No More Muffin Top

I have tried to diet many times before but when my children started saying something about my weight it was time to do something about it. My muffin top has to go. It was easy to put it on but heck getting it to go. Any tips on how to stay motivated? The other problem is I am in school at night full time and trying to eat right and not late is not working. Please any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    welcome to the site. i found that with careful meal planning, i've lost a lot of weight. pl say that this is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise, and its true.

    do your best to measure out and weigh every morsal of food that crosses your lips. i like to measure my food out waaaay before i eat it. i back my lunch and snacks for the day the night before, and plan out breakfast and dinner too. usually i fill out my meal diary for the next day the night before. it helps me stay disciplined and in control. i also usually put a little more then i might eat, because it alway feels good to take something off the list.

    start exercising. i don't know what you current activity level is, but start doing something!! walk for 30 minutes, or bike. cycling has become my favorite exercise. i hated running, but i needed a good cardio work out so i dusted off my old mountain bike. i never really biked a lot but i looooved it. started doing 10, 12, 20 miles at a time. i started building up my cardio strength. one day it was raining and i just went "f&*k it" and decided to go for a run, just to see how it feels. i ran just shy of 2 miles. now i try and do one run a week, and even do a bike/run work out, one right after the other. it feels great.

    i signed up for a 5k in november and a triathlon this coming june. basically i've set a fire under my *kitten*. these races cost money, and i'm not going to throw it away. i'm planning on doing a sprint triathlon. its 0.5mile swim, 10 mile bike, 3 mile run. it is completely doable by anyone. look at to find a triathlon near you, and to get a free work out plan. also check out "your first triathlon" by joe friel. its a good book about swimming, running, and cycling, and nutrition too. even if you don't want to do a triathlon, read it to get some info on the most popular cardio exercises out there.

    good luck and enjoy!!
  • qpr4law
    qpr4law Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for your help. The meal planning is my hardest. My budget is very tight, but I am not letting that stop me. I did join a gym and so far I have gone 3 out of 4 days. Thanks for you help and good luck. Keep me posted on the races!