise you will be exercising to eat amd maintain. I think a healthy weight loss is between 1 and 2 lb per week. Good luck and stick with it. A good tip is to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day as it really does help with weight loss!! x
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I started here when I was 185 pounds. I started to see results within the first few weeks. 16 pounds off now, and there is a huge difference.
  • elianexox
    elianexox Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for all the advices !

    I can do it :)
  • gav76
    gav76 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started using MFP this week although I've been exercising more and watching what I eat for a few weeks. My problem is I can't see the link between my calorie intake and my weight...

    Mon - under goal by 300 cals
    Tue - over goal by 500 cals, weight down 2lb
    Wed - under goal by 700 cals, weight up 1lb
    Thu - weight up 2lb

    so when i took in the least calories my weight went up the most the next day!

    I know i should be looking for long term trends, but its pretty demoralising when you work really hard one day only to see your weight go UP the next morning!

    Is there a general timescale for "good" or "bad" calorie intake days reflecting in your weight? should it be noticeable the next day or the day after, or does it just not work like that at all?
  • skarp36
    Hi gav76
    If I were you i would only way yourself once a week, in the morning just after you get up , then you will get a true picture of how much weight is coming off. If you do it everyday it can be very depressing. It can take a week or even 2 for fat to actually deposit around your body if not burned off. I would pick a day a week and make that your weigh in day. Trust me you will like what you see on the scales if you do it that way. Your weight can fluctuate on a daily basis naturally anyway. Good luck, it can be done. Also try and eat all your calories as they are meant as a minimum required. If you go over try and do an hours walk somewhere or go to the gym. x